
1722.9s.19d.46. 3s.11d.25. 1s.01d.05. 8s.12d.28. 4s.18d.37.

Sir Isaac Newton


– High Priest. Those Iews who took Herod for the Messiah & were thence called Herodians, seem to have grounded their opinion upon the seventy weeks of years which they found between his reign & that of Cyrus. But afterwards in applying the Prophesy to Theudas & Iudas of Galilee & at length to Barchochab they seem to have shortened the reign of the kingdom of Persia. But their Chronology in this last recconing being so very imperfect.


Sir Isaac Newton


Pag. 4. l. 12. jam ut{i} advocatum in hac rixa pro se inducere, mathematicos in Angliâ provocantem [uti fingitur] ad problemata solvenda;

Ib. lin. 29. Quæ de Quæstionibus Philosophicis disputata sunt D. Des Maizeaux a[1] a D. Leibnitio et alijs accepit & in lucem edidit


The Sir Isaac Newton
Knight &c.


usurp a legislative power in matters of religion, make other articles of communion, d , then what were articles of communion from the begining, impose their own opinions as the laws of God & anathematize & make war upon all who do not submit. For this is breaking the Church into parties & making war upon Christians with the highest degree of uncharitableness. This is what the scripture calls changing times & laws & making war upon the Saints, This is acting with the spirit of Antichrist, lording it over Gods heritage & sitting in the Temple of God to be worshipped.


Sir Isaac Newton Knight at his House in
Saint Martins Street by

Leicester Fields

William the conqueror. 1066. Will Rufus. Henry. I. Stephen. Henry II.
1189. Richard I. Iohn.      Henry III. Edward. I. Edward II.
1326 Edward III. Richard II. Henry IV. Henry V.
1422. Henry VI. Edward IV. Edw. V Richard III. Henry VII. Henry VIII.
1547 Edward VI. Maria. Elizabeth. Iacobus I. Carolus I.
1648 Cromwellus protector. Carol. II, Iacobus II. William III. Ann. George.
30) 1 (21∟6.


Sir Isaac Newton at
the upper end of Saint Martins
Lane, near Leicester fields



The seven heads are successive as may be gathered from the saying Five are fallen & one is & another is not yet come: & when he cometh he must continue a short space: & the Beast that was & is not (being wounded to death with a sword) he is the eighth & is of the seven. I take them to be seven successive reigns of the Roman Empire commencing at the opening of the seven seals. They are all crowned on the Dragons head but not on the Beasts because six {of} them reigned before the division of the Roman Empire into the Greek & Latin Empires & the seventh was the Greek Empire, & the Latin Empire was the eight & of the seven because contemporary to the seventh as a collateral part thereof

When the woman fled into the wilderness being captivated by the Babylonians, it is to be understood that the first Temple was thrown down & that a second Temple was to be built in the room thereof for the remnant of the womans seed. And this is signified by the Angels commanding Iohn to measure the temple & altar & them that worship therein & leave out the outward court for the Gentiles. Those that worship in this new Temple are henceforward called the two witnesses. These are the remnant of the womans seed who keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus. These are the 144000 numbred & sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel: the 144000 that stand on mount Sion with the name of God in their foreheads; they that stand on the sea of glass having gotten the victory over the Beast & over his image & over his mark & over the number of his name: The rest are the Babylonian Gentiles to whome the outward court is given. The multitude whom the two horned Beast causeth to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead while the Angel seals the 144000



YOU are desired to Meet the Lords and others the Commissioners appointed by His Majesty for Building the Fifty New Churches in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, &c. on Wednesday the 6th Day of this Instant Iuly at 10 of the Clock in the fore noon, at the palace yard – – – – to proceed in the Executing of the Authorities, and Transacting the Affairs of the said Commission. Dated the 2dDay of Iuly – 1720 —[2]

William Waters, Messenger.

away, but his life was prolonged in his last horn. This horn came out of one of the four & when they fell it grew mighty not by its own power but by the power which took away the dominion of the Goat, & this was the power of the Romans. The Goat signifies all the nations of the Greek Empire on this side of the river Euphrates during all the times of the Roman Empire. And when those nations became united in one dominion under the Romans, they are all together represented by the last horn of the Goat & are said to be mighty but not by their own power.

