
And whereas a doubt hath arisen touching the application of the moneys given by the Act made in the seventh year of her Majestys reign, entituled an Act for continuing the former Acts for the encouragement of the coinage & to encourage the bring forreign coins & British or forreign plate to be coined & for making provision for the Mints in Scotland &c Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid that all the moneys arising by the said Act in Scotland be applicable to the service of coinage in the said Mint or Mints in Scotland after the same manner as the moneys arising by the said Act in England are applicable to the service of coinage in the Mint or Mints in England, & in case the said moneys arising in Scotland by the said Act prove deficient for the said service then so much as shall be wanting may be supplied out of the moneys arising in England provided that the whole exceed not the summ of 1500li in any one year & that in case of a further deficiency the payment of the salaries at the end of every quarter be suspended untill the charges of assaying refining melting & coining with the all charges of necessaries requisite thereunto & of repairing the furnaces tools & Offices for coining be first paid & satisfied.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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