
In England Scotland, France, Flanders, Holland, Hamborough, Florence Leghorn Venice Rome Genoa Lucca Millaon they reccon by pounds, Livres, or Lires Shillings, schellings, sols, soldi & pence pennings, deniers, gross or picabli in the proportion of 20 & 12 to one. In Holland & Flanders they call them Livres sols & deniers de gross or pondt Vlems schellings & gross. And there they reccon also by Florens or Guilders, sols common or Styvers or Patars & Pennings or Penningen in the proportion of 20 & 16 to one. A livre de gross is six Florens, & a sol de gross six styvers.

As in England we reccon by pounds shillings & pence so they reccon in the same proportion in France by livres sols & deniers, in Millain Genoa Luca Bergame by Lires soldi & Deniers; in Venice by Lires soldi & Piccoli, in Rome Florence & Leghorn by Ecus or Escuti sols & deniers d'or, In Nove by Ecus sols & deniers de Marck In Florence & Leghorn they reccon also in the same proportion by Lires soldi & Graces accounting 712 Lires to be 1 Ecu d'or: So also in Flanders & Holland they reccon by Livres sols & deniers de gross or Pondt Vlaems, schellings & gross in the same proportion. There also they reccon 16 Pennings to a Sol common, styver or Patar . 20 styvers to a Floren or Guilder & 6 Florens to a Livre de gross & 212 Florens to a Rixdoller . In Hamborough they reccon 12 grosses or deniers de gros to a sol de gros or schelling 20 schellings to a livre de gross. They reccon also 12 deniers lubs to a Sol lub, 6 sols lubs to a sol de gros, 16 sols lubs to a Marc & 48 sols lubs to a Rixdoller.

In spain they reccon by Maravadis counting 34 Maravadis to a Reau 8 Reaus to a Piastre in piece of eight & 11 Reaus to a Ducat in Merchandice & 11 Reaus & one Maravadi to a Ducat in bills for Exchange. In the year 1676 their money was raised 25 per cent so that 10 Reaus of new plate make an old Piastre & now they coyn at Sevil & & new Piastres lighter then the former in proportion of 5 to 4 so that 8 Reaus of new plate make a new Piastre.

In Portugal they reccon by Res, counting 20 Res to a Vintain, 100 Res to a Teston, 400 Res to a Crusado & 500 Res to a Patagon. But in the year 1643 they raised their money 20 pr cent marking Crusados to pass for 480 res & Patagons for 600.

At Naples they count 5 grains to a Tarin, 10 grains to a Carlin 10 Carlins to a Ducat de Banco & 12 Carlins to a Ducat d'or.

At Leipsic & Naumberg & Berlin they count 12 Fenins to a gross 24 Gross to a Rix doller.

At Dantzick Riga & Coningsberg they count 18 Pennings to a gros, 30 Gros to a Tinf Guilder or Floren & 3Tinfs or Florens to a Rix doller

At Stockholm they count 3 Mares of copper to a mare of Silver & 8 Marcs of silver to a Rixdoller

In Danemarck 13 Fenins or Pennings make a cheling Danish or sol, 16 chelings a Mark Danish or Rick Mark & 6 Marks a Rixdoller. Also 2 Chelings Dans make a Cheling lubs or of Lubec & 2 Marcs Dans a Mark lubs

In several other parts of Europe they have other ways of reccoing

In Savoy & Piemont 4 Quatrines make a soldo & 20 soldi a Lire

At Frankford & Nuremberg, 8 Fenins make a Crutzer, 60 Crutzers a Floren & 90 Crutzers or 112 Florens a Rixdoller.

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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