Holograph draft of MINT00541 (Mint 19/2/550)
If the house proceed in the same method for Plate as the last yeare they may be moved as follows.
That for encouraging the bringing in wrought Plate into the Mint to be coined, there shall be allowed to such persons as shall so bring the same after the rate of per ounce for the old standard, & per ounce for the new standard for all plate on which the mark of the Goldsmiths Company of London or any other city is set, & for uncertain Plate not so marked being reduced to standard after the rate of per ounce.
[NB The rates last yeare were 5s 5d, 5s 8d & 5s 6d.]
That an humble Address be presented to her Majesty that she would be pleased to give directions to the Master & Worker of the Mint to receive in all such wrought Plate as shall be brought to him before the day of & to give Receipts to such persons as shall bring the same for the full amount thereof at the several rates & prizes agreed by this house to be allowed for such wrought Plate as shall be brought to the Mint to be coined, & that the same may be immediately coined into & paid into her Majestys Receipt of the Exchequer.
That the said Address be presented to her Majesty by
That all such Receipts to be given by the Master & Worker of the
Mint for any wrought Plate, shall be accepted & taken
for the full amount thereof in any payment to be made upon any
Loans or any Contributions upon any funds to be granted in
this session of Parliament.
That it be an instruction to the Committee upon the money Bills to receive a clause that the Receipts given by the Master & Worker of the Mint for Plate brought in before the day of pursuant to the Resolutions of this House be accepted as so much money in the Contributions towards &c
If there shall be any limitation of the time of accepting the Receipts upon the first payments in the said contribution.
Then the clause to be so drawn that the Receipts dated on or after the day of be accepted only upon the 2d 3d or 4th {payments} in the said contributions
<547v>Mœda 6dwt 21gr at 2d per grain = 27s. 6d. + 2. 3 = 29. 9
Moyder 6dwt 21gr at 2d per grain = 27. 7. + 2. 3 = 29. 10. (Better car) = 29. 11
Pistole Lewidor. 4dwt 7gr. at 2d per grain = 17s. 2d +15 = 18. 7 (− carats) = 18. 6.
Ducatoon 20dwt20 grains = 5. 5d. + 5 = 5s 11d. at 20dwt 16gr = 5. 10
Crusado 11. 4 = 2s. 10d + 3d = 3s. 1d. −8gr worth 3s. 0
Piece of 8 & Lewis weight 17dwt 12gr =4. 6. + 4 = 4. 10 − 12gr = 4s 9d.