'Sect. II. Of the Woman & two-horned Beast' (section 7.2e)
Sect. II.
Of the Woman & two-horned Beast.
In this Prophesy the scene of the visions is the Temple, & the worship of the Christians is described in the Temple under the form of the Jewish worship as we shewed above. And hence the Christian Churches are represented in this Prophesy by the twelve tribes of Israel & when some are numbered out of the twelve Tribes & sealed with the seale of God, the rest of the Tribes who are not sealed become the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews & are not, that is, who profess themselves Christians but are the Church of Satan. For all men whose names are not written in the book of life, that is, all who are not sealed with the seale of God, wonder after the Beast & worship him & his Image & receive his mark. When the saints are numbered & sealed out of the twelve Tribes the rest of Tribes receive the mark of the Beast & become the synagogue of Satan & therefore they that have the mark of the Beast & worship him & his Image are Christians in outward profession.
And as the Tribes of Israel & Judah are in the old Testament represented by weomen, so the Church of Christ signified by those Tribes in here represented by the Lambs' wife & by the glorious woman in heaven. For this woman was cloathed with the Sun of righteousness & had the new moon & Jewish ceremonies under her feet & upon her head a crown of twelve stars which are the twelve Apostles, & her seed keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Jesus, & therefore she is the Church. In the first ages of Christianity she is the true sincere Church of Christ diffused through the whole Roman Empire represented by the Dragon: but upon the division of the Empire into two Empires represented by the Dragon ten-horned Beast, the Church also becomes divided into two Churches represented by the Woman & the two-horned Beast. For upon this division of the Empire the woman & Dragon part from one another. She flees from the Dragon into the western Empire called a wilderness for its spiritual barrenness & desolation, & leaves behind her [in the dominion of the Dragon] a remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Jesus, & the Dragon goes from the Woman to make war upon that remnant. And as the ten horned Beast rises out of the Sea to succeed the Dragon in the western Empire so the two horned Beast rises out of the Earth to suceed the Woman in the eastern Empire.
Every kingdom hath its Church, & the Churches of the Dragon & ten horned Beast are the two-horned Beast & Woman in the wilderness.
For When she fled into the wilderness she fled from the Dragon & therefore ceased to be his Church. She was afterwards found in the wilderness sitting upon the ten horned Beast, that is, reigning over him & therefore became his Church. She is the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth represented by the ten horns of the Beast. She is Babylon the great, the western Babylon, the great city seated upon seven hills & by consequence the Church of Rome, & this Church is the Church catholick of the western kingdoms & nations into which the Latine ~ Empire is now divided.
And as for the two horned Beast he rose out of the earth or nations of the eastern Empire & {therefore} is seated in that Empire. He hath two horns like the Lamb that is two Churches like the seven Churches of Asia signified by the seven horns of the Lamb, & therefore is an ecclesiastical body. He speaks as the Dragon & therefore is of the Dragon's religion. And {as} a Church in the eastern Empire of the Dragons language & religion is the Greek Church. This Beast by fals miracles deceiveth them that dwell on the earth, & for doing so is called the fals Prophet & therefore is of an ecclsiastical kind, & this fals Prophet survives the Whore of Babylon being cast alive into the lake of fire after the ten kings have eaten the flesh of the Whore & burnt her with fire, & therefore this Prophet differs from the Whore & signifies another idolatrous Church & by consequence the Greek Church or Church of the Greek Empire.
Altho the two witneses prophesy all the time of the Trumpets yet they do not prophesy all that time {in sackcloths}
with the plagues of the seven Trumpets. They & the seven Angels cooperate in executing those plagues, & therefore they prophesy all the times of those plagues. But yet they do not wear sackcloth all that time. When the Abomination of the wilderness called by Daniel the abomination of desolation is set up then they put on sackcloth. The nations [who tread under foot the holy city] are not completely Gentiles till the worship of Images be set up. From that time the Gentiles tread under foot the holy city 42 months.
They that worship in that Temple & have the testimony of Jesus are mysticaly killed for not worshipping the Image of the Beast & in that respect the 144000 are called the first fruits into God & are his martyrs or Witnesses. They sing a new song on mount Sion with harps & in that respect they are Prophets. For singing with musical instruments in prophesying 1 Chron 25. 1, 2, 3. 2 King. 3.15 1 Sam 10.5. And in their mouth was found no {lye} & therefore they are true witnesses & true prophets.
