Catalogue Entry: MINT01709
Account of the indentures of the Master and Workers of the Mint in 1702 and 1718
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[1] Indenture between her Majestie & Isaac Newton Esqre. (since Sir Isaac Newton Knt) Master and Worker of her Majesties Mints
[2] That the said Master should enjoy the said Office during her Majesties pleasure with a pention of 500l per ann' &c
[3] That the said Master should within 2 months if required sealed this Indenture
[4] Her Majestie by this Indenture grants & confirms the said Office & pention to the said Sir Isaac Newton to be paid as by Acts of Parliament is provided
[5] And that in default thereof the said pention of 500li per ann' to be paid out of her Majesty's Seigniorage
[6] Confirmacion of all Edifices &c
[7] power to make a Deputy & that the said Master is {to} hold the said Office during her Majesties pleasure
[8] Further recitall of the said Acts & that no moneys payable by the same shall be applied to any other use than that of the Mint & how the same shall bee paid.
[9] That the Disbursement of the Mint formerly paid out of the Seigniorage be now paid out of the moneys arising by the said Acts.
[10] And that the said Master shall be allowed all payments made pursuant to the said Acts.
[11] Esqre Newton to make 4 sorts of gold moneys
[12] 10s peice
[13] 20s peice
[14] 40s peice
[15] 5£ peice
[16] The value and fineness of the gold moneys
[17] The Master to have 6s: 6d out of every pound weight of gold
[19] The Remedy appointed for the Gold moneys
[20] The Master to make 8 sorts of silver moneys.
[21] The Crowne
[22] Crowne
[23] Shilling
[24] Shilling
[25] Groat
[26] Six pence
[27] Penny
[28] The value and fineness of the Silver moneys
[29] That all the said moneys shall bee agreable in fineness to the standards in her Majesties Treasury
[30] The Master to have 1s: 4d per pound weight of silver and to pay the Moniers 8d per pound
[32] The Remedy of the silver moneys
[34] The Warden Comptroller and Clerk of the papers to enter all Bullion and the same to be locked up with three Keys.
[35] That they shall also keep severall Books of melting with the report of the Pott assay.
[36] The Assaymaster to keep a Book of all Bullion & report of the said Pott assay
[37] The charge of making Bullion Standard to be born by her Majestie
[38] A privy mark to be set on the moneys
[39] The Warden and Comptroller to oversee the making of the moneys and the Ballances & weights
[40] The Duty of the Surveyor of the Meltings
[41] The moneys to be locked up with three Keys.
[42] The Triall of the Pix moneys
[43] that if the same bee worse than Standard & within the Remedies the lack, to be entered
[44] If better & within the Remedies then to be entered.
[46] That the Warden &c may employ — Gravers Smiths &c
[47] & have power to punish them
[48] Differences betwixt the Master & the Merchant to be tried by the Assaymaster
[49] Officers of the Mint to have free passage thro' the Tower Gates
[50] The Warden Master & Comptroller to attend weekly
[51] The Master to pay 52£ per ann' for half the Diet
[52] The other half to be paid by the Warden & allow'd in his Accompts which are to bee made yearly
[53] That the Officers of the Mint shall enjoy all Edifices &c
[54] The Duty of the Moniers & other Workmen
[56] The Master to bring into the Mint supplies of gold and silver
[57] The Master to bear all wasts &c
[58] The Warden to pay the Salaries in a schedule annex'd
[59] The Master to coin all gold & silver that he shall receive Except Medalls &c
[60] The Warden and General of her Majesties Mint in Scotland to make two Piles of English weights
[61] Two Piles of Scottish weights
[62] The Master to accompt yearly.
[63] The Master to pay to the Warden such monie{s} as are payable by the said Warden & to retain in his own hands — 1175£ per ann'
[64] The Warden Master & Comptroller &c to be sworne not to discover how the said monies and rounded and lettered
[65] That the Moniers shall not vend any monies till pixed &c
[66] that none shall dwell in the Mint without consent of the Warden &c
[67] The Comptrollers Roll
[68] The Master to pay the Officers for rounding the said Moneys &c.
[69] The Moniers to have a further allowance for making Small Moneys.
[71] The Duty of the Clerk of the Irons
[72] and his Accompt to the Warden &c
[73] The Gravers to work only in the Mint
[74] The Counterpoise of the gold & silver moneys.
[75] The Moniers to attend daily and perform their Tasks otherwise to bee punished.
[76] These presents to be in force during her Majesties pleasure
[77] Indenture between his Majestie and Sir Isaac Newton Master and Worker of his Majesties Mint
[78] Recital of the Letters Patents
[79] To enjoy the said Office during his Majesties pleasure with a pention of 500li per Ann' &c
[80] Proviso in the Letters patents for Sir Isaac Newton to Seal an Indenture within two months after required with usuall Covenants
[81] his Majestie confirms to the Said Sir Isaac Newton the Office of Master & Worker with the Said Yearly pention of 500li to be paid as by Acts of Parliament {illeg}s provided.
[82] {illeg} after the said acts of parliament shall cease then {illeg} {p}aid yearly pention
[83] to be paid as by any future Acts shall be provided & for default thereof out of his Majesties Seignorage.
