Draft list of editorial amendments to be made to a report on Chaloner
p. 0. NB. The accounts of the Country Mints have not yet past the Audit.
p. 2. lin 6. Read. At the same time our commerce with France brought us yearly in arrear of a million, & a vast
{Ib}. l. 30. delete – & the Indies.
{Il} l 32. Read. till all the legal silver coyn was vanished.
pag. 7. l. 20. read. Darius a King of the Medes & Persians ancienter then Darius Hystaspis coynd pure gold
pag 22 lin 5,6. Let the summs 700000li & 130000li be reexamined.
p. 29. lin 5 delete milled & {lege} hammered
<265v>dyes by a small stroke of a hammer. That one man ––– cast money with a groove, that the greatest part of the hammered money was already recoynd, & that Peter Blo{n}deau the Engineer who first set up the way of coynage in the Tower by the Mill & Press coyned some milled money with a groove but soon left of that way of coynage
p. 83 l. 16. after [purpose] add: & produced Pierce as an evidence of what he said. And Tho. Holloway
p 87 l 35. sent back to the Tower & registered & defaced according to the usuall practise of the Mint, they being of no further use. The country Mints had kept their dyes so carefully that none were missing. Vpon examination it appeared that every Mint returned back the same number of dyes of every sort which they had received from the Tower.