
July 30th 1672.


To your last I sent you an answer out of Northamptonshire which I hope you received & therefore shall not repeat the particulars. Onely I add that if Mr Gregory yet expects my answer of his Problem I will work it & send it to you, though to your selfe I beleive it will not be very gratefull. Yesterday I spoke with a Bookseller here about the translation of Kinkhuysen who upon my motion was willing to take it off of Mr Pitts his hand at 3lb, but he has not yet seen the Book. Varenius is newly out of Presse, a Copy of which I send you by this Bearer John Stiles. And this Sir is all at present from

Your humble

I. Newton

The Bookeseller desired me to acquaint you
that Varennius will sold by Mr Martin if
any of your Friends desire it.



To his Honoured Friend
Mr John Collins at Mr William
Austin's house over against
the Adam & Eve in
Petty France in



with a Packet

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Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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