List of Abbreviations
List of Abbreviations
ADB: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (Leipzig, 1875-1912)
BL: British Library
Bruckner: J. Bruckner, A Bibliographical Catalogue of seventeenth-century German Books Published in Holland (The Hague and Paris, 1971)
CSPD: Calendar of State Papers (Domestic Series)
DNB: Dictionary of National Biography (London, 1885-1903)
Doorman: G. Doorman, Patents for Inventions in the Netherlands during the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries (abridged trans. Joh. Meijer, The Hague, 1942)
DSB: Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York, 1970-80)
Eph 55 (etc.): Hartlib, Ephemerides 1655 (etc.)
HDC: George Turnbull, Hartlib, Dury and Comenius: Gleanings from Hartlib's Papers (Liverpool, 1947)
Hessels: J.H. Hessels (ed.), Ecclesiæ Londino-Batavæ Archivum (1887-97)
HP: Hartlib Papers
KK I: Jan Kvačala, Korrespondence Jana Amosa Komenského I (Prague, 1897)
KK II: Jan Kvačala, Korrespondence Jana Amosa Komenského II (Prague, 1902)
MCG: Monatshefte der Comeniusgesellschaft
MGP I: Jan Kvačala, Die Pädagogische Reform des Comenius bis zum Ausgange des XVII Jahrhunderts I: Texte (Monumenta Germaniæ Pædagogica XXVI, Berlin, 1903)
MGP II: Jan Kvačala, Die Pädagogische Reform des Comenius in Deutschland bis zum Ausgange des XVII Jahrhunderts II: Historischer Überblick, Bibliographie, Namen- und Sachregister (Monumenta Germaniæ Pædagogica XXXII, Berlin, 1904)
NNBW: Nieuw Nederlands Biografisch Woordenboek (Leiden, 1911-37)
Partington: J.R. Partington, A History of Chemistry II (1500-1800) (London, 1961)
SHUR: Mark Greengrass, Michael Leslie and Timothy Raylor (eds.), Samuel Hartlib and Universal Reformation: Studies in Intellectual Communication (Cambridge, 1994)
Thorndike: Lynn Thorndike, A History of Magic and Experimental Science V-VIII (Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries) (New York, 1941-58)
UBA: Universiteitsbibliothek Amsterdam