Account of the indentures of the Master and Workers of the Mint in 1702 and 1718
[1]This Indenture made the fourteenth day of January in the first year of the reigne of our Sovereign Lady Anne by the grace of God Queen of England Scotland France & Ireland Defender of the Faith &c' and in the year of our Lord 1702 Between our said Sovereign Lady the Queens most excellent Majestie of the one part and Isaac Newton Esqre. of the other part Wittnesseth that whereas our said Sovereign Lady the Queen by her Letters Patents under the Great seale of England bearing date the eleventh day of Iune 1702 For the considerations therein mentioned Did give and grant unto the said Isaac Newton the Office of Master and Worker of all her Majesties moneys both of gold and silver within her Majesties Mint in the Tower of London and elsewhere in her said Majesties Kingdome of England together with the yearly Fee or Pention of Five hundred pounds to be paid quarterly unto him at or upon the twenty fifth day of March the twenty fourth day of Iune, the twenty ninth day of September and the twenty fifth day of December by even and equal portions with all Edifices, Buildings, Gardens, and other Fees, allowances, proffitts, priviledges Franchises and Immunities belonging to the said Office/
[2]To have and to hold the said Office of Master and Worker unto the said Isaac Newton to be exercised by himself or his sufficient Deputy or Deputies for whom he will answer and also the said yearly Fee or pention of 500l. with the said Houses Edifices Buildings gardens and other Fees allowances proffitts advantages priviledges Franchises Liberties and Immunities for and during her said Majesties pleasure in as full and ample manner as Sir Ralph Freeman Knt Henry Slingsby Esquire or Thomas Neale Esqre or any others heretofore have had held or enjoyed the same/
[3]And whereas it is provided by the said Majesties Letters Patents That the said Isaac Newton after he shall be in possession of the said Office shall within two Months after the signification of her said Majesties pleasure by the High Treasurer of England or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being make and execute on his part such and the like Indenture and Agreements for and concerning the making of the several sorts of money of Gold and silver and for payment of the severall Officers of the Mint and for other matters and things relating thereto and to the executions of the said Officers as were formerly made, with alterations and additions if any should be thought fit and directed by her Majestie for the better management and carrying on of that service
[4]Now this Indenture witnesseth that for and in consideracion of the Covenants and agreements hereinafter contained or the part of the said Isaac Newton Our said Sovereign Lady the Queene of her especial grace certain knowledge and meer motion Hath given granted ratified and confirmed and doth by these presente give grant ratifie and confirm unto the said Isaac Newton The said Office of Master and Worker of all her Majesties moneys both of Gold and silver within her Majesties Mint within the Tower of London and elsewhere in her said Majesties Kingdome of England together with the aforesaid Fee or yearly pention of 500L sterling to be paid by quarterly payments (That is to say) At or upon the twenty fifth day of March, the twenty fourth day of Iune, the twenty ninth day of September and the twenty fifth day of December yearly by even & equall portions, out of such moneys as in and by an Act of Parliament made in the eighteenth year of the reigne of his late Majestie King Charles the second, and continued by one other Act made in the twenty fifth year of his said Majesties reign, both which were revived & continued by an Act made in the first year of his late Majestie King James the seconds reign and again by another Act made in the fourth yeare of his late Majestie King William and the late Queen Mary and after by an Act made in the twelfth yeare of the reign of the said late King William are allowed to bee issued yearly out of her said Majesties Exchequer for the Fees or salaries of the Officers of the Mint or Mints and towards the providing maintaining and repairing of the Houses Offices and Buildings and other Necessaries for assaying melting downe and Coining during so long time as the said Acts of Parliament shall bee and continue in Force
<3>[5]And after the said Acts of Parliament shall cease and bee void Then the said Fee or yearly pention to bee paid out of such other moneys and in such other manner as shall by any Act or Acts of Parliament hereafter to be made, be appointed or allowed to be issued out for the Fees or salaries of the Officers of the Mint or Mints And in default of any such allowance or appointment to be hereafter made by Parliament and during such time and times as there shall hereafter happen to be noe such allowance or appointment made by Authority of Parliament the said Fee or yearly pention of 500L sterling to be paid unto the said Isaac Newton out of her Majesties Seigniorage or allowance for Coinage of Gold or Silver moneys, or other her Majesties Proffitts of the Mint or such other part of her Majesties Proffitts of the Mint or such other part of her Majesties revenue as her Majestie shall direct
[6]And our Sovereign Lady the Queen for the considerations aforesaid Hath also given granted and confirmed and by these presente doth give grant and confirm unto the said Isaac Newton All Edifices Buildings Gardens & other proffitts priviledges Franchises and Immunities belonging to the aforesaid Office
[7]To have hold and enjoy the said Office of Master and Worker unto the said Isaac Newton and to exercise the same by himself or his sufficient Deputy or Deputies for whom he will answer And also to hold and enjoy the said Fee or yearly pention or summe of 500L sterling together with the said houses Edifices Buildings Gardens proffitts advantages priviledges Franchises Liberties and Immunities for and during her said Majesties pleasure in as full and ample manner to all intents and purposes as the said Sir Ralph Freeman Henry Slingsby and Thomas Neale deceased or any of them or any other person or persons did or at any time heretofore might or ought to hold & enjoy the same
And whereas by the aforesaid Acts of Parliament it is amongst other things provided That no moneys leviable or payable by the same shall be applied or converted to any use or uses whatsoever other than to the defraying the charge or expence of the Mint or Mints and of the assaying melting down waste and Coinage of Gold and [8]Silver and the encouragement of the bringing in of Gold and silver into the said Mint or Mints there to bee coined into the Currant Coines of this Kingdome Now should any of the said moneys be issued out of the Exchequer But by order or warrant of the said Lord Treasurer and Under Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being to the Master and Worker or Masters and Workers of her Majesties Mint or Mints for the time being & mentioning that they are for the use and service aforesaid to be kept To be kept in ther Majesties Office of Receipt in the said Mint or Mints under the usual keys of the Warden Master and Worker and Comptroller for the time being and issued out thence from time to time according to the manner and course of the said Mint or Mints respectively as by the same Acts more plainly appeareth
[9]And in regard the payments & disbursements of the said Mint or Mints formerly paid out of the Seigniorage or allowance for Coinage are by the aforesaid Acts of Parliament appointed to be paid out of the moneys arising by the same Acts of Parliament. Wherefore our said sovereign Lady the Queen doth by these presents ordain and appoint That the said Master and Worker shall receive out of her Majesties Exchequer from time to time all such moneys as are appointed to be paid unto him by the said Acts of Parliament for defraying the charges or expences of the Mint or Mints and of the assaying melting down waste and coinage of gold and silver and the incouragement of the bringing in of gold and silver into the said Mint or Mints there to bee coined into the currant Coines of this Kingdome.
