

My Lord Treasurer Commands Me to transmit to You the severall inclosed Petitions of Collo. William Parsons and Mr. John Croker relating to the place of Engraver of the Mint void by the Death of Henry Harris Esqr. His Lordship directs You to examine into the respective Qualifications of the Petitioners for that Imployment and likewise of One Mr. Rose of whose Abilitys My Lord has received a Very good Character and that You will then Report Your Opinion to his Lordship what You think fitt to be done thereupon

I am



Your most humble servant

Wm Lowndes.

Officers of the Mint


My Lord

I believe it is not unknown to your Lordship, that as my Genius leads me to the study of Medals, so I have omitted no opportunity either in this or the late Reign, to commit the memory of all considerable Postages to Posterity, by such Designs by way of Medal as I have been Able to contrive; And which have been honour'd With the acceptance of most of the Nobility, as well as the late, and her Present Majesty. The principal motive to which, next to that I thought it my Duty, has been the hope I have had that when any oppertunity should offer me a prospect of some Post, wherein by my Talent this Way I might reasonably suppose my self a fully qualified as any other I might also find the favour of being recommended by some Noble Person whose interest should be Equal & that your Lordship has. I humbly presume therefore My Lord, that this Iuncture presents me with the fairest Opportunity possible to address my self to your Lordship, as that Person, to recommend me (if your Lordship on due consideration shall think fitt he do me that honour) to the Place vacant by the Death of Captain Harris. But if your Lordship is not at present so well convinc'd as I would wish of what I Offer, I humbly Intreat your Lordship however to suspend any Grant, till I may have Time to bring myself so well recommended to your Lordship, that it may be thought now is more fittly qualified, or inclin'd to the business that Post requires, than

your Lordships

Most Humble, and

most Obedient Servant


John Fowler


Whitehall Treasury Chambers

10th. August 1704

My Lord Treasurer is pleased to referr this Memoriall to the Warden Master & Worker and Comptroller of her Majestys Mint who are to consider the same and Report their Opinions to his Lordship as to the Petitioners Qualifications for the place desired

Wm Lowndes

John Fowler refer to {the} Officers {of the} Mint


The Case of Collo. Wm. Parsons &c.

That being a young Brother, & Desirous to Raise his Fortune by a Military Employ, He bought a Cornetts Commission in Ireland in 1680, which through a Violent & Chargeable Illnesse of the Countrey-Distemper, he was Obliged (although with great Losse) to Part with soon after; That in 1682 He bought a Colours in the first Regment of Guards, Commanded by his Grace the Duke of Grafton, & a Lieutenancy likewise in the same Year; And in 1684, having Married a Fortune of 1700ll, He bought a Company. Which upon the late Happy Revolution (being at Portsmouth on Duty, & Mis-represented to his Majestie in his Absence) was taken from him, And he thereby left wholy Destitute of any Income or Provision to Support Himself & Family; deeply Involved in Debts on the Companies Account & forced to apply himself to a Trade (though otherwise Educated) for a present subsistance.

That his Case being made known to his Majestie by the Duke of Grafton, He was sometime after made a Land Surveyor of the Custome-House; butt his Lamenesse encreasing through the constant Attendance on the Keys, & finding himself unable to perform the Duty required, He Exchanged the same (in Respect only to their Majesties Service) for a Kings Wayters-Place to be acted by Deputy, although a Place of scarce one third the Yearly Value.

That although with this small Income & the Blessing of Gold on his Industry & Ingenuity, he has hitherto (with great Difficulties_ maintained himself, and Paid 300ll & upwards (having been often Arrested for the Same) on the Companies Account; Yet since no Prospect can be had in such an Employ, either of Raising a Provision for a Wife (whose Fortune was wholy Expended on the Command) or for Children, who in Case of his Death must be Reduced to the last Extremities;


And since his 16 Years Experience (not without some Success too in the very Improvement) of the Mechanicks, and more Particularly in that part Relating to the Engraving of Seals Medalls &cta may have fitly Qualified him to succeed the late Captain Harris in the Employment of Engraver to her Majesty It is most Humbly Hoped he may have your Lordships Favour in the same

Wherein if he should be thought Worthy, as he is very Desirous of being again Employed in the service of the Crown, He will not only very Faithfully Performe the Trust Reposed in him, but will also Contribute as much as in him lies towards the father Improvement of the Coinage of England.


To the Right Honourable Sidney Lord Godolphin Lord High Treasurer of England

The humble Petition of John Croker, Engraver


That Your Petitioner by Order of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, succeeded Mr James Rotier in Engraving the Puncheons and Dyes for the Coinage at the Tower & five Country Mints, and hath performed the service of Graver to the Mint or Mints, under Mr. Harris for seaven Yeares last past, and hopes he hath given good satisfaction therein.

That by a Contract between the said Mr: Harris & your Petitioner approved of by the then Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, your Petitioner's salary was paid by the said Mr. Harris, & is now ceased by his death, and you Petitioner's place become void; And your Petitioner is informed, That by a Clause in the new Indenture of the Mint, the Graver's salary is also determined in order to a new Settlement of the Place

And for as much as Your Petitioner hath truly and honestly, to the satisfaction of the Officers of the Mint, performed the said Office under Mr. Harris for so many yeares last past

Your Petitioner most humbly prays Your Lordship, That Your Lordship will please of your great favour, to move her Majesty, That Your Petitioner may still continue Graver of her Majesty's Mint, under such an Establishment as her Majestie in her great Wisdome shall think fitt

And Your Petitioner (as in duty bound) shall ever pray &ca.

The Petition of John Croker, Engraver

My Lord Treasurer Refers this & the Petition of Collo. Parsons to the Officers of the Mint but at the same time directs them to enquire concerning the Qualifications & abilitys of one Mr Rose for this Imployment & to Report upon the whole as soon as conveniently they can.

[1] Treasury Chambers
8. August 1704

[2] Aug: the 7th 1704

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