
The following bibliography is in four sections: (I) manuscript sources, (II) reference works and bibliographies, (III) primary printed sources (works written, though not necessarily published, before the end of the 17th century) and (IV) secondary printed sources. Reference works are listed alphabetically by compiler, or by title in the case of multiple collaborations. Primary printed sources are listed alphabetically by original author. The author's name is given in square brackets in the case of translations, compilations and works reproduced within the work of a later writer. Compilations of correspondence or of other writings by more than one hand are listed alphabetically by editor. Works by the same author are listed chronologically by date of composition, with compilations and collections of correspondence appearing last.

Prepositions appearing as separate words within surnames (eg. de, von) are ignored for the purposes of alphabeticisation: thus E.G.E. van der Wall appears under W, not V.

I: Manuscript Sources

British Library:

Birch MS 4279 fols. 147-8: Moriaen to John Pell, 30 March 1652, and Moriaen to Jan Abeel, 5 Aug. 1658

Sloane MS 649 fol. 212: Moriaen to Hartlib, 13 June 1653

Gemeendearchief Arnhem:

RA 513: Procuratie de Anno 1656 Tot 1663

Herzog August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel:

Cod. Guelf. 56 Extrav.: miscellaneous correspondence of J.V. Andreæ

Cod. Guelf. 65.1 Extrav.: letters of J.V. Andreæ to Herzog August the Younger of Wolfenbüttel

Cod. Guelf. 149.6 Extrav.: letters of J.V. Andreæ and Herzog August to Georg Philip Hainhofer

Cod. Guelf. 236.1-236.2 Extrav.: letters of Herzog August to J.V. Andreæ and copy letters, Herzog August to Georg Philip Hainhofer

Cod. Guelf. 98 Novi fol. 308: Johann Wiesel to Moriaen, 17 Dec. 1649

Cod. Guelf. 74 Noviss. 2o: letters of J.V. Andreæ to Georg Philip Hainhofer

Cod. Guelf. 15 Noviss. 8o: letters of Herzog August to J.V. Andreæ

Sheffield University Library:

The Hartlib Papers

Stadts- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg:

Sup. Ep. 100, fols. 60-63: Hartlib to J.A. Tassius, 10 Aug. 1638

98.19-22: Joachim Morsius to Joachim Jungius, 26 Aug. 1643

Universiteitsbibliothek Amsterdam:

N65a-h: letters of Moriaen to Justinus van Assche

II: Reference Works and Bibliographies

Aa, A.J. van der: Aardrijkskundig Woordenboek der Nederlanden (Gorinchem, 1844)

Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (Leipzig, 1875-1912)

Biographie générale (Paris, 1852-1866)

Bruckner, J.: A Bibliographical Catalogue of seventeenth-century German Books Published in Holland (The Hague and Paris, 1971)

Catholic Encyclopedia, The (New York, 1907)

Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques (Paris, 1988)

Dictionary of National Biography (London, 1885-1903)

Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York, 1970-80)

[Doorman, G.]: Patents for Inventions in the Netherlands during the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries, abridged trans. Joh. Meijer, (The Hague, 1942)

Dünnhaupt, Gerhard: Personalbibliographien zu den Drucken des Barock (Stuttgart, 1990)

Duveen, Denis I.: Bibliotheca alchemica et chemica (London, 1949)

Elias, Johan E.: De Vroedschap van Amsterdam (Amsterdam, 1963: first ed. Haarlem, 1903-5)

Encyclopædia Judaica (Jerusalem and New York, 1972)

Faber du Faur, Curt von: German Baroque Literature: A Catalogue of the Collection in the Yale University Library (Yale, 1958)

Ferguson, John: Bibliotheca chemica (Glasgow, 1906)

Fortsetzung und Ergänzungen zu Jöchers allgemeinem Gelehrten-Lexicon, angefangen von Johann Christoph Adelung (Leipzig, 1784-1897; photolithograph Hildesheim, 1960-61)

Fürst, Julius: Bibliotheca Judaica (Leipzig, 1849-63)

Graesse, J.G.Th. and Friedrich Benedict: Orbis Latinus oder Verzeichnis der wichtigsten lateinischen Orts- und Ländernamen (Berlin, 1909)