[10]And that the said Master and Worker shall upon his Accompt yearly to be made of his receipts payments charges and Disbursements before the Auditors of the Mint or Mints for the time being have full allowance defalcation and discharge of and for all such summme and summes of money as he shall duly pay and disburse according to the true intent and meaning of the aboverecited Letters Patents and according to the directions hereafter in these presents expressed and according to the course of the said Mint or Mints respectively as by the same Acts of Parliament is directed & appointed
<5>[11]And the said Isaac Newton doth by these presents covenant undertake and agree to and with our Soverign Lady the Queen to make her Majesties moneys in manner and form following (That is to say) To make four sorts of money of Crowne Gold.
[12]One peice which shall be called the tenn shilling peice running for Ten shillings sterling and there shall be Eighty nine of those in the pound weight Troy
[13]One other piece which shall be called the twenty-shilling peice, running for twenty shillings sterling and there shall be 44 of those and one ten shilling peice or the weight of one ten shilling peice in the pound weight Troy.
[14]One other peice which shall be called the Forty-shilling Peice running for 40s. sterling and there shall be 22 of those and one ten shilling peice or the weight of a 10s. peice in the pound weight Troy
[15]And one other peice which shall be called the Five pound peice running for five pounds sterling and there shall be nine of those wanting one ten shilling peice or the weight of one 10s peice in the pound weight Troy
[16]And that every pound weight Troy of all the moneys of Gold aforesaid shall hold in Number & be in value 44£: 10s and shall be in fineness at the triall of the same twenty two Carratts of fine Gold and two Carratts of allay in every pound weight Troy The which standard aforesaid of 22 Carratts of fine gold and two Carratts of allay in every pound weight Troy Our sovereign Lady the Queen doth will ordain and establish by these presents to be the right standard of her Majesties moneys of Crown gold
[17]And the said Isaac Newton shall have & receive the summe of six shillings & six pence of every pound weight Troy of gold moneys to be by him detained & kept for the paying bearing and sustaining all manner of wasts provisions necessaries and charges coming arising and growing in and about the Coining of her Majesties said Gold moneys by the Will and Press, out of the moneys paid and payable to him as is hereafter expressed.
<6>[18]And the said Master shall out of the said six shill and six pence allowed unto him and to be received by him as aforesaid for every pound weight of the moneys of gold from time to time pay unto the moniers the summe of three shillings for their labour waste and charges in the coining of every pound weight Troy of the said gold moneys by the Mill and Press, according to the undertakings & agreements of the Moniers with the said Master & Worker.
But because the said moneys of Gold may not continually be made according in all things to the right standard [19]But peradventure in default of the said master and Worker it shall be found sometimes to strong or too feeble, by too much or too little in weight or in fineness or in both Our sovereign Lady the Queen doth will and command that when the said moneys of Gold shall be found at the assay before the deliverance too strong or too feeble, all only in weight or all only in fineness or in both the sixth part of a Carratt in the pound weight of God and no more The which sixth part in that one or the sixth part in that other or the sixth part in them both shall be called Remedy for the said Master, that then that money shall be delivered for good, so always that the same default happen by Casualty otherwise not But if default be found in the same money in weight or in fineness or in both, over the sixth part of a Carratt which is called Remedy as aforesaid then the deliverance shall cease & that money shall be challenged and adjudged less than good and to be new molten & recoined at the cost of the said Master till it be put to point as money deliverable
[20]And also the said Master hath undertaken and by these presents doth agree & undertake to & with our Soverign Lady the Queen to make eight manner of moneys of silver (That is to say)
[21]One Peice which shall be called the Crown running for five shillings sterling, and there shall be twelve of those and two shillings in the pound weight Troy
[22]One other peice which shall be called the half Crown running for two shillings sixpence sterling and there shall be 24 of those & two shillings in the pound weight Troy
[23]One other peice which shall be called the Shilling running for twelve pence sterling and there shall be 62. of those in the pound weight Troy
<7>[24]And other peice which shall be called the half shilling running for six pence sterling and there shall be 124 of those in the pound weight Troy
[25]One other peice which shall be called the Groat running for four pence sterling and there shall be 186 of those in the pound weight Troy
[26]One other peice which shall be called the halfe six pence running for three pence sterling and there shall be 248 of those in the pound weight Troy
[27]And one other peice which shall be called the penny running for one penny sterling and there shall be 744 of those in the pound weight Troy
[28]And every pound weight of the moneys of silver aforesaid shall be and hold in number as aforesaid and be in value 3£: 2s sterling and shall be in fineness at the tryal of the same eleven Ounces two pennyweights of fine silver and eighteen pennyweights of allay Which eleven Ounces & two pennyweights of fine silver & eighteen pennyweights of allay in the pound weight Troy aforesaid is the old right standard of the moneys of silver of England
[29]And be the said Master bound to make all the moneys of Crown gold and standard silver aforesaid agreable in fineness to the respective Indented triall peices made by the direction of the late King James the second in the fourth year of his reign, which said Indented Tryall peices doe now remaine in the six several places hereafter mentioned (That is to say) One Indented peice of Crown gold and one Indented peice of Standard silver in her Majesties Treasury within this Kingdome of England to try the moneys of gold and silver from time to time coined by the said Master & Worker of her Majesties moneys for the time being in fineness thereby, The like with the Warden of the Mint within the Tower of London for the time being to try the moneys of Gold and silver from time to time coined in her Majesties Mint in fineness thereby As also to try the gold & silver Bullion brought thither if any difference shall happen to arise between the said Master and Worker and the Bringers in of the same, The like with the said Master & Worker To make the said moneys in fineness thereby The like with the Wardens of the Company of Goldsmiths within the City of London in Goldsmiths Hall for the tryall of their plate and other works aswell of gold as of silver in fineness thereby, The like in her Majesties Treasury of the Kingdome of Scotland to charge the Officers of her Majesties moneys for the time being within the said Kingdome thereby for the true making of the said moneys there And the like with the General and other Officers of the Mint within the said Kingdom of Scotland to make the money in the said Kingdome in fineness thereby
[30]And the said Isaac Newton shall have & receive the summe of 1s: 4d to be by him taken for the Coinage of every pound weight Troy of silver moneys for the paying bearing & sustaining of all manner of wasts provisions necessaries and charges coming arising & growing in and about the coining of her Majesties Crowns, Half Crowns, shillings & six pences of silver moneys by the Mill & press, out of the moneys to be paid & payable to him as is hereinafter expressed And the said Master shall out of the said 1s: 4d allowed to him as aforesaid & received by him for every pound weight Troy of the moneys of silver pay from time to time unto the Moniers the summe of eight pence for the making of every pound weight Troy of the said silver moneys by the Mill and Press according to the undertaking and agreement of the said Moniers with the said Master and Worker
