Brief Nots of suche Articles and profes as the master hathe shewed to the sworne men againste the wardens ouersight of the masters meltinge

1.It appereth by diuerse statutes and Records that thexchange & mynte and thofficers therof were two Seuerall and distincte offices and officers which proveth that the warden of thexchange was not to entermeddle with the masters of the mynte meltinge/
2.Item it appereth by the Redde booke wherin the master & warden of the mynts office is particularly explayned and the meltinge of moneyes and bullyon diuerse tymes mentoned that the warden was not accustomed to ouerse the masters meltinge/
3.Item it appereth that by thaccompte for the space of C iiijxx vj yeares wherin the kings proffitte and the wardens charge is particularly expressed the kinge had not any proffit or the warden any ouersight of the masters meltinge/
4.Item it appreth that by thindentments in the tyme aforesaide wherin the kings proffitts & the wardens ouersight is particularly expressed the kinge had not any proffitt or the warden any ouersight of the masters meltinge/
5.Item it appereth by deposition viua voce of two honest witnesses and subscribed by a thirde that in the tyme of kinge henry the viijth the L: Mounteioye Raph Rowlet & Martyn Bowes beinge then seuerall masters And John Coppinger and John Browne beinge then seuerall wardens that neither the saide wardens nor any other officer of the mynte excepte suche as the master did therunto appointte had any thynge to doe with the masters meltinge or cam into the meltinge house either to ouerse or comaunde any thinge there to be don nore kepte any keye of the meltinge house/

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