And as they that worship God in the second Temple are called Witnesses & Prophets & worship in the inner court of the Temple while the outward court is given to the Gentiles so they that have the names of God on their foreheads & worship in the firstin the first Temple are {illeg} Gods witnesses & Prophets & worship in the inner Court of that Temple while those that have name or mark of the Beast worship the Image of the Beast in the outward Court of that Temple. For they have the testimony of Jesus Apoc 12.17 & are mystically killed for not worshipping the Image of the Beast ch. 13.15 & in respect of the great harvest of martyrs (ch 14.15) are called the first fruits unto God (v.4) & therefore they are Gods martyrs or witnesses. They sing a new song with harps & in that respect are Prophets: for singing with musical instruments is prophesying 1 Chron 25. 1, 2, 3. 2 King. 3.15. 1 Sam. 10.5. They sing in the Priests court as was described above & stand as it were on the Sea of Glass which is in that Court. And in their mouth was found no lye Apoc 14.5 & therefore they are true witnesses & true prophets. And they that have the mark or name of the Beast are the inhabitants of the Earth and Sea to whom the Dragon came down in the outward court when he was cast out of heaven the upper Court in which the throne of God is placed. And as the 144000 prophesy with harps the sacrifices of the seven Trumpets so it is to be conceied that the two witnesses also prophesy with harps at the same sacrifices. For they have power to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will, that is with the plagues of the seven Trumpets & at the sacrifices to which those Trumpets sound they prophesy with harps in the voices of the seven thunders uttered by the cloud wherewith the Son of Man is cloathed who in the forms of an Angel sets his right foot on the sea & his left foot on the {earth}{Earth}. For the two Witnesses are his two leggs & his mystical body including that cloud. In the form of a Lamb with seven eyes & seven horns he represents the seven Churches in the first Temple: in the form of the Son of Man with two eyes & two leggs he represents the two chruches in the Second Temple: & with the seven stars in his right hand he represents all the Churches in both Temples.
(1)The first & second temple are distinguished from one another in the number of their Candlesticks. In the first there are seven Candlesticks representing the seven Churches of Asia, in the second there are two Candlesticks representing the two Witnesses. (3)The first Temple is in the Kingdom of the Dragon the Second in the kingdom of the Beast. For the Beast makes war upon the two witnesses & kills & their dead bodies lye in the street of the great city. (2) The worshippers of God in the first Temple from the time of their sealing are called 144000 those in the second two witnesses. 4 In these things the two Temples disagree in other things they agree. For as they that worship God in the second Temple.
Before the division of the Roman Empire the whole was represented by the Dragon & the Chruch of the whole by the 12 tribes of Israel in the form of Woman in hte Taberna cle or first Temple whose seven Candlesticks with their Lambs illuminating the whole Temple represent the seven Churches of Asia as the Metropolis from whence the light of the Gospel went forth into the whole church of the primitive {beings}.. But when the Empire becomes divided into the Greek & Latine Empires, that both Empires with their Churches fals & true may be distinctly represented a Beast with her horns rises out of the sea, another Beast with two horns rises out of the earth & a new Temple is built with two Candlesticks. And hence forward the Eastern Empire with its Churches fals & true are represented by the Dragon {illeg} the two horned Beast & the 144000 {illeg} worshipping in the first Temple & the Latine Empire with its Churches fals & true are represented by the tenhorned Beast the Woman in the Wilderness & the two witnesses worshipping in the Second Temple ✝ . & in each Temple the people of God worship in the inner Court & the Apostates in the Court without.
In the first Temple the 144000 worship in the inner Court, standing on the &c before the throne as it were upon the sea of glass, & singing with harps {at}{of} the sacrifices And The people of the Dragon & two horned Beast worship in the outward court of this Temple being the seduced inhabitants of the earth & sea to whom the Dragon came down when he was cast out of heaven that is out of the upper court the court of the Temple & Altar in which the thorne of God is placed. When he was cast out of that court he came down into the outward Court the court of the people the Christian people called the inhabitants of the earth & sea. By seducing thse inhabitants he made the woman fly into a spirituall barren wilderness in the Latin Empire & the two horned Beast rise out of the [inhabitants of the] earth in the Greek Empire & & then by the {institution} of that Beast , he made war upon the remnants of the twelve Tribes of Israel in the Greek Empire called the remnants of the womans seed untill all had received the mark of the Beast except the 144000 who being sealed out of the twelve tribes of Israel with the seale or name of God in their foreheads & being interdicted buying & selling among the inhabitants of the earth & sea retired from them into their inner Court,
The 144000 worship in the inner Court of the first Temple standing with the Lamb on mount SionIn like manner the saints worship in the inner court of the second Tem
ple & the people of the ten-horned Beast & Woman in the outward court thereof as is plainly exprest by saying, Measure the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein but the court which is without the Temple leave out & measure it not for it is givine to the Gentiles. Those that worship within are the Churches Churches called the two witnesses & two Prophets, that is, wo bodies of Witnesses or Prophets. into the Empire of the Latines, which by reason of the paucity of Saints is at this time compared to a spiritually barren Wilderness, the two Churches fled with her & are not considered apart untill they separate from her communion being scandalized at her practises. By this separation , they return out of Babylon, {illeg} build a second Temple, & become the worshippers therein, but leave the outward court of this Temple unbuilt because it is given to the Gentiles which Gentiles are the people of the tenhorned Beast & Whore of Babylon. The first Temple with respect to the eastern Empire is continued without interruption, with respect to the western it ceases & a second Temple is built in its room. All that worshipped God in the first Temple, deserted his {thers} except the 144000 & the two Churches being carried captive from from thenceto Babylon. return from captivity & build a second Temple.