[31]And our sovereign Lady the Queen doth by these presents order & appoint that the said Master & Worker out of the moneys to be paid to him as aforesaid shall pay or cause to be paid yearly unto the Wardens of her said Majesties Mints for the time being by quarterly payments the yearly summe of 1435£ for the fees and salaries of the severall & respective Officers of the Mint payable by the said Warden according to the distribution and appointment mention'd in a schedule hereunto annexed
But because the said moneys of silver cannot continually be made in all things according to the right standard in as much as sometimes in default of the said Master & Worker it may be made too strong or too feeble by too much or too little in weight or in fineness or in both Our sovereign Lady the Queen doth will that when the said moneys of silver upon the assay before the delivery be found to strong or [32]Too feeble all only in weight or all only in fineness or in both by two pennyweights in the pound weight Troy aforesaid after the old Computation of twenty pennyweights in the Ounce & no more, The which Two pennyweight in that one or Two pennyweight in that other or Two pennyweight in them both shall be called Remedy for the Master That then such moneys to be delivered for good, so alway the same default do happen by Casualty otherwise not But if default be found in the said moneys in weight or in fineness or in both over the said twopennyweight in the pound weight Troy aforesaid then ceaseth the deliverance of the money and the same to be challenged less than good & at the costs of the Master to be newly molten & recoined till it be put to point as moneys deliverable as aforesaid
[33]And our said Sovereign Lady the Queen willeth agreeth & granteth by this Indenture that the said Master and Worker for the time being do & shall receive aswell her Majesties own Bullion of gold & silver as the Bullion of any other person or persons whatsoever, repairing to her Mint with any Bullion of gold & silver aforesaid to be coined into the moneys before mencioned by weight delivering to the parties bringing in the same Bullion Bills testifying the weight fineness and value thereof together with the day and order of its delivery into the said Mint or Mints, and within as convenient time as may be deliver the same again to our Sovereign Lady the Queen for her Bullion & to the other parties or the Attornies delivering the same Bills, by the same weight according to the value of the said Bullion at such time & in such manner & form as in this present Indenture is limited & applied
[34]And our Sovereign Lady the Queen doth will & command by this Indenture that the said Warden & Wardens and the Comptroller & Comptrollers of her Majesties Mint, as also her Majesties Chief Clerk & Clerks of the Papers for the time being shall enter & record in several Leidger Books all such Bullion of Gold & silver as from time to time shall be brought into the said Mint The which Entry shall comprehend the weight fineness & value of the said Bullion the parties name that brought it & what day And after the said Bullion of Gold & silver shall be received, & the Assays thereof made reported & entered into the said Leidger Books, the same Bullion shall bee forthwith put into a Chest or Room & the Chest or Room Shall be locked with three Keys, whereof one Key shall remaine with the said Warden or Wardens or one of them & one other of the Keys shall remaine with the said Master for the time being and the other Key shall remaine with the said Comptroller or Comptrollers for the time being & delivered to the making of moneys
[35]And the said Wardens or one of them & the Comptrollers & likewise her Majesties Clerk shall also keep severall Books of Melting, declaring in the same the quantity & fineness of all manner of gold & silver & allay put into the melting with the report of every Assay called the Pott Assay and the same Books shall remaine in their severall custodies to charge the Master withall, & the said Books shall be monthly subscribed & figured by the said Wardens or one of them, and the Master & Comptroller [36]And the said Assaymaster of our Sovereign Lady the Queen shall keep one Book of all such Bullion of gold & silver as shall be brought into the said Mint whereby the quantity and fineness may appeare with the report also of the assay of every several pott commonly called the Pott Assay Which pott assay shall be made of some Ingott of the said Bullion to be taken by the said Warden or Wardens Comptroller and Assaymaster or any two of them after the pott is cast out
[37]And if any person or persons happen to bring into the Mint any manner of gold or silver nigh to the standard aforesaid then the Master shall receive it for the value accordingly so as the charges to make it agreable in fineness to the several standards aforesaid be born & sustained out of the Revenue arising to her Majestie by vertue of the aforesaid Act of Parliament
[38]And our said sovereign Lady the Queen doth by these presents give full power & authority unto the said Master and Worker from time to time to put such privy Mark or Marks upon the Edges or Flatt sides of the said gold & silver money so to be coined as aforesaid as he the said Master shall judge most safe & convenient for the said moneys & from time to time to alter & change such privy mark or marks according as he shall judg the same most convenient & necessary, so that the said Master & Worker may from time to time know & discover which is Gold & silver amongst other be made by him & which not
<11>[39]And the said assaying melting sizing and making of the said Moneys of gold & silver at all times & in all places & shall endeavour and procure that the said moneys & every of them bee made and perfected according to the true intent of this Indenture and the charge committed to them And they shall also see and procure that the Ballances & weights be always amended & put to point from time to time when they shall need so that no default be found in them to the hurt of her Majestie or her people
[40]And the Surveyor of the Meltings shall take care of his duty in surveying the Meltings aforesaid and shall keep a Book containing the weight of such gold & silver as shall be molten from time to time with the allays put into the same, and when the said moneys be coined and compleat the said Warden or Wardens Master and Comptroller or Comptrollers shall put them into a Chest or Room [41]locked with three Keys, whereof one shall remaine with the said Warden or Wardens one with the said Master, & the third with the Comptrollers untill such time as proof and Tryall be had of the said money and payment be made to the Bringers in of the said Bullion accordingly, which proof shall be had and made before deliverance of the said moneys & shall bee made in the presence of the said Warden or Wardens Master & Comptroller or Comptrollers by her Majesties Assaymaster for the time being, the same assay to bee taken aswell of the fineness as of the weight by such Quantity & after such sort as bee agreed on by the said Warden or Wardens Comptrollers & Assaymaster
And after the said moneys of gold and silver bee assayed and proved for good as is aforesaid, before any deliverance be of the whole summe, a portion of the said moneys shall be taken & put into a box by the said Warden or Wardens or by their Deputy or Deputies in the presence of the said Master or his Deputy and the Comptrollers or their Deputy whereof the assay shall be made before our Sovereign Lady the Queen from time to time or such of her Councell as have been accustomed or shall Be appointed by her Majestie at Westmr. or elsewhere it shall please her Majestie or her Councill to appoint (That is to say) for every Iourney weight of Gold not exceeding fifteen pound weight two peices, whereof the one to be for the Pix and the other for the assay And out of every Iourney of Silver moneys containing sixty pounds weight two peices at least the one moiety thereof to be for the Pix and the other for the assay and they shall be ensealed with the seats of the said Warden or Wardens Master & Comptroller or Comptrollers and the said Box shall be shutt with three Keys, whereof one Key shall abide with the said Warden or Wardens, and one with the Master and the third with the Comptroller or Comptrollers [42]which Pix shall remaine in a Chest or room as is aforesaid & upon reasonable warning thereof given it shall be opened from time to time before our Sovereign Lady the Queen or such of her Councell as shall be by her Majestie appointed at Westmr. or elsewhere it shall please her Majestie or her said Councell to appoint, & in presence of the said Warden or Wardens Master and Comptroller there shall be assays made aswell of the fineness as of the weight of the said moneys of gold & Silver in the said Box, after the most just manner as can be thought of to be made, by fire, by water, by Touch or by weight, or by all or by any of them to the end that if the said moneys of gold and silver be found & prove good & covenable after the Covenants orders & agreements aforesaid the said Master to be quiet excused and discharged against her said Majesty and all her people unto that day And then the said Master at his will to have Letters Patents of our sovereign Lady the Queen under the great seale of England to be made for his Acquittance, specifying the said Assays to be made & found as aforesaid in such sort as in ancient times hath been accustomed without Fee therefore paying, For the making which Letters patents these presents shall be a sufficient warrant & discharge to the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the great seale of England for the time being without any further or special warrant to be issued out for the same