Grosses vollständiges Universal Lexicon aller Wissenschaften und Künste ('Zedlers Universal Lexicon') (Halle and Leipzig, 1732-54)

Jöcher, Christian Gottlieb: Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexicon (Leipzig, 1750-51; photolithograph Hildesheim, 1960-61)

Kumpera, Jan: Jan Amos Komensky: Poutník na Rozhraní Veku (Ostrava, 1992)

Müller, Joseph: 'Zur Bücherkunde des Comenius: Chronologisches Verzeichnis der gedruckten und ungedruckten Werke des Johann Amos Comenius', Monatshefte der Comeniusgesellschaft 1 (1892), 19-53

Nationaal Biografisch Woordenboek (Brussels, 1964-74)

Neue Deutsche Biographie (Berlin, 1953-94)

Nieuw Nederlands Biografisch Woordenboek (Leiden, 1911-37)

Partington, J.R. A History of Chemistry II (1500-1800) (London, 1961)

Recke, J.F. von and K.E. Napiersky: Allgemeines Schriftsteller- und Gelehrten-Lexikon der Provinzen Livland, Esthland und Kurland (Mitau, 1827-32)

Scholem, Gershom: Bibliographia Kabbalistica (Leipzig, 1927)

Thieme, Ulrich and Felix Becker: Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler, von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart (Leipzig, 1907)

Thorndike, Lynn A History of Magic and Experimental Science V-VIII (Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries) (New York, 1941-58)

Toepke, G. (ed.): Die Matrikel der Universität Heidelberg von 1386 bis 1662 (Heidelberg, 1886)

Woodcroft, Bennet: Titles of Patents of Invention (London, 1854)

III: Primary Printed Sources

Andreæ, Johann Valentin: Chymische Hochzeit Christiani Rosenkreutz Anno 1459 (first pub. 1616), Quellen und Forschungen zur Württembergischen Kirchengeschichte VI, ed. Richard van Dülmen (Stuttgart, 1973).

- Reipublicæ Christianopolitanæ descriptio (Strasbourg, 1619)

[ - ] Christianopolis, English translation of the above by Felix Held (New York, 1916).

- Christianæ Societatis imago (Tübingen, 1620)

- Christiani amoris dextera porrecta (Tübingen, 1620)

[ - ] George Turnbull, 'Johann Valentin Andreæs Societas Christiana', Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 73 (1954), 407-432 (introduction and Latin text of Andreæ's Christianæ Societatis imago and Christiani amoris dextera porrecta, q.v., transcribed from the Hartlib Papers) and 74 (1955), 151-185 (John Hall's English translation of the above, first pub. 1647)

- Amicorum singularium clarissimorum funera (Lüneburg, 1642)

[ - ] Selbstbiographie, trans. from the manuscript of Vita ab ipso conscripta by David Christoph Seybold (Winterthur, 1799)

[ - ] Johann Valentin Andreæ - ein schwäbischer Pfarrer im Dreißigjährigen Krieg, ed. Paul Antony (Heidenheim an der Brenz, 1970). Selected writings in German translation.

[Anon.]: Fama Fraternitatis des löblichen Ordens des Rosenkreutzes (first pub. 1614), Quellen und Forschungen zur Württembergischen Kirchengeschichte VI, ed. Richard van Dülmen (Stuttgart, 1973). The edition attributes this and the following work to J.V. Andreæ.

[Anon.]: Confessio Fraternitatis oder Bekanntnuß der löblichen Bruderschafft deß hochgeehrten Rosen Creutzes (first pub. 1615), Quellen und Forschungen zur Württembergischen Kirchengeschichte VI, ed. Richard van Dülmen (Stuttgart, 1973)

Anon. (ed.), Musæum hermeticum reformatum et amplificatum (Frankfurt am Main, 1678)

Anon. (ed.): Theatrum chemicum, præcipuos selectorum auctorum tractatus de chemiæ et lapidis philosophici antiquitate, veritate, jure, præstantia, & operationibus (Strasbourg, 1659-60)

Ashmole, Elias (ed.): Theatrum chemicum britannicum, Containing Severall Poeticall Pieces of our Famous English Philosophers, who have written the Hermetique Mysteries in their owne Ancient Language (London, 1652: reprint with an introduction by Allen G. Debus, The Sources of Science XXXIX, New York and London, 1967)