The two Temples are sufficiently distinguished from one anotherby {three} different number of theirCandlesticks. & different names & number of their worshippers: but the worship is alike in them both. For the Beast & his Image is worshipped & his mark {received} by all the world, the Fals Prophet & Dragon setting up that worship in the outward court of the first Temple: [] And therefore the worship in the outward Courts of both Temples is alike. And the worship in the inner Courts of both Temples is also alike, the worshippers being of one & the same religion & members of one & the same mystical body of Christ. As those in the second Temple are called Witnesses & Prophets so those in the first Temple are also Witnesses & Prophets. For they have the testimony of Jesus Apoc 12.17 & are mystically killed for not worshipping the Image of the Beast (Ch 13. 15) & in respect of the great harvest of Martyrs (ch 14.15) are called the first fruits unto God (v.4) & therefore they are Martyrs or Witnesses. And they sing a new song with harps & in that respect are Prophets. For singing with musical instruments is prophesying (1 Chron 25.1, 2, 3, 2 King. 3.15 1 Sam. 10.5) And wither mouth was found no {lye} (Apoc 14.5) & therefore they are true Witnesses & true Prophets. And as these Prophets pro phesy in the inner court of the first Temple with harps & singing at the sacrifices offered {in} that Temple. so it is to be conceived that the two Witnesses prophesy in the inner court of the second Temple with harps & singing at the sacrifices offered in this Temple. For they have power to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will that is with the plagues of the seven wars represented by the sacri fices at which the seven Trumpets sound.,They consume their enemies with fire in the first war & turning the waters into blood n the second: And therefore they prophesy all the time of those sacrifices. They are the two leggs of the earth as was said above. They are his mystical body & the cloud with which he is cloathed, & their voice is the voice of that cloud uttering te seven Thunders, which, as was said, , are the song of the Temple sung by the Levits with harps & other musical Instruments at the seven sacrifices while the Priests sound the seven Trumpets alternately & pour out the drink offerings called the seven vials of wrath. And in respect of the seven stars in the right hand of the Son of Man, the 144000 may be also comprehended in his mystical body & in the Cloud with which he is cloathed, & their voice of singing at the like sacrifices may be comprehended in the voices of the seven thunders. So then the worship in both Temples is one & the same & has one & the same signification. In each there are seven successive sacrifices synchro nal to one another representing the slaughters to be made in the wars to which the seven Trumpets sound.
But tho the two Witnesses prophesy during all the seven sacrifices; yet it is not to be conceived that they prophesy all this time in sackcloth. When the idolatry of the Wilderness called by Daniel the Abomination of desolation is completely set up, then the two Witnesses put on sackcloth. When the worshipping of Images of gold & silver & brass & wood & stone which can neither hear nor see nor warlk is completely set up then the Gentiles to whom the outward court is given begin to be gentiles properly so called, & from that time the Gentiles {tread} under foot the holy City 42 months, from that time the Witnesses prophesy in sackcloth 1260 days, from that time the woman is fed & nourished by the merchants of the Earth in her placeof honour in the Wilderness & fares delicious {lily} a time & times & half a time & 1260 days, from that time the ten kings & have one mind & agree & give their kingdom to the Beast & the Beast acts 42 months with the Woman upon his back which dominion & dignity is her place where she is fed, from that time the little horn of Daniels fourth Beast having rooted up three of the ten honrs which hindered his rise, & brought all the rest to submission, has times & laws given into his hands untill a time time s& half a time. {Bald}{But} At first the ten kings are of different religions both from the woman & from one another whereby the two Witnesses have liberty of conscience for a time: these kings must all agree religion & be of one mind & submit to the Womans Dominion & she must begin to trade with the kings & great men of the earth by helping one another to Empires & kingdoms & {Principalities} & Abbies & Bishopricks {&} priviliges & bands & rents & {bars} & pardsons & dispensations & indulsgencies & Masses & titles of honour & reliques of {orasmas} of ser{}one for supporting this profitable {illeg} {nourished} & by means of this trade she must begin to be fed by Peters Patrimony & {tyths} &c. & then the two Witnesses begin to prophesy in sackcloth. When Remiqius Bishop of Rhemes {procured}the Bishopric of France to the Pope, the Pope made the Bishop of Rhemes his deputy. Afterwards in the wars of the Ostrogoths & Lombards in Italy Tyre was forgotten 70 years, but at the end of those years returned to her hive. The Emperor Mauritius was for setting the Bishop of Constantinople above the Pope, which made the Pope & the people of Rome rejoyce at the slaughter of Maruitius & send to congratulate the Tyrant Phocas who slew him: & Phocas mutually granted the Primacy & the Pantheon to the Pope. When the Pope wanted the assistance of the Franks he deposed Chaldene a cloathful Prince & gave the kingdom to Pipin & Pipin & his son Charles the great gave Peters patrimony &other rich presents to the Pope & Charles conquering much in Italy gave also to the Church of Rome the {tyths} throughout his Kingdom & {comprehended} his people the Roman liturgy & being called into Italy to hear a complaint dagainst the Pope, declared that the {Pope} was above all humane judicature & made the people in Peters patrimony swear allegiance to him as {ruler} & the Pope mutually {illeg} made Charles Emperor of the west.
