
To Sir Isack Newton


The produce of the Coynage Act during the last three years.

Moneys imprested to the Mint in the Tower 24798. 19. 1012
Moneys imprested to the Mint at Edinburgh after the rate of 1200 per annum allowed by Act of Parliament } 3600. 00. 00
Paid at the Exchequer for prosecuting Clippers & Coyners, about 400. 00. 00
Total produce 28798. 19. 1012

The Expences of the Mints in the Tower & at Edinburgh during the last three years.

Moneys expended for coinage in the Tower 28454. 13. 1
Expended for salaries & Repairs of Offices & houses in the Mint in the Tower after the rate of 3500li per annum allowed by Act of Parliament } 10500. 00. 00
Expended in the Mint at Edinburgh 3600. 00. 00
Expended in prosecuting Clippers & Coyners about 600. 00. 00
Total expences of both Mints 43154. 13. 01

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

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