Aubrey, John: Brief Lives, Mainly of Contemporaries, set down by John Aubrey, ed. Andrew Clark (Oxford, 1898)

R. Avé-Lallemant (ed.): Des Dr. Joachim Jungius Briefwechsel (Lübeck, 1863)

Bacon, Francis: The Works of Francis Bacon, ed. James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis and Douglas Denon Heath (London, 1857-1874)

Beeckman, Isaac: Journal tenu par Isaac Beeckman de 1604 à 1634, ed. Cornelijs de Waard (The Hague, 1939-53)

Blekastad, Milada (ed.): Unbekannte Briefe des Comenius und seiner Freunde 1641-1661 (Ratingen and Kastellaun, 1976)

Böhme, Jacob: Werke, ed. Will-Erich Peuckert (Stuttgart, 1961)

Boyle, Robert: The Sceptical Chymist: or Chymico-Physical Doubts & Paradoxes, Touching the Spagyrist's Principles Commonly call'd Hypostatical; As they are wont to be Propos'd and Defended by the Generality of Alchymists. Whereunto is præmis'd Part of another Discourse relating to the same Subject (London, 1661)

- The Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1772)

[ - ] The Early Essays and Ethics of Robert Boyle, ed. John T. Harwood (Carbondale and Edwardsville, 1991)

Braddick, M.J. and M. Greengrass (eds.), The Letters of Sir Cheney Culpeper (1641-1657) (Camden Miscellany XXXIII, Cambridge, 1996)

Browne, Thomas: The Works of Sir Thomas Browne, ed. Geoffrey Keynes (London, 1928, new edition 1964)

[Campanella, Tommaso]: La cité du soleil (orig. Civitas solis, 1623), edited with an introduction and notes by Luigi Firpo, trans. Arnaud Tripet (Geneva, 1972)

Cardilucius, Johann Hiscius (ed.): Magnalia medico-chymica, oder Die höchste Artzney- und feurkünstige Geheimnisse, wie nemlich mit dem circulatio majori oder dem universal aceto mercuriali […] die herrlichsten Artzneyen […] zu machen (Nürnberg, 1676)

[Comenius, Jan Amos]: Der Labyrinth der Welt und das Paradies des Herzens (orig. Labyrint sveta a ráj srdce, 1631), trans. Zdenko Baudnik (Lucerne and Frankfurt am Main, 1970)

[ - ] A Reformation of Schooles, anon. English translation of Prodromus Pansophiæ (1639) and Conatuum pansophicorum dilucidatio (1639) (London, 1642)

- Opera didactica omnia (Amsterdam, 1657: facsimile reproduction Prague, 1957)

[ - ] Comenius' Självbiografi: Comenius about himself, reprint of Continuatio admonitionis fraternæ de temperando charitate zelo, 1670, with Swedish and English translations by Jan-Olof Tjäder and Agneta Ljunggren (Stockholm, 1975)

[ - ] De rerum humanarum emendatione consultatio catholica, incomplete translation by A.M.O. Dobbie:

I: Panegersia (Shipton on Stour, 1990)

II: Panaugia (Shipton on Stour, 1987)

IV: Pampædia (Dover, 1986)

V: Panglottia (Shipton on Stour, 1989)

VI: Panorthosia (chapters 19-26) (Sheffield, 1993)

VII: Pannuthesia (Shipton on Stour, 1991)

[ - ] John Sadler: Comenius (London, 1969). English translations of selected writings, with an introduction.

[ - ] R.F. Young: Comenius in England (London, 1932). English translations of selected writings, with an introduction.

[ - ] John Amos Comenius on Education (Unesco, 1957). Selected writings, trans. M.W. Keatinge and Iris Unwin, with an introduction by Jean Piaget.