[43]And if it shall be found by the assays that the pound weight throly tried answers not the full standard in fineness as aforesaid But shall be worse & yet within the remedies aforesaid the lack thereof shall bee enter'd on record by the said Warden or Wardens & Comptroller or such as they thereunto shall appoint & a true account thereof shall bee without any proffit or commodity to grow unto any other person or persons for the same [44]Saving always that in Case by the said Assay it shall be found that the same Moneys of gold and silver do pass at any time the said Standards or any of them, so as the same be better in fineness or in weight or in both than is appointed by the standards and yet within the remedies, then so much thereof to be enter'd of Record and hold place to the said Master in the charge which he shall have when any lack shall be found by the said assays under the standards aforesaid
[45]And if it shall happen in the said moneys of gold and silver or either of them upon either of the just assays as shall be made of the abovesaid Boxes in manner aforesaid be it in weight or in fineness any default be found without the said Remedies ordained for the said Master as is abovesaid or any of them The said Master shall make fine & ransom to her said Majestie at her will
[46]Also the said Warden Master Worker & Comptroller or any of theem as often as need shall require shall & may take up as many Gravers to grave Irons at her Majesty's price & also as many Smiths, Workmen & Labourers & other necessaries to & for the making of the said Irons and moneys aforesaid & the doing of all manner of Business within the Mint as to the said Warden Master & Comptrollers shall seem needfull to have In which taking of such Gravers Smiths, workmen & Labourers & other necessaries our Sovereign Lady the Queen doth will & command and by this Indenture all Mayors Sherriffs Bayliffs & other Officers, that they to the said Warden or Wardens, Master & Comptroller aforesaid & to his & their Deputy & Deputies therein be assistant aiding helping & fortifying as to right doth belong
[47]And our Sovereign Lady the Queen doth will & grant by these presents that it shall be lawfull for the said Warden or Wardens, Master or Comptroller of her Majesties Mint at all times such and so many of the said Ingravers Smiths, Workmen and Labourers as by their discrections be not of good Bearing in their Offices and Labours to punish put out avoid and amove like as to the Warden or Wardens Master or Comptroller shall seem meet according to right & for her Majesties weale
<14>[48]And be the said Master bound & holden to receive all manner of gold & silver brought to the Tower {af}{ter} the very value, (That is to say) every parcell in it's degree, One to the more another to the less, after the quantity it shall appear by the assay to be better or worse then the Standard And if the said Master & the Merchant which bringeth in the said gold & silver may not {unor}d{illeg} between them of the true value, her Majesties Assaymaster to that deputed in the presence of the said Warden or Wardens Master and Comptrollers ought and shall {tr}y the truth in that part and the said Master shall thereupon receive the same and stand thereafter chargeth in manner as it belongeth
[49]And our said Sovereign Lady the Queen doth will & charge straitly by this Indenture all the Officers of the Tower aforesaid That the Officers aforesaid and all other Officers of the Mint and their servants and also all manner of persons bringing gold and silver to the Tower shall have free ingress, egress and issue by the Gates and thro' the same Tower and Franchises thereof inward and outward at all times without any arresting disturbance letting or gainsaying of the Chief Governor Constable or Lieutennant or the Porter or any other Officer or person whatsoever he be for any manner of Debt matter or cause whatsoever it be and without any thing given to them or to any other to have such entry or Issue
[50]And be the said Warden or Wardens Master and Comptroller held & bound to give their attendance at the said Mint every Wednesday in the Week & such other days as shall be by them appointed & agreed on for the receipt of all such Bullion as shall be brought into the said Mint & for the delivery of the said coined monies
[51]And the same Master to pay the summe of fifty & two pounds by the year towards the charges of the Diety of 104£ heretofore allowed by her Majesties Royall Predecessors to the Officers of the said Mint, The sume of 52£ to be P{aid} by the said Master so long as her Majestie shall continue her p{art} of the Diett hereafter in these presents expressed & allowed and of the same & of every of them to discharge and acquitt our Sovereign Lady the Queen from time to time and so long as he shall continue Master & Worker of the said moneys
<15>[52]And her Majestie doth grant by these presents to bear and allow the other summe of 52£ parcell of 104£ for the Diet of the Officers aforesaid which her Majesties will & pleasure is shall from time to time be paid by the said Warden or Wardens & doth grant that thereof he shall have allowance on his accompt, the said Diet to continue till her Majestie shall order otherwise under her Majesties sign manual And that the said Warden or Wardens shall make his or their accompts yearly aswell of all & every his or their Receipts as of his & their payments & other charges before the Auditors of the Mint for the time being unless it shall please her Majestie otherwise to appoint the same In which Accompt the said Auditors or others to be appointed by her said Majestie to take the said Accompts shall make unto the said Warden or Wardens full allowance defalcacion & discharge aswell of all such summe & summes of money as he or they shall duly prove to have been paid or disbursed for Officers Fees & wages & Diett of the said Officers as for any other necessary charges to be employed in & about the making of the said moneys or repairing of the said Offices & Houses necessary to be employed in the said service under the avouchments of the said Master & Comptroller and Assaymaster or any two of them whereof the said Master to be one And the said Accompts so to be made by the said Auditors or by any other of her Majesties special appointment for the same, being stated & his Debt determined & his said Accompts fully answered to her Majestie the said Warden or Wardens upon his or their suite to the Lord Chancellors or Lord Keeper of the Great seal or Commissioners of the Great seale shall have Letters Patents of her Majestie under the great seale to be made for his or their acquittance without fee therefore paying For the making of which said Letters Patents these presents shall be a sufficient Warrant and Discharge to the said Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper or Commissioners of the great seale for the time being without any further or special warrant to be sued out for the same
[53]And her said Majestie doth grant and confirm by these presents that the Officers of the Mint shall at all times hold have and peaceably enjoy all places houses grounds aswell builded as unbuilded within the said Mint which heretofore have been called reputed or taken for the Mint without medling let or disturbance by the Chief Governor Or Constable Lieutennant or any other Officers or Ministers of the Tower And her said Majestie doth grant & onfirm by this Indenture to the aforesaid Officers and to all other Officers and Ministers of the Mint the Charters and Franchises to them before this time granted after the effect and purpose of the same Charters
