Draft of MINT00868 (Mint 19/1/450-51)
In obedience to your Lordships Order of Reference concerning a Clerk to be allowed the Warden of the Mint for assisting him in the prosecution of coyners & concerning the advancement of money for carrying on the prosecutions & the accountign for the same: We humbly represent to your Lordships that the late Wardens have been allowed such a Clerk, & have been supplied with some moneys by vertue of a privy seal impowering them to seize the forfeited estates of convicted criminals & the surplus of their Accounts hath been paid off out of the civil List money, untill Mr Peyton late Warden of the Mint procured an allowance of any summ not exceeding 400li per annum out of the Coynage money by Act of Parliament for carrying on this service. We are therefore humbly of opinion that the Warden of the Mint do find out a fit person as formerly.
We are also of opinion that this Officer at the end of his Account
All which is most humbly submitted to your Lordships great Wisdome.
10s in town & 25s in the country for searching of houses. The like for every person apprehended & committed. 50s in the town & 4li. 0s in the Country for every person tried if there by as many witness agaisnt him as are sufficient to justify the bringing him to a trial.