Because the little horn was a horn of the Goat we are to look for him among the nations which composed the body of the Goat. And because he was to rise up a little horn out of one of the four horns & in the latter time of their kingdom & to grow mighty towards the South & towards the East & towards the pleasant land, we are to look for a little kingdom which rose up out of the north west horn & in the latter time of the kingdom of the four horns grew mighty toward Egypt & Syria & Iudea, conquering those countries but not by its own power. And such a little horn was the kingdom of Pergamus. It arose by the revolt of Philetærus from Lysimachus king of Thrace. It assisted the Romans against Antiochus the great & took from him all Asia minor on this side the {mount} Taurus: It assisted them also in conquering Perseus king of Macedon. It came under the power of the Romans by the Lecacy of Attalus its last king – – – – tho not by his own power

The Latines are not comprehended among the nations represented by the Goat. Their power over Greeks is only named to distinguish the times in which the Goat was mighty by his own power from the times in which he was mighty but not by his own power. He was mighty by his own power till his dominion was taken away by the Latins & after that his life was still prolonged & he was mighty in the days of his last horn not by his own power. but by that of the Latines


Sir Isaac Newton in Leicester fields

The first Beast reigned in his two wings of Babylonia & Assyria till his dominion was taken away by the second, & then his life was prolonged under the dominion of the second. The second reigned till his dominion was taken away by the third & the third reigned in his four heads & four wings till his dominion was taken away by the fourth & then his life was prolonged under the dominion of the fourth. The Ram & He Goat represent the same kingdoms & nations with the second & third Beast of Daniel & therefore Goat reigned in his four horns till his dominion was taken away by the fourth Beast, that is by the Romans. But his life was still prolonged under their dominion. And in this state he represented

The three first of Daniells Beasts had their Dominions taken away each of them at the rise of the next Beast but the{ir} lives were prolonged & they are all of them still alive. The third Beast or Leopard reigned in his four heads & wings till the rise of the fourth bea{st}s or Empire of the Latines & then his dom{i}nion was taken away by the Latines & his life was prolonged under their power. This Leopard reigning in his four heads & wings signifies the same thing with the He-Goat reigning in his four horns & therefore the He goat reigned in his four horns till the rise of Danie{ls fo}urth Beast or Empire of the Latines. A{n}{d} then its dominion was taken away by the Latines but its life was prolonged under their power. [And in this state the Hee Goat continued in the days of his last horn. It was therefore by the power of the Latines that this horn grew mighty.

The first of Daniels Beasts reigned till his dominion was taken away by the second, the second reigned till his dominion was taken away by the third & the third reigned till his dominion was taken away by the fourth, but all their lives were prolonged under the succeeding dominion, & the fourth was the Empire of the Latines. The third therefore reigned in his four heads & four wings till his dominion was taken away by the Latines & then his life was prolonged under their dominion. The third reigning in his four heads signifies the same Empire with the He Goat reigning in his four horns. And in the latter time of their kingdom his dominion was taken away by the Latines: but his life was prolonged under their dominion. And at that time the little horn which arose out of one of th{em} became mighty towards the south & towards the east & towards the pleasant land, not by his own power but by the power under which the life of the Goat was prolonged; that is. by the power of the Latines. The Goat represents only the nations of the Greek Empire. They reigned first in the form of a Monarchy represented by the great horn, & then this Monarchy brake into four kingdoms represented by the four horns. And at length by the {fa}{ll} of {their power} hi{s} dominion {was}



YOU are desired to Meet the Lords and others the Commissioners appointed by His Majesty for Building the Fifty New Churches in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, &c. on friday the eighth Day of this instant march at eleven of the Clock in the fore noon, at the Green Door in the old Palace yard westmr. to proceed in the Executing of the Authorities, and Transacting the Affairs of the said Commission. Dated the 4th Day of march – 1716/17

William Waters, Messenger.


