
An Account of the standard peices of Gold & silver remaining in the {cou}rt of the Receipts of the exchequer 9 of Dec: 17{03}

17 {h}: 4 1 Iuly { One standard of silver dated 1 of Iuly 17 {h}: 4 of eleven ounces twopennyweight fine & 18 penny weight of Allay
one of Gold contaning 23 Carrats 3 grains & half perfect fine gr{illeg} & half a grain of Allay
30 of Octob 18 H: 8 The standard of the fineness of the dobyll pla{t}e called Carolus presented & made by Sir John Dannett & others then sworne wh{ich} {t}aketh of the fineness of sterling silver xxd in the pound weight troy
The Gold standard made the same day by the same person for the crown of the dubbil Roose contaning in fineness 22 carratts of fine gold in the pound weight troy & 2 carretts o{f} allay of silver sterling which 2 carretts been accounted for one ounce troy of Sterling silver
A standard without date of Gold to which A labell of Parchm{ent} fastened containing these words Thys ys the Standard of the new Angell & other new coyns contaning 23 carratts (fine gold) one carratt of lAllay
one standard of Silver without date these words written on it being part of a whole sentence.       AND of eleven ounces fine privey mark {illeg}
one standard of Gold without date with these words written Standard of 23 Karretts 10 grains demi fine Privei marke {illeg}
1560. one Standard of Silver dated of 11 onces 2d weight fine
1560 2 Standards of Gold of the same date are writt on the Standard of crown Gold. 22 carretts fine gold        the other the Standerd of fine gold 23 carretts 3 grains & a half fine.
1593 One Standard of Gold dated 1593 whereon ingraved the Standard of Crowne gold of 22 carretts fine
1601 A Standard of silver moneys dated 1 of September 1601 of eleven ou{nces} twopennyweight fine silver commixed with 18 pennyweight of Allay in the pound troy.
1604 19 nov: The Standard comixed of 11 ounces of fine silver' and {illeg} pennyweight of Allay in the pound weight Troy
20 aug. 1605 3 gold standards all of the same date of august 1605 cont' 23 Carretts 3 grains & half of fine gold & half a grain of allay in the pound weight Troy
22 Nov: 1649 One Silver Standard dated 22 of November 1649 of eleven onces 2 penny weight of fine silver and 18 penny weight of Allay in the pound troy
one gold Standard commixed of 22 carretts of fine gold & 2 carretts of Allay in the pound weight Troy of England made 22 of November 1649
19 Oct', 1660 One silver Standard dated 19 of October 1660 commixed of 11 onces 2 pennyweight of fine silver & 18 penny weight of Allay in the pound troy
19 oct' 1660 4 Gold Standards all dated the 19 of Octob 1660 three whereof are of 23 Karretts 3 grains & a half a grain of fine Gold & half a grain of Allay in the pound weight Troy the Impression is a ship full sail on the main sail the Arms of the Kingdom. circumscription Amor Populi Prælictium Regis on the top mast sail in the Standard or penon the letters C{:}R: with an imperiall Crown over them. the 4th peice is commixed of 22 carretts of fine Gold & 2 carretts of Allay in the pound weight troy. the impression thereon is a large Sheld with the Arms of England as born by that King A Compartment Round it & an imperiall crown over it the circumscription Florent concordiâ regna
15 octob 1688. One Gold Standard commixed of 22 Carrots of fine gold & 2 Carretts of Allay in the pound weight Troy
one silver Standard. datd the same day commixed of eleven ounces two penny weight of fine Silver & 18 penny weight of Allay in the pound weight Troy

Ireland. Standards for that Kingdom.

18 Iune 32 H: 8 The Assay of base silver taken the 16 of Iune in the 32 year of King henry the 8th. made to be currant in Ireland haveing the print of the harp the said base Silver is worse in fynes then the Sterling money by 40 penny weight which is 2 over <27v> in a pound weight Sterling and so the pound weight of Silver base is in money coined forty eight Shillings which pound weight is worth but 36 Shillings sterling without date.
Another standard for Ireland inscribed thus this is the Stand{ard} of the new grote & other new coyns containing ten ounces of Sterling & two ounces of Allay. without date
A 3d Standard for Ireland 1600

These Severall Standards & Indentures were seen and transcribed by

John Lowe
Peter LeNeve

22d Dec: 1703.      {illeg} ProCa{merarxe}s Recept' S{cc}ij

This standard commisced of XXII. Carretts of True Gold and II Carretts of Allay in the Pound weight Troy of Great Brittain made the 25th of Iune. 1707

This Standard commixed of XI. Ounces II. Penny weight of True Silver and XVIII. Penny weight of Allay in the Pound weight Troy o{f} Great Brittain made the 25th of Iune 1707.

These two last Standard peices were delivered by the Lord {e}id{a}s{w}{illeg} to the Right Honorable Charles Lord Halifax & to the Vice Chamberl{a}{in} of the exchequer       day of Iuly 1707 & the said Lord & Peter LeNeve Mr John Lowe the senior Vice Chamberlain being out of town gave distinct Receipts for them witnesse my hand Peter LeNeve/

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