Catalogue Entry: MINT00605

Response to John Pery's [Perry's] application to coin copper

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/306, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]


There is very little demand for copper coin at present, and when it is wanted it should be made entirely in the Mint. Remarks on minting techniques and guards against counterfeiting, and advice on quantities to be coined.


[This application was referred to the Mint on 12 February 1713: CTB, 27, part 2 (1713): 118-19.]

Printed in NC, 6: 51-2 (which dates it c. December 1713 but gives no suggestion as to why Newton should be supposed to have taken ten months to reply to the referral).

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