Sir Isaac: newton/. Knight

To make the grandeur of the Sea of Rome ancienter then we have represented there has been a story framed of a sumptuous donation made to her by Constantine the great & of her being possest of the Alpes Cottiæ before the Lombards invaded Italy. But these are looked upon as fables & the Author of the Historical dissertation above mentioned affirms that in the days of Pope Leo X there was remaining in the Vatican & till those days exposed to public view, an inscription in honour of Pipin the father of Charles the great commemorating, Pipinum pium primum fuisse qui amplificandæ Ecclesiæ Romanæ viam apperuerit, Exarchatu Ravennate & plurimis alijs oblatis, that Pipin the pious was the first who opened a way to the grandeur of the Church of Rome, conferring upon her the Exarchate of Ravenna & many other oblations. In & befor the reign of Gratian & Theodosius the Bishop of Rome lived splendidly, but this was by the donations of the Roman Matrons as Ammianus describes. After those days Italy was invaded by forreign nations & did not get rid of her troubles before the fall of the kingdom of the Lombards. It was certainly by the victory of the Sea of Rome over the Greek Emperor the king of Lombardy & the Senate of Rome that she arrose to her greatness.

And now the the Ecclesiastical Monarchy of Rome being set up over all the west, the study of the Canons & of what else might regard the Government & Policy of this Monarchy became in vogue & many Collections of Canons were made by bishops & others in the ninth Century, ✱[3] Gratian in the year 1151 published his systeme of the Canon Law called the Decretal which has ever since been in vogue And in the year 1215 the first Lateran Council called a general Council perfected the body of the Canon law in 70 articles, & brought it to that state in which it remains to this day. And thus the little horn changed times & laws


Prop. 1. The 2300 prophetick days did not commence before the rise of the little horn of the He Goat.

2 Those day{s} did not commence after the destruction of Ierusalem & the Temple by the Romans A.C. 70.

3 The time times & half a time did not commence before the year 800 in which the Popes supremacy commenced

4 They did not commence after the reigne of Gregory the 7th. 1084

5 The 1290 days did not commence before the year 842.

6 They did not commence after the reign of Pope Greg. 7th. 1084

7 The difference between the 1290 & 1335 days are a part of the seven weeks.

Therefore the 2300 years do not end before the year 2132 nor after 2370.

The time times & half time do not end before 2060 nor after

The 1290 days do not begin before 2090 nor after 1374


Sir Isaac Newton

2670,0 133,5133,5 13,352803,5 11214,0(101912gr 5912gr 2oz.13912gr 1 dig. .2oz.5d.1912gr 2 dig 18oz.6.1201gr 4 dig 146.12.0001gr 12 dig 247lb.06oz.01 foot =2C.23.06oz.01 fathom =4 Tunns 39.0401oz

133∟5. 2670∟5. 2803,5.(233,614gr( 934,504gr 54,504gr (2oz.214dwt

80.928 20.97.3320

36,60(0001oz 21,60(0001oz 438.324(01oz 16oz(001 3942(001oz 16)3958(001oz 98912(0oz 24738(0oz

216×512s.0 1080s×512.0 108×512s.0 1188×512s.0 59.8s×512.0 2.023.6×512s 12.140.4×512s 17.842.8×512s )79.58.8×512s

59gr in □ inch =212dwt 1oz in □ 2 inch 8oz in □ 4inch 216oz in □ foot


To Sir Isaac Newton Knight
These –

And Ethelwolf the Son & Sucessor of Egbert the first king of England about the year 850 began

And Ethelwolf who was the son & successor of Egbert the first Saxon king of Engla{nd} & began his reign A. C. 836 & had been a Monk, gave Petterpence to the Pope & tyths to the Church. And now the Roman Catholic Church was established in all the West.

In the year 742 Luitprand king of the Lombards at the sollicitation of Pope Zachary restored four towns which he had taken from the Pope about three years before & made a league with him for 20 years, & gave him also the Patrimonium Sabinense & Anconitanum & Auximate & Humanate & the valley of Sutrium & I think also the Alpes Cottiæ. For he had taken away from the Pope the Alpes Cottiæ & the Patrimonium Sabinense thirty years before

Aripert king of the Lombards is said to have given the Alpes Cottiæ to St Peter for a Patrimony A. C. 706. his successor Luiprand A.C. 713 took from the Pope these Alpes Cottiæ & the Patrimonium Sabinense & A. C. 739 he took four or five towns from the Dukedome of Rome. And A. C. 742 he restored what he had taken away & made a league with the Pope for 20 years & gave also [the Patrimonium Anconitanum, & Auximate & Humanate &] the Valley of Sutrium & some other lands for a Patrimony to St Peter.