[54]And also our Sovereign Lady the Queen doth will that the said Moniers Workmen and all other Ministers of the Mint shall be ready to do their work at all times without denial when they shall be warned by the said Warden or Wardens, Master or Comptroller upon pain of losing their Franchises and Bodies to Prison Also that all the gold & silver that the Master shall deliver to the Moniers to be coined as aforesaid shall be in clean plates & delivered by weight, and the said Moniers to make & coin the same into moneys and then deliver the same again to the Master in Clean peices proportionably by the same weight and if any thing lack of the same weight at any time of deliverance they to content & pay unto the said Master for the same at every deliverance at the ballance and so done the Master to pay them the wages that belong to them
[55]And for the Covenants agreements grants & premisses abovesaid well and truly to be holden and performed on the part of the said Master & that he shall beare himself towards her Majestie and her people in the said Office well and reasonable and that he shall make Gree to her Majestie in Chancery and bindeth himself his Heires and Executors to her Majestie by these presents And for more Surety to make Gree with the Queen and to the Merchants of that belongs to them of the gold and silver which he shall receive by and, in manner as is aforesaid while he shall be in the said Office, the aforesaid Master hath found Burrows & sureties afore our Sovereign Lady the Queen in her Exchequer in the summme of 2000£ and that upon pain thereof he shall make Gree to the Queens Higness and to the Merchants in manner and form as is aforesaid
[56]And the said Master doth covenant promise & grant to & with her said Majestie from time to time to bring into the said Mint convenient and sufficient supplies of gold and silver and make full payments and deliverance of all manner of moneys with all convenient speed according to the said Acts of Parliament for the proffitt of her Majestie her Heirs & Successors and the ease of the people
<17>[57]And the said Master doth covenant promise and grant to and with our sovereign Lady the Queen to pay bear and sustain all manner of wast provisions necessaries and charges coming arising & growing in & about the coining of her Majesties gold & silver moneys respectively by the Mill and Press according to the allowance in that behalf made by her Majestie by this present Indenture
[58]And our Sovereign Lady the Queen doth will and command that the Warden or Wardens of the Mint for the time being shall content and pay to the Officers and Ministers aforesaid such Stipends and wages and such Diet as in a schedule is limited & appointed in manner & form and during such term as is in the same expressed and that thereof he and they have due allowance and defalcation upon his or their accompt
[59]And the said Master shall be holden & bound to bring or cause to be brought all the gold and silver that he shall receive by colour of his Office into the Mint to be molten and made into moneys for help and increase of the moneys for her Majesties proffitt & ease of her people without sale aliening or putting it to any other use Excepting all such Healing Peices Seales and Medalls of gold & silver as shall be made for her Majesties use or by her Majesties commands
[60]And further our Sovereign Lady the Queen doth will command by these presents the Warden or Wardens of her Majesties Mint that he or they with all convenient speed and with the consent and agreement of the General of her Majesties Mint within the Realm of Scotland do make or cause to be made two Piles of English weights in the most perfect and exact manner that by their endeavours can be done, whereof twelve Ounces english shall overpoise twelve Ounces Scottish four pennyweights & nine grains english and that the greater & smaller weights of the two Piles shall be made and framed proportionably thereto And after the said two piles shall be so made as aforesaid they shall be brought to the Tower of London and there shall be examined & printed with a Rose Crowned & Thistle crowned in the presence of the Officers of her Majesties Mint within the said Tower and after the same be so examined and printed as is aforesaid the Warden or Wardens shall at the Tower deliver one of the said Piles to the General of her Majesties Mint within her Majesties said Kingdome of Scotland by Bill Indented under the hands of the said Warden and General to be carried into Scotland by the said General & to remain with her Majesties Officers within her said Majesties Mint within the Realme of Scotland And the other of the said Piles shall remain with the Warden or Wardens for the time being within the said Tower of London
[61]And also her said Majestie doth will & command by these presents the Warden or Wardens of her Majesties said Mint for the time being that he or they will with all convenient speed and with the consent & agreement of her Majesties General of the Mint within the Realm of Scotland make or cause to be made two Piles of Scottish weights in the most perfect & exact manner that can be done by their endeavours whereof twelve Ounces Scottish shall be less of weight than twelve Ounces english by 4d: {grd} english & so the greater & smaller weights of the said two Piles of Scottish weights to bee made proportionably And after the said Two Piles of Scottish weights shall be made as aforesaid they shall be brought to the said Tower of London & there shall be examined & printed with a Rose Crowned & Thistle crowned in the presence of her Majesties Officers of the Mint within the said Tower of London & shall deliver the other of the said Piles of Scottish weights to the General of her Majesties Mint within the Realme of Scotland by Bill Indented under the hands of the said Warden and General to be carried into Scotland by the said General and to remaine with her Majesties Officers for the time being within her Majesties Mint in the said Realm of Scotland to the end that other weights of Troy within the said Kingdome of Scotland may be made conformable unto them
<19>[62]And the said Master and Worker shall accompt yearly before the Auditor of the Mint or such other as her Majestie shall appoint & the said Accompt so to be made & taken by the said Auditors or by any other specially appointed by her Majestie for the same being stated and his Debt determined and his said Accompt fully answered to his Majestie the said Master & Worker upon suit to the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper or Commissioners of the Great seale of England for the time being shall have Letters Patents of her said Majestie under the Great seale of England for his Acquittance without Fee therefore paying for the making of which said Letters Patents, these presents or the Inrollment thereof shall be a sufficient warrant and discharge to the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper or Commissioners of the Great seal of England for the time being without any farther or more special warrant to be issued out for the same
[63]And the said Master & Worker is hereby authoriz'd and appointed from time to time to pay unto the Warden of the Mint for the time being, out of the moneys received by the said Master & Worker out of the Exchequer aforesaid such sume & sumes of money as from time to time shall be due & payable by the said Warden & Wardens unto the Officers of the Mint for their Fees & Salaries and for repairs and such other expences of the Mint as have been heretofore usually paid & disbursed by the Warden or Wardens of the Mint for the time being And the said Master & Worker is hereby likewise appointed & authorized out of the moneys received or to be received by him upon or by vertue of the said Act for incouraging Coinage aforesaid. to retain & keep in his own hands yearly the summe of 1175£ aswell for the Fees & Salaries due to himself as also for the paying & discharging of the several & respective Fees & salaries of the severall & respective Officers of the Mint and Clerks in the said Schedule mentioned to bee payable by the said Master and Worker according to the Distribution and appointment mencioned in the said Schedule.
