At the Tryall of the Pix the 31. Iuly. 1707
8 At the Tryall of the Pix. the. 31. Iuly. 1707.
The Gold & Silver Monies Coyn'd in her Majesties Mint within the Tower of London from the Sixth day of August 1701. Excluded to the 31 Iuly. 1707. Included the Gold Monies at 44l″ 10s,, 00d,, the pound weight with the Monies in the Present Pix. Vizt.
Weight | Tale | Pix | ||||||||
Lwt | oz | Dwt | gr | li | s | D | l | s | D | |
Gold monies. | 12901″ | 02,, | 00,, | 00 | 574101,, | 18,, | 04 | 851,, | 00,, | 00 |
Silver monies. | 7375,, | 01,, | 15,, | 00. | 22862,, | 19,, | 00 | 11,, | 15,, | 00 |
596964,, | 17,, | 04 | 862,, | 15,, | 00 |
Memorandum this Day the Lords of her Majesties most honourable Privey Council met in the Parlour belonging to the Usher of the Exchequer about 10. of the Clock in the Morning My Lord Treasurer sitting on the right side of the Table at the upper end, My Lord Chancelor at the Upper end on the other side but a little advanced to the Tables end thô he might have seated himself in the Middle of the boards end if he had been so Pleased then the Iunior Deputy Chamberlain (the Senior being out of Town) by Virtue of the Chancelor of the Exchequers Warrant) laid before the Lord Chancelor the Tryall peices of Gold & Silver (but if the Senior had been there he was to have carried the Tryal peices & the Iunior was to have carried the Troy Weights) setting them on the Table before my Lord Chancellor (Memorandum Mr Heynes the Auditors Clark in the Talley Court pretended to have carried the Troy Weights but this I doe averr that during my Continuance in the Exchequer for 23 Years last past in the Office of one of the Deputy Chamberlains the two Deputy Chamberlains have carried the Tryall peices & the Troy Weights & laid them before the Lords of the Council and never {till} now any of his Predecessors waited on the Iury as he was pleased to doe this Day & the next Day at Goldsmiths hall but all which his Predecessors ever did was upon the Deputy Chamberlains coming to the Talley writers Office to Demand the Troy Weights he opened his Place where they were deposited & delivered them to the Custody of the Iunior Deputy Chamberlain who carried them as before & In the the Morning of the Tryall of the Pix he went with the Deputy Chamberlain to the furthest of the two Treasurys in the Cloister of Westminster Abbey with his Masters two Keys and the two Deputy Chamberlains with {ea}{ch} of them their two Keys where the two Doors being opened the Deputy Chamberlains took out the Standard peices & Carryed them to the L{ords} but to return as soon as their Lordships were seated & the Standard peices & Weights delivered as aforesaid the three Officers of the Mint opened the Pix with their destinct Keys & burned the Monies out thereof on the Table which done my Lord Chancellor called the Serjeant to return the Writt for the Iury which were called over by the Queens Remembrancer or his Deputy or some one of the {secon}darys of that Office & those who made default were amerced if th{illeg} Lordships pleased or Excuses being made for them if the Excuse{s} seemed Reasonable to their Lordships they excused their Attenda{nce} The Indentures of the Mint being likewise on the Table After wh{illeg} the Lord Chancelor made a Speech or rather gave the Iury the Charge which ended the Iury retired to the Dutchy Court to perform their Duty the Foreman taking the Custody of the Tryall peices & Weights by some others of the Iury the Master & Worker of the mint the Warden & Comptroller sitting with them md the Audit{ors} Clark stayed likewise with them which he needed not to have d{one} neither was it evere done to my knowledge by any of his Predeces{sors} before this Time Whilst they were at their buisiness the flew of the Furnace sett fire on some part of the Top of the House which being presently perceived was prevented from spreading it self. by this Accident the Tryall was prevented that Day the furnace being spoiled by Water thrown Down so the Foreman of the Iury Sir Richard Hoar with Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master & Worker of the Mint Sir John Stanley Bart Warden of the Mint & Peter LeNeve one of the Deputy Chamberlains waited on the Lord Chancellor of Great Brittain to the House of the Honorable Henry Boyle Esqr. Chancelor & Under Treasurer of the Exchequer where his Lordship with the Lod Treasurer & severall Noblemen dined that Day to know his Lordships Pleasure whether he would give them leave to adjourn till the next Day to Goldsmiths Hall in London & that the Deputy Chamberlain should attend them with the Tryall peices & weights which my Lord Chancelor consented to with the Consent of the Lord Treasurer from thence they went to Dinner & adjourned till Six the Next Morning when they mett at Goldsmiths Hall & performed there the buisiness with great Exactness to the Satisfaction of the Lord Chancelor to whom they gave in their Verdict in the Afternoon of the second Day & to whom my Lord gave a particular Caution to find particularly how much the Money was wanting or exceeded the Standards both in Weight finess & Tale & the Deputy Chamberlain Iunior Peter LeNeve attended them with the peices & Troy Weights thô Mr Heynes the Talley Writers Clark did goe alone with the Deputy Chamberlain to Goldsmiths Hall & waited there all the Day dining with them at the Halfmoon Tavern in Cheap Side London
In witness whereof I have herevnto set my hand this 8th day of August 1707
Peter Le neve.