
1 About a month before the triall of the monies in the Pix, his Majesty in Council appoints a day & place for that Triall & notice thereof is sent in writing from the Council to the Lord Keeper & Lords Commissioners of the Treasury & from the Treasury to the Officers of the Exchequer & Mint. The place of late has been in the Vsher of the Exchequer's house.

3 And Vpon the day of the Tryall the Chancellour of the Exchequer provides a dinner for the Iury. The place has usually been at the Dogg Tavern in Palace Yard.

2 Also The Chancellour of the Exchequer sends an Order in writing for the standard Troy weights & the Indented Tryall pieces of his Majestys crown gold monies & standard silver monies kept in the Treasury of the Exchequer to be delivered upon the day of the Triall for the use of the Iury.

If the Ducat of Venice whose value is set down in the Table be that Ducat which goes now at Venice for 6 lires 4 sols de Piccoli the Lire of Venice will be 6d52. And the Hungary Ducat which goes for 16 lires will be worth 8s 8d32 & the sequin of Venice which goes for 17 lires will be worth 9s. 2d84, & the Pistole of Venice which goes for 28 lires will be worth 15s 2d56.

By all which Gold seems to be lower in Italy then in France


A two guilder piece of the Duke of Hannover 1697. wo 7dwt. Weight 18d 18gr. standard 18. 3. 16. Val{ue} 56d1454.

Half Guilder of El. Br 1692. Wo. 2oz 3dwt. Weight 5dwt 13gr. standard 4. 12. 5. Value 1s. 1d98

A Guilder of Duke of Zell Wo. 2oz 4dwt Weight 11dwt 1gr Standard 8dwt. 20gr. 10m.

A quarter Guldin of the Duke of Saxony 1678 Weight 2dwt 1012gr Better 612dwt. Standard 2dwt. 12gr. 6m.

A 4 Mark piece of Swedeland 1693

Ducat of Brandenburgh 2. 5

Ducat of the Duke of Hannover 2. 514.

Ducat of Swedeland 2. 512


At Rome the Pistole of Italy goes for 3 Ecus or 10 Testons or 30 Iules & the Spanish Pistole for 31 Iules. The Ecu of Rome I cannot yet procure to make an Assay of its value. The Teston is worth 1s. 615d & thence the Spanish Pistole is there worth but 15s 8d.

At Florence & Leghon the silver Ducat is goes for 7 lires & is worth 5s 4d63 & therefore the Lire is worth 9d23 And there Pistole goes for 20 lires or 15s. 423d.

At Genoa the Croisat goes for 712 lires & is worth 6s. 6d34 & therefore the lire of Genoa is worth 1012128d.

At Naples the Ducat is 10 Carlins & is worth 3s 443d, & therefore the Carlin of Naples is 4d043.

At Genoa the Croisat goes for 712 lires & is worth 6s 634d & therefore the Lire of Genoa is 10 1528d & there the Pistole is valued at 1712 lires that is 15s. 438d.

At Florence & Legorn the silver Ducat goes for 7 lires & is worth 5s. 463d & therefore the Lire of Florence is 9d23 And there & at Legorn the Pistole goes for 20 lires or 15s 4d23

At Naples the Ducat of silver is worth 3s. 443d And there the Pistole as I am informed is valued at 412 Ducats, that is 15s. 4935d

At Rome three Iulios make a & the Teston is worth 1s 62d & there the Pistole of Italy goes for tne Testons or 15s 2d & the Spanish Pistole ten testons & a Iulio for 15s 8d.

So that gold seems to be lower in Italy then in France or Germany.

At Ancona in the Gulph of Venice the Hungary Ducat goes for 17 Iules or 8s 94d, the Pistole of Italy for 30 Iules or 15s. 2d & the Spanish Pistole for 31 Iules or 15s 8d.

< insertion from the left margin >

At Millain the Philip goes for 6 lires & the Piece of 8 for 5 lires 17 sols so that the Philip is 3 sols or 1d37 better then the Piece of 8 & therefor worth about 4s. 7d37 & at Venice the Sequin is recconed worth two Philippos that is 9s 274

< text from f 265v resumes >

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