<20>[64]And our Sovereign Lady the Queen doth hereby order and appoint that the Warden Master & Worker & Comptroller of her Majesties Mint & Mints to that hereafter shall bee and their respective Deputies shall & do before his their oor any of their being admitted into the knowledge of the invention of rounding of her Majesties moneys & marking of the Edges of them with Letters or Grainings or either of them take an oath before the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being who are hereby respectively authorized to give the same not to reveal or discover to any person or persons whatsoever the said new invention of rounding the monies & marking the Edges of them with Letters or Grainings or either of them directly or indirectly unless her Majestie her Heirs or Successors shall otherwise command and direct the same And her Majestie doth hereby likewise order and appoint that all such Workmen that shall be trusted or employed in the making or using the said Instruments for rounding the moneys & marking the moneys upon the Edges as aforesaid shall likewise take an oath before the Warden of the Mint for the time being who is hereby authoriz{'d} to administer the same accordingly not to reveal or discover to any person or persons whatsoever the said new invention of rounding the moneys & marking the Edges of them with Letters or Graining{s} as aforesaid or either of them directly or indirectly in part or in whole
[65]It is hereby likewise strictly commanded & enjoyn'd by her said Majestie that neither the Provost nor any of the Moniers of the said Mint their Apprentices or Servants do or shall at any time after the date hereof presume to vend pay or distribute any peice or peices of her Majesties coined moneys either of gold or Silver untill the same shall be delivered by them according to the course of the Mint into her Majesties Office of the Receipt there, & duly assayed & pixed upon pain of forfeiting their Franchises & Bodies to Prison
[66]And farther that no person or persons do live or inahbit within her Majesties Mint in the Tower of London without the Knowledge or approbacion of the Warden Master Worker & Comptroller of the Mint for the time being Except such Officers Workmen Moniers & Ministers of the said Mint & such other persons as have right thereto
[67]And her said Majestie doth by these presents also will & ordain that the Comptroller of the Mint for the time being shall deliver upon oath taken before one of the Barons of the Exchequer a Roll which shall be call'd the Comptrollers roll containing an account of all the gold and silver bullion & allay molten & of all the gold & silver moneys coin'd monthly in the said Mint
<21>[68]And the said Master or his Deputy shall pay unto such Officers or Workmen that shall be employed in making of several gold & silver peices round before they are sized & for the marking of the Edges of them with Letters or Grainings & for the keeping in repair all the Rollers & Instruments to cutt flatten make round & size the peices & to marke the edges of the monies with Letters & Grainings & all other Tools Engines & instruments such allowances from time to time as shall be directed by the High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being not exceeding the summe of six pence for every pound weight Troy of gold moneys & the summe of three half pence for every pound weight Troy of the said Silver moneys as also for the making labour & expences therein
[69]And furthermore because the Provost & Company of Moniers & Workers of the moneys may be encouraged to do their duties well in the making sizing blanking & coining of the gold & silver moneys as also for the making upon every hundred pounds weight of silver moneys hereafter to be coined one pound weight and a half or eighteen Ounces in the Quantities or Species following vizt in pence half an Ounce, in two pences three Ounces, in three pences six Ounces & in Groats eight Ounces & a half Our sovereign Lady the Queen for the consideracions aforesaid is gratiously pleased & hereby contented & by these presents doth give power & authority to the Master & Worker of the Mint for the time being that so long as the Warden of the Mint & he the said Master & Comptroller or any two of them whereof the said Warden to be one shall perceive the aforesaid moneys to be well sized blancked and coined by the performance of the said service in small moneys the said Master shall pay to the aforesaid Provost & Company of Moniers one penny by Tale of every pound weight of all the silver money's to be made & coined by force of this Indenture over & above the ordinary price of eight pence allowed them whereof the Master shall have allowance upon accompt by vertue of these presents at all times hereafter without any other or more special warrant
[70]Provided also that the Moniers having the Gold and silver delivered unto them in cleane Ingotts fitt to bee wrought shall make and deliver seven twelfth parts of the same in money so that there be but Five parts in twelve scissell
<22>[71]And our Sovereign Lady the Queen doth hereby will and command that the Clerk of the Irons for the time being do keep a true Accompt of all the blank Dyes for the Coining of the gold & silver moneys which shall from time to time be delivered to the Chief Ingraver or Ingravers of her Majesties Mint for the time being And also of all the Blank Dyes which shall be sunk or stamp'd by the said Graver or Gravers and of all the Dyes which after sinking shall be made fitt for use and hardned And the said Graver and Gravers is and are hereby likewise enjoyned monthly to return unto the said Clerk of the Irons all Dyes as shall from time to time be faulty & worn by using in the said Mint or otherwise to be defaced in the presence of the Warden Master & Comptroller of the said Mint & not otherwise
[72]And the said Clerk of the Ions is hereby further enjoyn{'}d to give an Accompt to the said Warden Master & Comptroller as he shall thereunto be required by them of what Blank Dyes have been delivered unto the said Graver or Gravers or sunk by them or hardned by the Smith and what faulty and worn out Dyes have been returned by them to be defaced as also what others are remaining in their hands that a just Accompt may be kept of the same
[73]And that the said Gravers shall not work or make or grave any Punchions Matrices Dyes or stamps for the making or coining of any money of gold and silver But only in such houses or places in her Majesties Mint within the Tower of London as shall be thereunto assigned by the aforesaid Warden Master & Comptroller
[74]And for the more exact sizing of gold and silver Coines to be made by the Mill and Press & the reducing of them to a greater exactness & equality in weight It is hereby ordered commanded and appointed by her Majestie that the Counterpoise of the severall and respective gold and silver hereinmentioned be made lighter than their just weight according to the proportions following (That is to say) That two Grains be taken from the Counterpoise of the Crowne, one grain from the half Crowne, half a grain from the shilling and a quarter of a grain to be taken from the Counterpoise of the sixpence of silver moneys And that two grains be taken from the Counterpoise of the five pound peice, one Grain from the Forty shilling peice, half a grain from the twenty shilling peice and a quarter of a grain from the Counterpoise of the tenn shilling peice of Gold
[75]And our sovereign Lady the Queen doth hereby command and enjoyn the Provost and the rest of the Moniers of the Mint with their respective Apprentices duly to attend her Majesties service in the present way of Coining as need shall require both morning and afternoon and to work in such Tasks and so many hours every day Sunday only excepted as shall bee thought fit and appointed them by the said Master according to the labour of their respective Tasks and the length of the days And in Case the said Provist and Fellows or any of their Apprentices shall wilfully neglect or refuse to attend and do their Duties accordingly Then the Warden Master & Comptroller of the Mint for the time being are hereby required and authorized to proceed against every the said persons offending and to expell remove or otherwise punish them and every of them as in reason and justice they shall think fit for her Majesties service according to the ancient powers & authorities of right belonging to them
[76]And her said Majestie doth hereby further declare her pleasure to be that these presents & the agreements therein contained shall be of force & have continuance only during her Majesties pleasure any thing in these presents contaiend to the contrary notwithstanding
In Witness whereof to one part of these present Indentures remaining with our said Sovereign Lady the Queen the said Isaac Newton hath set his hand and seale And to the other part of these present Indentures remaining with the said Isaac Newton our said Sovereign Lady the Queen hath caused her Great seale of England to be affixed Yeoven the day and yeare abovewritten
<24>A Schedule or Table of the Fees & salaries {of the} Officers of her Majesties Mint within the Tower of London
The Fees and Salaries of the Officers of the Mint payable to and by the Master and Worker vizt
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo Seymour.