[84] confirms to the said Sir Isaac Newton all Edifices &c'
[85] Power to Exercise the said Office by a Deputy and to hold the Same dureing his Majesties pleasure
[86] Recitall that it is provided by the aforesaid Acts that no Monies payable by the Same Shall be applied to any other use than that of the Mints, nor paid but by Warrant of the Lord Treasurer &c.
[87] That the Said disbursements of the Mint formerly paid out of the Seignorage being now applyed to be paid out of the Monies ariseing by the Said Acts hi majestie hereby ordains that the Said Master shall receive the same accordingly
[88] That the Said Master Shall be allowed all payments made pursuant to the Said Acts of Parliament
[89] Sir Isaac Newton to make five Sorts of Moneys of Gold.
[90] 5s 3d peice
[91] 10s. 6d. peice
[92] 21s. peice
[93] That the pound weight Troy of Gold shall be in value 46l. 14s and 6d & shall hold in weight & be in fineness 22 Carrats
[94] That the Master shall have 6s 6d out of every pound weight Troy of Gold Coyned for his wast &c. and pay the Moniers thereout 3s
[95] The sixth part of a Carrat in the pound Weight of Gold to be allowed for Remedy
[96] If the same happen by Casualty
[97] To make Eight sorts of Silver Monies
[98] The Crown
[99] Crown
[100] The Shilling
[101] Shilling
[102] Groat
[103] Sixpence
[104] Groat
[105] The Penny
[106] That the Monies shall be agreeable in fineness to the standard of the Treasury.
[107] The Said Master shall have one shilling and Four pence half penny out of every pound weight of Silver Moneys & pay the Monyers Eightpence
[109] Two pennyweights in the pound weight Troy of Silver to be allowed for Remedy
[110] If the default happen by Casualty
[111] That the Master shall receive aswell his Majesties own Bullion as any other Bullion to be coyned by Weight & what Bills to be given upon the receipt thereof
[112] The Warden, Comptroller & Clerk of the papers to enter all Bullion and after the Assays are reported the same to {be} lockt up with three Key's.
[113] That they shall also keep severall Books of Melting with the Report of the Pott Assay
[114] The Master shall receive such Bullion as is nigh Standard at the value & charge of makeing it standard to be born by his Majestie
[115] The master to put a privy mark to the Monies
[116] The Warden and Comptroller or their Deputies to Oversee the making of the Monies and the Ballances and Weights
[117] The Surveyor of the Meltings to keep a Book of Such Gold and Silver as shall be Molten
[118] The Warden Master and Comptroller to lock up the Monies with 3 key's till proof be made by the Assay Master and the owners of the Bullion be paid
[120] If the Pix moneys be found worse than Standard and yet within the Remedy the lack thereof to be entered on Record
[121] If the Moneys be better than the Standard & yet within the remedies then the Same to be entered on Record
[122] If the said Monies be without the remedies the Master to sued att the Kings pleasure
[123] That the Warden may employ Gravers & have power to punish them for offences
[124] If any difference happen betwixt the Master & the Merchant the Same to be Tryed by the Assay Master
[125] All officers of the Mint to have free passage through the Tower Gates at all times
[126] The Warden master & Comptroller to attend at the Mint every Wednesday
[127] The Master to pay 52li per Ann' for the Moiety of the Officers Dyett
[128] his Majestie to allow the other halfe to be paid by the Warden who shall make his Accounts Yearly & to have Letters Patents for his Discharge
[129] The Wardens Accounts to be vouched by the Master & Comptroler
[130] That the Officers of the Mint Shall enjoy all houses within the said Mint &c.
[131] That the Monyers &c be ready to work as the Warden directs on pain of Imprisonment & to deliver back the Monies to the Master in clean plates
[132] The master makes Oath for performance of Covenants.
[133] And gives Sureties for 2000li
[134] The Master to bring into the Mint Supplies of Gold & Silver & to bear all Wasts
[135] The Warden to pay the sallary's in a schedule Annexed
[136] The master to bring all Gold & silver he receives into the Mint to be coined except healing pieces &c
[138] The Master to Account Yearly and to have Letters Patents for his Discharge
[139] The Master to pay to the Warden out of the moneys he receives from the Exchequer Such Summe and Summs as the Warden Shall pay to the Officers of the Mint &c. And to retain for his owne Fees as in a Schedule Annexed 1120£ and for repairing of the houses &c
[140] The Warden Master and Comptroller & their Deputies to take an Oath before the Lord Treasurer not to discover the manner of Rounding and Lettering the Money
[141] The Provost and Monyers shall not Vend or pay any Coyned Monies till delivered into the Office of Receipt & pixed
[142] That none do dwell in the Mint without Consent of the Warden &c'
[143] The Comptrollers Roll
[144] The Master to pay the Officers for Rounding the Moneys &c' as the Lord high Treasurer shall direct./
[145] The Monyers to have further Allowance for their Encouragment for making the Small Coines
[146] Provided they deliver seven twelfth parts in Money & Five Scissell
[147] The Clerk of the Irons to take care of all Dyes delivered to the Gravers &c'
[148] And to give Account thereof
[149] That a Iust account may be kept of the same.
[150] For the more exact sizing the Coines the Counterpoise shall be made lighter than the Iust weight &c'.
[151] The Provost & the Moneyers to attend every day & perform their Tasks otherwise to be punished
[152] These presents to be in force during his Majesties pleasure.