Response to John Pery's [Perry's] application to coin copper
To the most Hon.ble the Earl of Oxford & Earl Mortimer Lord High Treasurer of great Britain.
May it please yor Lordp
In obedience to yor Lordps Order of Reference upon the Petition of Iohn Pery & other for supplying the Mint with either Blancks or Plates of fine copper to be coined into half pence & farthings, We humbly represent that copper money is at present very little wanted, but if it shall be thought fit to put the coinage of such money into a standing method, We are humbly of opinion
That the whole coinage including the making of the blancks be done in the Mint it being unsafe to have coining tools & coinage abroad.
That it be done of the cheapest fine copper wch will hammer when red hot & is worth about 11d or 12d per pound weight. In finer & dearer copper we may be easily deceived, there being no certain test of the higher degrees of fineness; & the great price will tempt fals coiners to counterfeit the money.
That it be done out of copper either hammered into plates at the copper mills, or cast into barrs at the Mint with an addition of two or three ounces of Tinn to an hundred weight of copper in fusion to make the metal run close. \Both ways may be tried, but/ The last way is most conformable to the coinage of gold & silver, & is cheapest by two pence in the pound weight, & \seems/ therefore to be preferred. For there will be at least got by counterfeiting that money whose workmanship is cheapest.
That this money have \a fair & bold impression &/ such an edging as may be fittest to prevent counterfeiting it by casting {&} have a bold {impression} \& {{illeg}|wit|}h the stamp {as} shall be directed by the Queen & council/
That the stamp, for avoiding frequent trouble to the Queen & Council in allowing it, remain one & the same as in the moneys of gold & silver, unless unless \when/ it shall be thought fit at any time upon any extraordinary occasions to alter it.
That an Importer be appointed to buy & import the copper by weight, & receive back the new money by weight & tale & put the same away. And that the Master & Worker for the time being, be charged & discharged by his Note as in the coinage of gold & silver , & be allowed a Weigher & Teller for weighing the copper & telling the money between him & the Importer & enabling all receipts & paymts. And that if the Copper prove not good upon the Assay the Master have power to refuse it. And that a person be appointed to survey the meltings & the whole coinage\& have power to refuse the {illeg}|Copper| whenever it {{illeg}}proves not good upon the Assay it proves not good./
<306v>That all the charges of Copper; coining tools, coinage, wages & incidents be paid out of the profits of the coinage & that either the Importer or the Master be accountant, & that there be no perpetual salaries to increase the extrinsic value of the moneys, but all services be paid for by the pound weight.
That a coinage of about twenty or thirty tunns once in three or four years, or of fifty Tunns once in six or eight years is sufficient for supplying the daily loss & wast of the moneys already coined, & may prove too much if the counterfeiting of the money encreases. And that a coinage of twenty or thirty or at the most fifty Tunns seems to be abundantly sufficient at present.
That a coinage of such money may be performed from time to time by one & the same standing Commission & that it be left in the power of the Ld H. Treasurer {&}|to| appoint by a particular Warrant the quantity of copper money to be coined at any time which quantity should never be so great at once as to endanger any clamour.
And that when the coinage of such money shall be resolved upon by her Maty, the Petitioners & others who have copper works be treated with, & his copper chosen wch is best coloured & most malleable & cheapest of those sorts of copper which will hammer when red hot.
All which, & whether a coinage shall be set on foot till there be a greater want of such money, is most humbly submitted to yor Lordps great wisdome.