
Callinicus reigned 20 years & was succeeded by his sons

About 27 years after, Antichus magnus the son of Callinicus invaded Cælosyria & with little opposition possest himself of a good part thereof, & the next year returned to invade the rest of Cælosyria & Phœnicia, beat the army of Ptolomy Philopator the son of Euergetes neare Berytus, & invaded Palæstine & the neighbou{rin}g parts of Arabia & the third year returned with an army of 78000 & Ptolomy coming out of Egypt with an army of 75000 met & fought & routed him at Raphia near Gaza between Palestine & Egypt & recovered all Phœnicia & CæloSyria ann. Philip 107. And Philopator being puft up with this victory & living in all manner of luxury & behaving himself cruelly, a great body of Ægyptians revolted but were subdued by Philopater & in the broiles 60000 Egyptian Iews were slain . All which is thus described by Daniel. But his sons [ Seleucus Ceraunus & Antiochus magnus the sons of Callicus ] shall be stirred up to warr & shall gather a great army & he [ Antiochus magnus ] shall come effectually & overflow & pass through, & return & be stirred up [ marching even ] to his fortress [ the frontier {towns} of the king of the south ] ] And the king of the south shall be moved with choler{a} {illeg} come forth & fight with him even with the king of the nort{h} {illeg}e [ the king of the north ] shall lead forth a great multitude but the {multit}ude shall be given into his hand. And the multitude being taken his {illeg} shall be lifted up & he shall cast down many thousands, b{ut {illeg} n}ot be strengthened [ by it. ] For the king of the north sh{o}{a}{illeg} &c. Dan 11 . 10, 11, 12.

About 12 years {illeg}{betw}een Philopator & Antiochus, Philopator died & lef{t} {illeg} Ptolomæus Epiphanes a child 5 years old {illeg} {&} {al} {illeg}us confederated with Philip king of Macedon {ten} {illeg} {dom}inions of Epiphanes which lay next to each of them & {w} {illeg} various war between Antiochus & E{illeg} they seizing Phœnicia & Cælosyria by turns First Antiochus seized those countries, then Scopas being sent with the army of Ægypt recovered them from Antiochus & the next year ( anno Philippi 126 ) Antiochus fought & routed Scopas neare the fountains of Iordan, beseiged him in Sidon & took the city & recovered Syria & Phœnicia from Ægypt. But about three years after preparing for a war against the Romans he made peace with Epiphanes & gave him his daughter Cleopatra with Cælosyria & Phœnicia for a portion, & the next autumn passed the Hellespont to invade the cities of Greece but was beaten by the Romans the summer following An. Philip. 133 & forced to return back with his army into Asia, & before the end of the year the fleet of Antiochus was beaten by the fleet of the Romans near Phocæa & Epiphanes & Cleopatra sent an embassy to Rome to congratulate the Romans for their success against Antiochus & to exhort them to prosecute the war against him into Asia; & the next year the Romans beat Antiochus again at sea near Ephesus & past their army over the Hellespont & got a great victory over him by land & took from him all Asia on this side the mountain Taurus & gave it to the king of Pergamus who assisted them in the war & imposed a large Tribute upon Antiochus . And Antiochus retiring into the remainder of his kingdom was slain two years after by the Persians as he was robbing the Temple of Iupiter Belus in Elymais to raise money for the Romans . All which is thus described by Daniel.


After Philetærus had revolte{d} {illeg} king of Macedon he kept the bastle of Pergamus {illeg} Some ancient coins in the Thesaurus of Goltzius {illeg} {su}{cc}essor {illeg}ll one Eumenes kept the same principality 22 years{ , } {illeg} end of his reign took from Seleucus Callinicus the greatest part of Asia on {th}is {side the} mountain Taurus And his successor Attalus who reigned 44 years beat the Gauls who were at that time potent in Asia . but afterwards about the 18th or 20th year of his reign he lost almost all his conquests to Antiochus magnus & soon after recovered some cities & made peace with Antiochus & in the 30th yeare of his reign made a strict league with the Romans, & assisted them faithfully in some wars they had with Philip king of Macedon & his son & successor {Enmenes} assisted them as faithfully in their wars with Antiochus magnus & thereby recovered almost all Asia on this side the mountain in the wars they had on this side the mountain Taurus. the Romans for his faithfull service giving him what they took from AntiochusMagnus, except a few cities of Asia which they gave to the Rhodians.

Antiochus magnus was succeeded by his son Seleucus Philopator Anno Philip. 137. & Seleucus reigned 12 years but did nothing memorable being intent upon raising of money for the Romans to whom he was the tributary{ . } He was slain by Heliodorus whom he had sent to rob the Temple of Ierusalem. Daniel thus describes his reign. Then shall stand up in his seat a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom, but within few days he shall be destroyed neither in anger nor in battel .

