
Considerations about the valuation of Gold & Silver in proportion to one another.

A Spainisn Pistole was coyned for 33 Reaus or four Pieces of Eight , , & is the 16th part of the weight thereof & of like allay

A Doppia Mœda or Moyder of Portugal was coyned for 4000 Res or ten Crusados & in the 16th part of the weight thereof & of like allay.

Gold is therefore by the standars of Spain & Portugal of sixteen times more value then silver of equal weight & allay. . And at this rate a Guinea is of equal value with so much fine silver as is conteined in 22s. 1d English money of just weight & allay. Now this high value of Gold carries away the silver from Spain as fast as it comes from the west Indies, & the scarcity of Silver in that kingdom. put them upon making their payments at home in Gold & refusing to pay in silver without a premium of 6 per cent: at which rate a Guinea is worth about 20.s 10d.

In France by the Edict of May 1709 a new Lewidor was coyned for 20 livers or 4 new Lewises & is the fifteenth part of the weight thereof of equal allay And by the same Edict fine Gold is valued at 15 times its weight of fine Silver. . At which rate a Guinea is worth 20s 8d12.

A Ducat of Holland & the Empure is current in Holland at 5 Guilders & 5 stivers, that is, at so much fine silver as is conteined in 9s 114d English. At which rate a Guinea is worth 20s 7d12.

According to the rates of Gold to Silver In Italy Germany & the northern Kingdoms, a Guinea may be worth 20s 4d/, 5d 6d, 7d or 8 for the proportion varies a little in the several governments within those counties.

In England therefore, that Gold & silver may keep the same proportion to one another as in the neighbouring parts of Europe, a Guinea should be valued at 20s 7d or 20d or 20s 8d or thereabouts. And if sixpence

NB. 1 The sixpences coyned 18 years ago are lightned about 4 per cent by wearing. The shillings then coyned are lightned about 212 per cent, the half crowns about 114, & the Crowns about 34 per cent. And thereby the old six pences & shillings are pretty well secured from the melting pot, & from being exportaled by the Merchants

2 The new French Gold moneys are coyned coarser then they ought to be by the Kings Edict by about 115 per cent. And this is so much loss to the subjects of France who export Gold into England. But the high price of Gold in England makes them a tripple {reia} or pence.

Qu. 2. If this be not done; will not men that have silver, to begin soon to refuse to make payments therein without a premium of 4 or 8 per cent ot an half penny in the shelling?

In Germany & Italy about 14 years ago, Gold was to silver of equal weight & fineness as 1434 or 1478 to 1 or thereabouts. And at this rate a Guinea was there worth about 20s 6d

In Germany & Italy Gold is valued something lower the in France & Holland.

✝And if 6d were taken from the Guinea, yet Gold would be still higher in England in proportion to silver then in any other part of Europe.

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