Warrant from the Principal Commissioners for Prizes to the Master and Worker for the delivery to R. Margetts of a holy water pot out of the booty from Vigo
Lott 39 By the Principal Commissioners for Prizes.
WE having exposed to publick Sale by the Candle, on the 8th of November instant and accordingly Sold unto Mr Robert Margetts the Goods undermentioned, now lying in the Mint of London and in your Custody, Vizt Lott 39 Containing one holy water Pott garnish'd with Fallagreen at six shillings and seaven pence per oz out of the booty from Vigo amounting to sixteen Pounds Nineteen shillings And he having paid the Money for the same, according to Contract, into the Hands of the Receiver General for Prizes; We hereby Require you forthwith to Cause the said Lot of a Holy water Pott to be delivered to the said Robert Margetts or to his Order. For which, this shall be your Warrant. Dated at the Prize-Office in York Buildings, the fifteenth Day of November 1704
To Isaac Newton Esqr Master and Worker of her Majesties Mint or in his absence to Mr John Francis Fauquier his Deputy
Ent H{o}n {Bur}y p{illeg}eu{illeg}
Sir Wm Bathurst/
Edward Brereton
Ant. Duncombe
{M Wm} Gosselin
Robert Margetts
15th. November 1704./
Warrant from the Commissioners of Prizes to deliver
Lot No. 39.