Irrotlat in Officio {nu'} Auditorum de le Mint & le Prests &c xviijo die Novembr' Ao Dni 1703 Annoque regni Dominæ nostræ Annæ Reginæ &c secundo.
F: Bythell Dep: B: Bridges Ad Audit'
Irrotl in Officio Edwardi Harley Ar' {nu'} duorum Auditorum de le Prests &c de le Mint &c xxviijo die Novembr 1703.
Ia: Moody Dep: Auditor'.
[77]This Indenture made the sixth day of May in the fourth yeare of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George by the grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland Defender of the Faith &c. And in the year of our Lord 1718 Between Our Said Sovereign the Kings most Excellent Majestie of the one part and Sir Isaac Newton Knt of the other part [78]Wittnesseth That Whereas Our Sovereign Lord the King by his Letters Patents, bearing date the first day of January One thousand Seven hundred & fourteen for the considerations therein mentioned did give & grant to the said Sir Isaac Newton the Office of Master and Worker of all his Majesties Moneys both of Gold and Silver within his Majesties Mint within the Tower of London and elsewhere in his said Majesties Kingdom of England Together with the yearly Fee or Pension of Five hundred pounds to be paid Quarterly unto him at or upon the Twenty fifth day of March the twenty fourth day of Iune, the twenty Ninth day of September and the twenty fifth day of December by even and equal portions withall Edifices, Buildings Gardens, & other Fees, Allowances proffitts Priviledges Franchises and immunities belonging to the said Office. [79]To have and to hold the Said Office of Master & Worker unto the Said Sir Isaac Newton to be exercised by himself or his sufficient Deputy or Deputies for whome he will answer, And also the Said yearly Fee or Pention of Fivehundred Pounds with the Said houses Edifices Buildings Gardens, and other Fees allowances proffitts, Advantages Priviledges Franchises, Liberties & Immunities, for & dureing his Majesties pleasure in as full and ample manner as he the Said Sir Isaac Newton or any other person or persons heretofore holding the Said Office have held or enjoyed the Same [80]And whereas it is provided by his Said Majesties Letters Patents That the said Sir Isaac Newton after he Shall be in possession of the Said Office shall within two Months after the Signification of his said Majesties pleasure by the Lord High Treasurer of Great Brittain or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being make and execute on his part Such and the like Indenture & agreements for and concerning the makeing the Several Sorts of Money of Gold and Silver and for payment of the Severall Officers of the Mint and for other matters and things relating thereto and to the Execution of the Said Office as were formerly made with the alterations and additions if any Should be thought fitt and directed by his Majestie for the better management and carrying on of that Service [81]Now this Indenture Wittnesseth that for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained on the part of the Said Sir Isaac Newton Our Said Sovereign Lord the King of his Speciall Grace certain knowledge and meer motion Hath given, granted ratified and confirmed and Doth by these presents give grant ratifie & confirm to the Said Sir Isaac Newton the Said Office of Master and Worker of all his Majesties Money both of Gold and Silver within his Majesties Kingdom of England, Together with the yearly Fee or pention of Five hundred Pounds Sterling to be paid by Quarterly payments (That is to say) at or upon the 25th day of March, the 24th day of Iune, the 29th day of September and the 25th day of December yearly by even and equall portions out of such Monies as in and by an Act of Parliament made in the Eighteenth year of the Reign of his late Majestie King Charles the Second & confirmed by one other Act made in the 25th year of his said Majesties reign both which were revived and continued by an Act made in the First year of his late Majestie King James the seconds reign. & again by another Act made in the Fourth year of his late Majestie king William and the late Queen Mary and after by an Act made in the 12th year of the reign of the late King William with Said Severall Acts were revived and continued by another Act made in the Seventh year of her late Majestie Queen Anne & are farther continued by another Act made in the First Year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lord King George or in and by any of the said Acts, are allowed to be issued yearly out of his Said Majesties Exchequer for the Fees or Sallary's of the Officers of the Mint or Mints & towards the providing maintaining & repairing of the houses Offices and Buildings & other necessarys for Assaying Melting down & coining dureing so long time as the Acts of Parliament shall be and continue in Force [82]and after the Said Acts of Parliament Shall cease and be void then the Said Fee or Yearly pention to be paid out of Such other Monies and in Such other manner as shall by any Act [83]Or Acts of Parliament hereafter to be made be appointed & allowed to be issued out for the Fees or Sallaries of the Offices of the Mint or Mints. & in Default of any such allowance or appointment to be hereafter made by Parliament & during Such time and times as there shall hereafter happen to be no such allowance or appointment made by Authority of Parliament the Said Fee or yearly pention of five hundred pounds Sterling to be paid unto the said Sir Isaac Newton out of his Majesties Seignorage or allowance For Coynage of Gold and Silver Monies or other his Majesties Proffitts of the Mint or Such other part of his Majesties Revenues as his Majestie shall direct [84]And Our Sovereign Lord the King for the considerations aforesaid Hath also Given granted and confirmed, And by these presents Doth give grant and confirm unto the said Sir Isaac Newton all Ediffices Buildings Gardens and other Proffitts priviledges Franchises and immunities belonging to the aforesaid Office [85]To have hold and enjoy the said Office of Master and Worker unto the Said Sir Isaac Newton and to exercize the Same by himself or his Sufficient Deputy or Deputies for whome he will answer And also to hold and enjoy the Said Fee or yearly pention of Five hundred pounds Sterling Together with the houses Ediffices & Buildings Gardens proffitts, Advantages priviledges Franchises, Liberties & Immunities, for and during his said Majesties pleasure in as full and ample manner to all intents and purposes as he the Said Sir Isaac Newton or any other person or persons, did or at any time hereafter, might or ought to hold and enjoy the Same [86]And Whereas by the aforesaid Acts of Parliament it is amongst other things provided that no monies leviable or payable by the Same Shall be applied or converted to any Use or Uses whatsoever other than to the defraying the charge & expence of the Mint or Mints in Great Brittain, & of the Assaying melting down and Wast and Coynage of Gold and Silver, and the encouragment of the bringing in of Gold and Silver into the Said Mint or Mints there to be coyned into the current Coynes of this Kingdom nor Should any of the said Monies be issued out of the Exchequer But by order or Warrant of the Lord High Treasurer or under Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being to the Master And Worker or Master and Workers for the time being of his Majesties Mint or Mints within the Said Kingdom of England and mentioning that they are for the use and Service aforesaid to be kept in his Majesties Office of Receipt in the said Mint or Mints and the usuall Keys of the Warden Master and Worker and Comptroller for the time being and issued out