J. Crossley and R.C. Christie (eds.): The Diary and Correspondence of Dr John Worthington, 2 vols., the second being in two parts: vols. XIII (Manchester, 1847), XXXVI (Manchester, 1855) and CXIV (Manchester, 1886) of Chetham Society Remains

Donne, John: Ignatius His Conclave, ed. T.S. Healy (Oxford, 1969)

Dury, John: Considerations tending to the Happy Accomplishment of Englands Reformation in Church and State (London, 1647)

Evelyn, John: The Diary of John Evelyn, ed. W. Bray (London, 1879)

Figulus, Petr: Peter Figulus. Letters to Samuel Hartlib 1657-58, ed. Milada Blekastad (Lychnos, Lärdomshistorika Samfundets Årsbok, 1988)

Gauden, John: The Love of Truth and Peace: A Sermon Preached before the Honovrable Hovse of Commons Assembled in Parliament Novemb. 29. 1640 (London, 1641)

Glauber, Johann Rudolph: 'Briefwechsel zwischen J.R. Glauber und Otto Sperling', ed. Ad Clément and J.W.S. Johnsson, Janus 29 (1925), 210-233

- Furni novi philosophici Oder Beschreibung einer New-erfundenen Distillir-Kunst (Amsterdam, 1646-9)

- Miraculum mundi oder Außführliche Beschreibung der wunderbaren Natur/ Art vnd Eigenschafft deß großmächtigen Subjecti, von den Alten Menstruum Universale oder: Mercurius Philosophorum: genandt (Amsterdam, 1653-1660)

- Glauberus ridivivus; Daß ist: Der von Falschen und Gifftigen Züngen ermorte/ vnd mit Lügen und Lastermaulen gleichsam begrabene/ nun aber durch Hülff vnd Zeugnis der Wahrheit wieder auffgeständene Glauber (Amsterdam, 1656)

- Des Teutschlandts Wohlfart (Amsterdam, 1656-61)

- Tractatus de natura salium: Oder Außfürliche Beschreibung deren bekanten Salien, vnterscheiden Natur, Eigenschafft/ vnd Gebrauch (Amsterdam, 1658)

- De tribus lapidibus ignium secretorum (Amsterdam, 1667)

[ - ] Glauberus concentratus oder Kern der Glauberischen Schrifften (Leipzig and Breslau, 1715). An abridged version (editor anon.) of Glauber's complete works, with marginal comments and 'explanations' that are of some interest for an assessment of early 18th-century interest in alchemy

Hartknoch, Christoph: Preussische Kirchen-Historia, darinnen von Einführung der christlichen Religion in diese Land, wie auch von der Conservation, Fortpflanzung […] und dem heutigen Zustande derselben ausführlich gehandelt wird. Nebst vielen denckwürdigen Begebenheiten […] Aus vielen gedruckten […] Dokumenten […] zusammengetragen (Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig, 1686)

Hartlib, Samuel: A Further Discoverie of the Office of Publick Addresse for Accommodations (London, 1648)

-(ed.): Samuel Hartlib His Legacie of Husbandry. Wherein are bequeathed to the Common-Wealth of England. not onely Braband, and Flanders, but also many more Outlandish and Domestick Experiments and Secrets (3rd. edition, London, 1655)

- (ed.): Chymical, Medicinal, and Chyrurgical Addresses Made to Mr Samuel Hartlib Esq. (London, 1655)

- (ed.): The Reformed Common Wealth of Bees. Presented in severall Letters and Observations to Sammuel Hartlib Esq. (London, 1655)

Hessels, J.H. (ed.): Ecclesiæ Londino-Batavæ archivum (London, 1887-97)

[Israel, Menasseh ben]: The Hope of Israel, anon. translation of Spes Israelis (1650) (London, 1650)

Jungius, Joachim: Über die Originalsprache des Neuen Testaments vom Jahr 1637, aufgefunden, zuerst herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Johannes Geffcken (Hamburg, 1863)

Kvačala, Jan (ed.): Korrespondence Jana Amosa Komenského (Prague, 1897-1902)

- (ed.): Die Pädagogische Reform des Comenius bis zum Ausgange des XVII Jahrhunderts I: Texte: Monumenta Germaniæ Pædagogica XXVI (Berlin, 1903)

[Lodwick, Francis]: The Works of Francis Lodwick: A Study of his Writings in the Intellectual Context of the Seventeenth Century. Facsimile edition of Lodwick's published works and transcription of 'Of an Universall Real Character' and 'Concerning Short Writing', with an introduction by Vivian Salmon ('throughout the world', 1972)