His successor Luitprand A: C. 713 took them back, & at the same time he took also the patrimonium Sabinense from the Pope. And A. C. 739 he took also four or five towns from the Dukedom of Rome. But A. C. 742 he restored what he had taken away & made a league with the Pope for 20 years & gave him also the valley of Sutrium & some other lands for a patrimony to St Peter.

– & thereby the Roman Eagle became two-headed.

And {O}{f}fa king of the Mercians & West Saxons in Brittain ordeined about the same time that every house in his kingdom should pay the like tribute of a penny per an' to the Pope. And Ethelwolph the son & Successor of Egbert exteneded this tax to all England, & ordeined also that tyths should be given to the Clergy. This therefore the age in which Peterpence & Tyths were given to the Pope & Clergy.

In the year 796, Leo III being made Pope – –

And he assisted the Pope in procuring the same grant from the Saxon kings in Brittain. [The Roman Catholic religion was planted here by Augustine the Monk the Popes Legate &] For Pope Adrian in the year 786 sent two Legates into Britain with twenty Canons to be received by the Churches of the Saxons which had been planted by Austin the Monk, & Charles the great for promoting their business sent an Abbot with them. Some of those Canons were

It set him up above the judicature of the Roman Senate & even above all humane judicature & gave him the supremacy over the western Churches & their Councils in a high degree. It gave him a look more stout then his fellows so that at lengthe when this new religion was sufficiently established in the minds of men he began to grapple with kings & even with the Emperor himself. Yet the Senate of Rome by endeavouring to recover her liberty gave him frequent trouble for a long time but at length ceased.

Before these days the northern nations who had invaded the western Empire differed from him – in his hand in religion & were converted to the Roman Catholic religion by degrees. All Germany differed from him in religion till they were conquered by Charles the great. By those conquests & the making of Charles Emperor they became a part of the body of the Beast. The Woman might fly from the Temple of God into the wilderness of Arabia before those days & continue her flight through the Wilderness till she arrived at the great city Babylon. But before the conquest of Germany & the conversion of the western nations & kingdoms She did not begin to reign over the great city Babylon nor to sit upon all the many waters which were to compose the body of her Beast. It was by the conquests of Charles, & the conversion of the western nations to the Church of Rome, & the donation of tyths & Peterpence & the coronation of Charles Emperor of the Romans & his coronation oath to maintain the Church of Rome in her grandeur & the Popes becoming Lord of Rome It was I say by these things that the Woman arrived at the great city Babylon which was her place in the wilderness where she was to be fed & nourished & got upon the back of her Beast & began to act in conjunction with him. And now being exalted above kings & declared by a Council with the approbation of the Emperor above all humane judicature & the supreme Iudge over all the Churches this little horn has reigned ever since with a peculiar soul & a look more stout then her fellows, & by establishing the worship of images, canonizing Saints to be invoked, granting Indulgences, & Pardons, absolving men from vows & oaths, ascribing vertues & power to things consecrated introducing & establishing the doctrine of transubstantiation & the adoration of eve{ry} consecrated wafer as a God, & by his prescribing in her Decrees what laws & Doctrines she pleases to the Churches she has been changing times & laws & they have ever since her rising up & conquering the three kings, been given into her hands, & by her great power she has ever since been able to make war with the saints & weare them out, & is become drunken with their blood.

The northern nations who had invaded the western Empire differed from the Pope in religion a long time & were converted to his religion by degrees. All Germany

And now the Woman having subdued the city where she was to reign & being arrived at her place of dominion over this city & over the kings of the earth this little female horn had


Marcelline in his Chronicle tells us, Hierio et Ardaburio

Coss. Indic. X, Pannoniæ quæ per quinquaginta annos ab Hunnis retinebantur a Romanis receptæ sunt. And Iornandes in Get. c. 32. Duodecimo anno regni Valiæ Hunni post pene quinquaginta annos invasa Pannonia a Romanis et Gothis expulsi sunt. But here is some mistake. Whence it sho

11. These ten kingdoms being rent away we are next to consider the residue of the western Empire. While this Empire continued entire it was the Beast himself, but what remains is but a part of him. And if this part be conside{re}d as a horn the reign of this horn may be dated from the translation of

Rhætia was sometimes infested by the Alemans & Sueves, but Theodosius

After the erecting of these kingdoms the Alemans & Suevians which remained in Germany invaded & conquered Rhætia in the reign of the Emperor Maximus A. C. 455, the Heruli who invaded Italy came first into the Empire at the fall of the Western Cæsars, A. C. 476 being then invited out of Germany by a party of Italians. Rhætia was under their dominion & descended from them to the Ostrogoths [& afterwards was conquered by the Lombards.] In the reign of Martian the Emperor, that is, between the years 450 & 456, the Saxons under Hengist & Horsa were called in by the Britains & assisted them for a while but six years after revolted & made war upon them.

