Draft of MINT00044 (Mint 19/1/121)
To the Right Honourable the Lords
Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury
May it please your Lordships
In obedience to your Lordships order of reference signified to Vs by Mr Lowndes the 7th Instant upon the severall annexed Petitions for the place of Weigher and Teller of the Mint now vacant, Wee think it Our Duty first to lay before your Lordships the Nature of the employment t'is a Patent Office with a salary of 90ll a year and 10ll for a Clerk the duty is to weigh in firstly all Gold and silver brought dayly into the Mint to compute the standard value and when tis coyned to pay out to the severall Goldsmiths and Merchants their Iust weight, so that the qualifications for it are not onely great honesty & constant attendance but also skill in rating and standarding, & a readiness, as well as exactness, in handling the weights, upon which Account Wee are humbly of Opinion that such as have not been bred up to some Knowledge of the business of the Mint, can not be so well qualifyied to it, tho' otherwise very deserving persons. Mr. Brattell has liv'd long in the Mint, & assisted his Brother during some part of the recoynage in his Office of Assaymaster for which Mr Neale allowed him a sallary of 100li per Annum. he was alsoe sometimes Employed as first Teller & weigher of the hammered Money with an allowance of 10s a day. The Petitioners Mr Ford and Mr Haines Wee believe very well qualified, & the allegations in the severall Petitions true, Mr Haines served in the Mint, dureing the time he was Employed there very well & was two years preferr'd from {there} to the Excise Office, where he is at present. Mr Ford has no other employment but in the Mint, where he now serves very carefully and honestly. As to a further Character of Mr Haines Mr Newton the Master and Worker of the Mint who knows him More particularly is better able to give your Lordshipps an Account