
London januar 2 7677.


Next to my hearty wishes of many happy new years to you, I am to acquaint you, vpon the receipt of yours of Dec. 26, that Mr {A}uste{n} is dead, without leaving any child; so that I know not at present, who may supply his place, but shall inquire of my friend, how to proceed in this matter, and giue you notice accordingly.

I am of thesame opinion with you that tis better to suspend that printing of the two {letter}s mention{'}d in your last, till you haue answer'd s{ome} at leas{t} of the Objections made from Liege.

I cannot but acquaint you with a{n} {ex}t{ra}{ordinar}ily curious present, sent to me from beyond seas for the King as Founder of the R. Society and for the society itself which I presented yesterday to his Majesty as philos{op}{hi}cal strena, and shall present to the Society on thursday next, God willing, where I wish you present, especially since it is, so uncommon a Phænomenon of Light. For it is a Factitious stony matter (not at all of the lapsi Bononiensis) which, being for a litle while exposed to the Day, or the flame of a Candle, so imbibes the light as to shine in the dark, like a glowing Coal, and continues that <40v> splendor a longer or shorter time according to that duration, it hath been kept turned to the day — or candle — light. The king and whole Court were exceedingly pleased with this phænomenon: And I should be yet more, if I might know to giue a rational account of thesame, and with what kind of Theory concerning Light it agrees best. Supposing, you would be well pleased to hear of such an unusual effect, I would not omit imparting it to you, as


your faithfull humble servant

H. Oldenburg.


To his honoured Friend Mr Isaac Newton, Professsor of the Mathematicks at Cambridge, at his Chamber in {T}rinity Colledge.


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