These are the kingdoms into which the Latine empire was rent at its first breaking Afterwards some other new one arose. The Alemans & Suevians which remained in Germany, invaded & conquered – – – – war upon them. But the tenn horns are so called from their number at their first rise. And if the kingdom of the Alans in Spain by reason of its very short duration, be omitted, you will have just tenn.

These are the kingdoms into which the Latine Empire was rent at its first breaking. Afterwards some other new ones arose. The Alemans & Suevians had a kingdom in Germany bordering upon Gallia & Rhætia, which sometimes made incursions into Rhætia & was overthrown & conquered by Clodovæus king of he Franks in or about the year 499, & its people then fled into the neighbouring kingdom of the Ostrogoths under Theoderic. Vpon the death of Valentinian the second, A. C. 455 these Alemans & Suevians of Germany invaded Rhætia & Gallia, but two yeares after, while they were depopulating Rhætia, they were overcome by Burto the master of the horse to the Emperor Majoranus. And Afterwards Rhætia was subject first to Odoacer king of the Heruli & then to Theoderic king of the Ostrogoths all the time that they reigned in Italy, being descended to them from the western Emperors. And

Rhætia belonged to the Western Emperors so long as that Empire stood & then it descended to Odoacer king of the Heruli in Italy & after him to Theoderic king of the Ostrogoths & his successors. Vpon the death of the Emperor Valentinian the second A. C. 455 the Alemans & Suevians invaded Rhætia, but I do not find that they erected any standing kingdom there. For in the year 457 while they were yet depopulating Rhætia they were attaqued & beaten by Burto the Master of the horse to the Emperor Majoranus. & I heare nothing more of their invading Rhætia. Yet there was a kingdom of Alemans & Suevians which was conquered by Clodovæus king of France in or about the year 499 & their last king Ermeric was then slain But this kingdom was seated in Germany & only bordered upon Rhætia For its people fled from Clodovæus into the neighbouring kingdom of the Ostrogoths under Theoderic. And Theoderic received them as friends & wrote a friendly Letter to Clodovæus in their favour; & by this means they became inhabitants of Rhetia under the dominion of the Ostrogoths.

I have now numbred all the kingdoms into which the Empire became divided at its first breaking. And if the kingdom of the Alans in Spain by reason of its short continuance & its becoming one kingdom with that of the Vandals be omitted you will have the number tenn.

When the Greek Emperor conquered the Ostrogoths, he succeeded them in the kingdom of Ravenna not only by right of conquest but also by right of inheritance the Roman Senate still going along with this kingdom & therefore we may reccon this kingdom still continued in the Exarchs of Ravenna [till the year 743.] & Senate of Rome.

[1] a Vide Epistolas D. Leibnitij ad D. Des Maizeaux 21 Aug. 1716 & D. Des Maizeaux ad Abbatem de Comitibus 21 Aug. 1718. in Collectionum Tomo 2do pag. 356, & 362.

[2] NB no board the last meeting the vacation Coming on and an aduertisement for this meeting in last Tuesdays Gazette/

[3] ✱ The tenth century was a dark ag{e} & little was done in it. In the eleventh century the contest between the Pope & the Emperor began. In the twelft Century the School divinity began & the Popes established their Soveraignty in Rome & became independent of the Emperor & superior to him in power & did what they pleased in making Decrees & in calling of Councils & dictating to them, & in granting indulgenc{ie}s & bringing all sorts of Appeals before them In the year 1151 Gratian published his Systeme of the Canon law called the Decretal which has ever since been i{n} vogue And in the year 1215 – – – – – changed times & laws. And in this state the Church of Rome continued without much alteration till the Reformation of Luther drew off some nations from her.

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