[Editorial Note 1]That he that sits upon the throne is the God of the Jews. For the Jews worshipped him sitting upon the throne in the Temple.
That he is the God who created heaven & earth
That we are to give him glory & honour for creating all things.
That he has all knowledge of future things originally in his own breast.
That he gave this prophesy to Jesus Christ
That none in heaven or earth or under the Earth was worthy to receive this prophesy immediately from God except Jesus Christ.
That Jesus Christ obtained this worthiness by his death
That we are to give glory & honour to Jesus Christ because he was slain & hath redeemed us with his blood
That Jesus Christ sent his messenger with this Prophesy to John.
That the testimony of Jesus is the spirit ofphresy. Or that [the spirit speaks not of himself but receives from Jesus Christ, & that] there is no prophesy but by the testimony of Jesus the faithfull & true witnesses the word of God. The spirit speaks not of himself but receives of Christ & shews it unto the Prophets.
That Christ offers up the prayers of the saints to God. This is his office & therefore {weave}{wear} to direct all ourprayers to God in the name of Christ. In that day ye shall ask me nothing, whatever ye shall ask my father in my name I will do it.
That Jesus Christ hath washed away our sins & redeemed us with his blood
That we {illeg} are to give him glory & honour because he was slain for us & hath redeemed us with his blood.
That the resurrection from the dead is called living again & therefore between death & the resurrection men do not live.
That men are rewarded at Christs coming not before.
1 That he that made heaven & earth & he alone is in this prophesy represented sitting upon the throne in the Temple to be worshipped as God by whole assembly consisting of the 24 Edlers 4 Animals, all the Angles & all things in heaven & earth & under the earth
2. That Jesus Christ is in this Assembly represented by a Lamb slain & offered in sacrifice to this God & that in the Eucharist which is a commemoration of this sacrifice (the bread & wine representing the Lamb slain_ we are to consider him as such, to place the bread & wine in the throne
3. That Jesus Christ is in this Assembly represented also by the High Priest serving & wor shipping him that sits upon the throne, whether it be by dressing the Lamps, or by offering up incense to him with the prayers of the saints at the Golden altar or by singing with the 144000 to his praise & glory.
4. That all foreknowledge of things is originally in the breast of him that sitteth upon the throne, & that the Lamb received this prohesy from him & was the only being in heaven earth or under the earth who was worthy to receive it from him & by his deah obteined this worthiness & redeemed us with his blood & made us kings & Priests under him, & therefore is also honoured & worshipped in his humane nature by the whole Assembly, not as sitting upon the throne between the cherubims, but as Lord & King next under him that sitteth upon it, the Mediator between God & Man.
5. The credit of this Prophesy stands upon the several testimonies of Jesus Christ the prophetic Angel & the Prophet John. It is called the Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him & he sent his Angel & signified it to his servant John who {bore}{bare} record of the word of God & of the testimony of Jesus Christ. And hence Christ is called the faithful & true Witness, the Word of God, he whose testimony i the spirit of prophesy, or by whose testimony the spirit speaks to the Prophets. And the Angel is said to be sent by Jesus to testify unto us these things in the Churches, & to be of the Prophets, & of the brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Here's a continual subordination of witnesses. God gave it to Christ as the most worthy to receive it & the fittest Witness to attest it. Christ gave to his Angel no doubt the most worthy to receive it from him & the fittest witness to attest it to men. The Angel went with it to John, caused him to be in the Spirt, & inspired him with it as the most worthy & fit witness amongst men. Is not this the Angel who was sent with prophesies to Daniel, Zecharrias & the Virgin Mary? For that Angel is said to stand in the presence of God Luke, & an unknown Angel would be a less fit witness.
[Editorial Note 1] The remainder of this page appears upside down.