Letter to John Conduitt, 12 April 1732
12 April 1732
Considering that perhaps His Majesty may like better to do Himself what I might have attempted with more difficulty, by an Address to Him from either House; I beg leave to send You the enclosed Petition for his Majesty, which I shou'd be glad You wou'd be pleased to present to Him, or at least cause to be presented by some proper Person of Your own chusing, together with the Relation of Count Fenil his Plot against the Prince of Orange. The Earl of Pembroke, I believe, wou'd not refuse to do this for me. And in case, Sir, You decline to do it Yourself; or if You know no likelyer Person than him, I hope You will be pleased to apply to his Lordship, and to do for me, in consort with him what You can, and what You do think most prudent in this Affair. I leave it to You, Sir, to determine Whether it be best to make Application to the King only; or to the House of Commons alone, or else to the House of Lords alone, in order to their presenting, either of them, an Address to his Majesty in my favour. I hope You will endeavour, Sir, that, if any thing be done, it may not be what may seem a Disgrace to the Publick and to me. I intend, by the next Post to send another and fairer Copy of the Relation of that Plot, it being now too late. I remain with much Respect and Gratitude,
Honoured Sir,