Letter from Arthur Storer to Humphrey Babington, dated 18 April 1681
Deare Unckle Babington
Having an opertunity I make boud to trouble you with these few Lines hopeing that they will find you & the Rest with you in helth & safety praying to god to grant you peace & quietness & setle your Land in a peaceable condition{.} I have bene Ill allmost this 12 Months but Especiously from October 2 on which day I got a fall from horce back by which I gott as I suppose some Inward Bruse that I have bene in a very weake condition ever since so that I have not beene above 2 miles from home never since October the 2 sometimes I am in some hopes of Recovery & sometimes to the Contrary much fearing a Consumption{.} I have heare incloased sent you a Coppey or Table of the Moation of a Comet that appeared with us Last falle in Maryland which as I suppoase did first appeare a morning star in the South East November 16: 1680 the 19th I did see it about 5 in the morning in neare conjunction with the virgins Spike the comet being Elivated above it about of a degree: the 20th of November at 5 in the morning I beheld it & it was then about 2 degrees under Spica virginis being very swift in Motion declineing much to the southward being direct haveing south Latitude the 22 of November affter brake of the day I did see it neare the South East which seemed to me as though it would come to the meridian with Arcturus affter which day we haveing about a weke of clowdey mornings the comet being direct & swift in motion drew so neare the Sun that it was not seene no more with us till I suppoase it became an Evening star which was first sene then to appeare with us {it} was december the 16th that the Comet appeared: but part of the Taile or Streame thereof It being so Large & bright was seene about the 10th day affter Sun Sett in the South west which was a very great amaizement to many & likewise to my selfe to see such a Long bright streame then In forme like a Sword Streameing from the Horizon about in altitude being so nearly affter Sun Set & no star to be Seene with us Till the 16 day which was the first time that Observations could be made as is heare shewed by this Encloased table{.} Though I have sett downe theare Every dayes Motion from the 16th of december to the 13th of January yet my dayes of Observation was as followeth Impr December 16 & 17: the 25th the 26: the 28 the 30th: January the :1: the 2: the 7 & 8: the 11 & 13 the 25th & 26: the 30 & 31: after which time the Comet was so Obscured that Observation could not be well maid though part of the taile appeared till about the 5th of february: about which time it Spent it Selfe to Southward of the Head of Meduza: But what neede I trouble you with a Table there of So rudely cumpoased for no doubt but you ar furnished Long before this with tables thereof far more presise & exact then this is by Observations which hath bene allredey made with you by far more Large & Costley Instruments then mine be for I suppoase that the Comet did appeare To all Inhabitable parts of the world by Reason of the North & South declination it had though I suppoase that being a Eveing star it might in some placeis appeare sooner then in others{.} Therefore If you please to do me that kindeness as to Lett Mr Newton Looke over this Table To see how much I have Ered in my Observations & If he please to give me an Accompt thereof{.} As for the Instrument by which I Observed, it was but a pocket pece & therefore cannot be so Exact as those of far Larger Sizeses therefore mine may sometimes faile about one degree in the Right Ascension & a degree in the declination which is in some placeis but one forth part of a dayes Motion{.} As for the Longitude of this place I suppoase it to be about from London westwardly{.} But If Mr Newton be more desirous to know the Trueth thereof There was an Eclips of the Mone Feb 22: the beginning with us was about in the Morning the Moone at Setting neare about 10 digits Eclipsed by which meanes the Longitude may somewhat nearly be Obtained by them who ar well versed in astronomy: Our Latitude being .
< insertion from the left margin >Haveing no moore at present but my Duty To you with my Best Respects To All my frends with you I Rest at your Command your Nephew To serve you: Arth: Storer
From Patuxant River in Maryland neare Mr {illeg}kinders neare Hunting Creek Aprill 18: 1681
< text from f 5:1r resumes > <5:2v>For the Reverend Doct Humph:
Babington at Treynety Colidg
In Cambridig Diliver
{in {illeg}}{4}
A Table shewing The Right Ascension declination and Culmination of A Comet that first appeared an Eveing star December the 16th 1680: In Maryland The Latitude and the Longitude from London about Westardly{.} The use of the Table is thus In the first Collumn towards the left hand sheweth the month day & yeare{.} In the second Collumn sheweth the hour & minute of the night that the Observation was made{.} The third Collumn sheweth the Comets Right Ascension in Degrees & minute{.} The Fourth Collumn sheweth the Comets declination in Degrees & minute the Letter S: signifyeth South Declination & :N: North: The Fifth Collumn sheweth the degree signe & minute of the Comets Cullmination vizd when the Comet Comes to the meridian with the Sun &c{.}
This Comet as I suppoase did first appeare a Morning Star & as far as I can give notice thereof was first seene with us to appeare In Maryland November the :16: 1680: Being a Morning Star In the South west which I suppose then to be neare the 10th degre of Libra haveing then but Litle Latitude from the Ecliptick being as I suppoase Northward: of frijday the 19th about 5 in the Morning I did see it about South East in neare Conjunction with the virgines Spike the Comett being elivated above it about of a degree at which time I beheld it with a prospective glass & seemed to me to be very bigg so that I could Judg it to be no Less then 2 or 3 times bigger then Spica virginis as I compared them by the glass which appeared of a grim pale Leadon Coller more Like a bright cloud then a star the Taile then being about or :: in Length darting uppwards as the Evening Comet did the 20th day of November about 5 in the morning I beheld it & it was then about 2days under Spica virginis Being very swift in motion & direct the 22 day of November I did see it neare the S: East which seemed to me as though it would come to the Meridian with Arcturus after which day was about a weke or better of clowdey wether with us & the comet being Direct & very swift in Motion drew so neare the Sunn that it was not seene no moore with us: till as I suppose it became an Evening Star which was first seene then to appeare with us was December 16th that the comet appeared but part of the taile or streame therof it being so Large & bright was seene about the 10th day of December after Sun Sett in the south west which was a very great amazement to many & Likewise to my selfe to see such a Long bright streame then in forme Like a sword streameing from the Horizon above in altitude being so nearely after Sun Sett & no star then to be seene: the 16th day when first the Comet appeared I Observed the Leingth of the taile which was then about 55 or 60 Degrees in Length & Likewise the hight of the Taile when that the comett was about setting neare about 45 degrees so that I did observe that the Taile did appeare affter that the comett was sett about 3 or 4 hours it being so bright & Long that I suppoase that the Like hath not beene seene this 100: of yeares for to have so Large & bright a streame or taile though the Comett was but small not neare so bigg to the Ey as the morning Comet Weare & the Reason is as I suppoase is because it was neare the Sun & had in a months Time above spent it selfe for 5 or 6 months time is supposed to spend the Greatest comet as Ever yet was seene{.} I might have heare sett downe the Longitude & Latitude But by Reason of the Smallness of my Instruments by which I observed I might be apt to faile somewhat of Exactness thereby which may by Chance faile about one Degree in the Right Ascension & halfe a degree in the Declination{.} Therefore I Omitted the Longitude & Latitude & sett downe onely the Right Ascension Declination & time of Cullmination whereby is Easily gained the Longitude & Latitude & likewise the Comets Ryseing Southing & Setting Altitude Amplitude Azimuth the Cozmicall Rysing & Acronicall Setting for Every day from december :16th: to Jan 13 & the Rest According to the Table &c{.}