Löhr, Rudolf (ed.): Protokolle der hochdeutsch-reformierten Gemeinde zu Köln 1599-1754 (Inventare Nichtstaatlicher Archive vols. 20, 24, 27, 33) (Cologne, 1976-90)

Monconys, Balthasar de: Les voyages de M. Monconys (Paris, 1695)

Morsius, Joachim: COPIA Einer kurtzen eylfertigen/ doch Rechtmässiger Ablehnung oder Protestation, kegen [sic] die vnbedachtsame vnd widerrechtliche Citation Burgermeister vnd Rath der Stadt Hamburg/ in justissimâ causâ Morsiana ('Philadelphia, PaCe DeI Internâ, nIsI paX eXterna frVaMVr' [= Hamburg?, 1634])

Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim): Werke, ed. Karl Sudhoff (Berlin, 1922-33)

Patera, A (ed.): Jana Amosa Komenského Korrespondence (Prague, 1892)

[Pell, John]: 'An Early Mathematical Manifesto: John Pell's Idæa of Mathematics', P.J. Wallis, Durham Research Journal 18 (1967), 139-148 (first pub. London, 1638). The complete English text of the Idæa with an introduction and a summary of contemporary reaction in English translation.

Pepys, Samuel, The Diary of Samuel Pepys ed. Robert Latham and William Matthews (London, 1970-83)

Plattes, Gabriel: A Discovery of Infinite Treasure, Hidden since the Worlds Beginning. Whereunto all men, of what degree soever, are friendly invited to be sharers with the Discoverer, G.P. (London, 1639)

- A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure, viz. Of all manner of Mines and Minerals. from the Gold to the Coale; with plaine Directions and Rules for the finding of them in all Kingdomes and Countries (London, 1639)

- A Description of the Famous Kingdome of Macaria (London, 1641)

[Poniatovská, Christina]: The Divine Revelations of Christina Poniatowska made in the years 1627, 1628 & 1629 faithfully translated from the Bohemian language into Latin by J.A. Comenius, English translation by W.J. Hitchens (The Hartlib Papers Project, University of Sheffield, unpublished)

Raselius, Christoph Andreas: Trew-Hertzige Buß-Posaune, Angeblasen vber eine sehr denckwürdige zur zeit Kaysers Ludovici Bavarii vor 300. Iahren/ Anno 1322 geschehene Propheceyung/ Vom jetzt vnd zukunfftigen zustande des Teutschlands/ Kayserthumbs/ vnd andrer Stände auch des Königs in Schweden (s.l., 1632)

Roth, Leon (ed.): Correspondence of Descartes and Constantine Huygens (Oxford, 1926)

Sorbière, Samuel: Relations, lettres et discours de Mr. de Sorbière sur diverses matières curieuses (Paris, 1660)

[ - ] 'Drie Brieven van Samuel Sorbière over den Toestand van Holland in 1660', ed. P.J. Blok, Bijdragen en Mededeelingen van het historische Genootschap 22 (1901), 1-89

Sprat, Thomas: History of the Royal Society (London, 1667)

Teting, Nicolaus: Abgetrungene Kurtze/ jedoch gründliche/ vnd mit H. Schrift vnd Lutheri, Philippi Melanthonis, Pomeranii, Brentii vnd anderer Authentisierten Lutherischen Theologen mehr Wolbewehrte Verantwortung/ NICOLAI TETINGS, Auff Deß zu Lübeck/ Hamburg vnd Lüneburg Predigampts ohnlengst in Trucke außgegangenem Buche/ vnter dem Titel: Außführliches Bericht (s.l., 1635)

Waard, Cornelis de, et al. (eds.): Correspondance du P. Marin Mersenne, religieux minime (Paris, 1945-83)

Webster, Charles (ed.): Samuel Hartlib and the Advancement of Learning (Cambridge, 1970). Selected writings of Hartlib and Dury.

Wheeler, William: Mr William Wheelers Case from his Own Relation (London, 1649)

Winthrop, R.C. (ed.): Correspondence of Hartlib, Haak, Oldenburg and Others of the Founders of the Royal Society with Governor Winthrop of Connecticut 1661-1672 (Boston, 1878).

Wood, Anthony à: Athenæ Oxoniensis, an exact History of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their Education in the University of Oxford (London, 1813-20)

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