Catalogue Entry: MINT00062
Applications for the post of engraver
(a) (Mint 19/1/140) 8 August 1704. Treasury to Mint. Clerical hand. Letter of referral covering the applications of Parsons and Croker [(d) and (e) below] and that of [William] Rose [Ross, Roos, which seems to have been lost].
(b) (Mint 19/1/141) 7 August 1704. Another hand. Application of William Fowler.
(c) (Mint 19/1/142) 10 August 1704. Treasury to Mint. Clerical hand. Further letter of referral specifically covering Fowler's application.
(d) (Mint 19/1/143-4) Undated.Clerical hand. Application of William Parsons.
(e) (Mint 19/1/145) Undated. Clerical hand. Application of John Croker.
Related Material
Briefly summarised in NC, 7: 435 (no. X.673.3).