Antiochus Epiphanes the brother & successor of Seleucus obteined the <2r> by craft & by the interest of the king of Pergamus, the right being in Demetrius the son of Seleucus a Child ten years old then a hostage at Rome. Vpon the death of Cleopatra the mother of Ptolomæus Philometor the young king of Egypt the governours of the young king prepared an army to take Cæloyria & Phœnicia from Antiochus pretending it to be her joynture. . Wherupon Antiochus met & routed the army of the Egyptians between Mount Casius & Pelusium , & pretending friendship to the young king went on to Memphys to order the affairs of Egypt anno Philip. . 153. And the next year returned into Egypt with a great army, put the Egyptians to flight & seized many of their cities & returned into Syria with much spoile & in his return entered Ierusalem slew many of the Iews & spoiled the Temple being offended at them because upon a report that he was dead, Iason had made a great commotion to recover the High Priesthood from which he had been removed by Antiochus. The next year Antiochus entered Egypt a third time & beat the Egyptians & became lord of almost all Egypt. And then the Egyptians of Alexandria seing Philometor educated in luxury & deposed by Antiochus made his younger brother Euergetes their king. This was in the 12th year of Philometor. Whereupon Antiochus made peace with Philometor & pretending that he would restore him to his kingdom beseiged Euergetes in Alexandria: but no{t bei}ng able to take the city r{eturn}ed into Syria with his army leaving Philometor at {Mem}phis to govern Egypt in his absence. Then Philometor consid{ered the d}anger he was in {illeg} {wr}ote to his brother & made a league with him that they should rei{gn} {illeg} to {illeg} upon Alexandria . At which Antiochu{s} {illeg}ed in spring with his army to make war {illeg} : But being entered Egypt was met in his way to Alexandria by P{illeg}{li}{illeg}{illeg} Hostilus sent embassadors from to Roman Ser{illeg} war {betwe}en the kings. {illeg}us offered them his hand to kiss but Popilius delivering to him the ta{b}{illeg} {t}he message of the Senate bad him read those first. When he had {illeg} sh{illeg} he replied that he would consider with his friends what was fit to be done: But Popilius drawing a circle about the king with his rod bad him answer before he went out of the circle. At which unusual & blunt imperiousness the king being astonished made answer that he would do what the Romans commanded. And then Popilius gave the king his hand to kiss. & Antiochus returned into Syria. the same year & by his captains spoiled & slaughtered the Iews, prophaned the Temple & set up the worship of the heathen Gods in Iudea. All which is thus described by Daniel. And in his seat shall stand up a vile person to whom they [ the the great men of his fathe{rs} court shall not give the honour of the kingdom, yet he shall come in peaceably by flatteries. And with the arms of a flood shall they [ of the south ] be overflown from before him & shall be broken: yea also the Prince of the covenant. And after the league made with him [ at Memphys ] he shall work deceiptfully: for he shall come up [ again ] & shall become strong with a small people. He shall enter peaceably upon the fattest places of the Province. And he shall do that [ to Egypt ] which his fathers have not done nor his fathers fathers. He shall scatter among them the prey & the spoil & riches & shall forcast his devices against the strong holds [ or fortified cities of Egypt ] even for a <2v> time. And [ again ] he shall stir up his power & his courage against the king of the south with a great army & the king of the south shall be stirred up to battel with a very great & mighty army, but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him. Yea they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him [ setting up his brother Euergetes against him ] & his army shall be overflown & many shall fall down slain. And [ upon making a league against Eueretes ] both these kings hearts shall be to do mischief [ to the Iews ] & they shall speak lyes at one table [ against them & the Holy covenant ] but it shall not prosper: for yet the end [ in which thy land is to be made desolate & the setting up the abomination of desolation is to prosper ] shall be at a time appointed{ . } Then shall he return into his land with great riches & his heart shall be against the holy covenant & he shall act [ against it spoiling the Temple ] & return into his own land. At the time appointed he shall come toward the south but the latter shall not be as the former . For the ships of Chittin shall come [ from Rome with an embassy ] against him. Therefore he shall be grieved & return & have indignation against the holy covenant. So shall he do, he shall even return & [ to the end of his reign ] have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.

Callinicus reigned 20 years

After these things Callinicus [ had lost all the southern part of his kingdom to the king of Egypt he ] had civil wars with his brother Hierax & about the fift year of his reign lost almost all Asia on this side mount Taurus to the king of Pergamus & after an inglorius reign of 20 years, left his kingdom to his sons Seleucus Ceraunus & Antiochus magnus who proved men of warlike spirits. Ceraunus reigned three years & raised a great army against the king of Pergamus but died in the expedition, & one of his Captains led on the army for Antiochus & took from the king of Pergamus almost all the lesser Asia. And Antiochus led another army against Molo Satrapa of Media & Alexander Satrapa of Persia who had revolted & recovered those provinces from them . Euergetes king of Egypt lived for five years longer than Callinicus & left his kingdom to his son Ptolomætes Philopator an effeminate Princ{e} & in the third year of Philopator Antiochus magnus being now grow{n} powerful, invaded Cælosyria

Callinicus also in the fift year of his reign lost almost all Asia on this side the mountain Taurus to the king of Pergamus & after an inglorious reign of 20 years left his kingdom to his son Seleucus Ceraunus, & Euergetes dying five years after left his kingdom to his son Ptolomeus Philopator

The sons of Callinicus proved warlik{e} . Ceraunus reigned three years & raised a great army against the king of Pergamus but died in the expedition, & one of his captains led on the army for his brother & successor Antiochus magnus & took for the king of Pergamus almost all the lesser Asia: & Antiochus {illeg} with another {illeg} Provinces of Media Persia & Babylonia from the governors who had rei{gned} {illeg}er {illeg}{s}in of his reign


Received of Sir Isaac Newton Master & Worker of her Majesty's Mint in the Tower by the hands of his Deputy Iohn Francis Fauquier the summ of                 Fees for six Warrants sent by my Lord Chancillour to the Wardens & Companies of Goldsmiths of York, Exeter Bristol{e} , Chester Norwich & Newcastle requiring them to send their Diets to the Mint to be tried. I say received the said summ of

Received this         day of Iuly 1707 of Sir Isaac Newton by the hands of Iohn Francis Fauquier the summ {illeg} being my fees For sending the six Warr{illeg}{m}enti{on}ed to York Exeter Bristow Ches{ter} {illeg} {N}ewcastle. I say received the {illeg}

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