thence from time to time according to the manner & course of the said Mint or Mints respectively as by the Same Acts more plainly appear Excepting only Such Summes not exceeding 400li. in any one year as Shall be applyed to the prosecuting of those who Counterfeit or Diminish the current coynes [87]And in regard the payments and Disbursements of the Said Mint or Mints formerly paid out of this Seignorage or allowance for Coynage are by the aforesaid Acts of Parliament appointed to be paid out of the Monies arising by the Same Acts of Parliament Wherefore Our Said Sovereign Lord the King doth by these presents ordain and appoint that the said Master and Worker shall receive out of his Majesties Exchequer from time to time all such moneys as are appointed to be paid unto him by the said Acts of Parliament for defraying the charges or expences of the Mint or Mints and of the Assaying, melting down, Wast and coynage of Gold and Silver and the Encouragment of bringing in of Gold and Silver into the Said Mints there to be coyned into the current Coynes of this Kingdom [88]And that the Said Master and Worker shall upon his Accompt yearly to be made of his receipts, payments charges & disbursements before the Auditor of the Mint, or Mints for the time being have full allowance defalcation & discharge of and for all such Sume & Summs of Money as he shall duly pay and disburse according to the true intent & meaning of the above recited Letters Patents & according to the direction hereafter in these presents expressed & according to the course of the Said Mint, or Mints respectively as by the Same Acts of Parliament is directed and appointed [89]And the said Sir Isaac Newton doth by these presents Covenant undertake and agree to and with Our Sovereign Lord the King To make his Majesties Monies in Manner & form following (That is to say) to make five sorts of Money of Crown Gold [90]One peice which shall be called the Quarter Guinea or the five shillings And threepence peice running for 5s. 3d. Sterling, and there shall be One hundred & Seventy & Eight of these in the pound weight Troy, [91]One other peice which shall be called the half Guinea or the Ten Shillings & Sixpence peice running for 10s. 6d. Sterling and there shall be Eighty Nine of these in the pound weight Troy, [92]One other peice which shall be called the Guinea or the Twenty one shilling peice runing for Twenty & one Shillings Sterling & there shall be Forty four of those, & One Ten shillings & six pence peice or the weight of one Ten shillings & six pence peice in the pound weight Troy, One other peice which shall be called the Double Guinea or Forty two Shillings peice, runing for Forty & two shillings Sterling, & there shall be twenty two of those & one Tenn Shillings peice or the weight of a Ten shillings peice in the pound weight Troy, And one other peice, which shall be called the Five Guinea or five pounds five shillings peice runing for Five pounds & Five Shillings Sterling there Shall be Nine of these wanting One Ten shillings & six pence or the weight of a ten shillings six pence peice in the pound weight Troy. [93]And that every pound weight Troy of all the Moneys of Gold aforesaid shall be in value forty and six Pounds fourteen shillings and Sixpence shall be in fineness at the Tryall of the same Twenty two Carratts of fine Gold & two Carrats of Allay in every pound Weight Troy. Our Sovereign Lord the King doth Will Ordain & establish by these presents to be the right standard of his Majesties Monies of Crown Gold [94]And the Said Sir Isaac Newton shall have and receive the Summ of Six Shillings and Sixpence for the Coynage of every pound weight Troy of Gold Monies to be by him detained and kept for the paying bearing and Sustaining all manner of Wasts provisions necessaries & charges comeing and arising & growing in & about the coyning of his Majesties Said Gold Monies by the Mill and press out of the Monies paid and payable to him as is hereafter expressed And the Said Master shall out of the said six shillings and six pence allowed unto him and to be received by him as aforesaid every pound weight of the Moneys of Gold from time to time pay unto the Monyers the summe of three Shillings for their Labour Wast and charges in the coining of every pound weight Troy of the Said Gold Moneys by the Mill and Press according to the undertakings and agreements of the Monyers with the said Master and Worker [95]But because the said Monies of Gold may not continually be made according to all things to the right Standard but peradventure in default of the said Master and Worker it shall be sometimes found too strong or too feeble by too much or too little in Weight or in fineness or in both the Sixth part of a Caratt in the pound weight of Gold and no more The which Sixth part in them both shall be called Remedy for the Master, That then that money shall be de{illeg} for good But if default be found in the Same Money in Weight or in fineness or in both over the Sixth part of a Caratt which is called remedy as aforesaid then the deliverance shall cease and that Money shall be challenged and adjudged less than good and to be Molten and recoyned at the cost of the Master till it be put to point as Money deliverable, Excepting onely the Quarter Guineas for because these peices cannot be sized with the Same exactness as the larger peices of Gold Money's may be [96]There shall be added to the Said Remedy in Weight one half Grain for every four Quarter Guineas in the pound weight Troy of the Moneys tr{yed} So always that Such respective defaults happen by casualty otherwise not, And the Gold to be brought into his Majesties Mint to be Coyned shall be coyned into such peices as his Majestie by his Royall Sign Manuall shall direct in Case he shall be pleased to give direction or directions touching the Same [97]And also the s{aid} Master hath undertaken and by these presents doth agree and undertake to and with Our Sovereign Lord the King to make Eight manner of Moneys of Silver (That is to say) [98]One peice which shall be called the Crown runing for five Shillings Sterling and there shall be twelve of these and two shillings in the pound weight Troy [99]One other peice which shall be called the half Crown runing for Two shillings & Six pence Sterling & there Shall be Twenty four of those and Two shillings in the pound Weight Troy [100]One other piece which Shall be called the shilling runing for twelve pence Sterling and there shall be Sixty Two of those in the pound Weight Troy, [101]One other peice which shall be called the halfe Shilling runing for Sixpence Sterling and there shall be one hundred and Twenty four of those in the pound Weight Troy. One other peice which shall be called [102]The Groat runing for four pence Sterling and there shall be one hundred and Eighty Six of those in the pound weight Troy, [103]One other peice which shall be called the half Six pence runing for three pence Sterling & there Shall be two hundred forty eight of those in the pound Weight Troy [104]One other peice which shall be called the half Groat runing for two pence Sterling and there shall be Three hundred seventy two of those in the pound weight Troy [105]And one other peice which shall be called the Penny runing for one penny Sterling & there shall be Seven hundred and Forty four of those in the pound weight Troy [106]And every pound weight of the Moneys aforesaid shall be and hold in Number as aforesaid and be in value three pounds two Shillings Sterling and Shall be in fineness at the Tryall of the Same Eleven Ounces Two penny weight of Fine Silver & Eighteen penny weight of Allay with Eleven Ounces and two penny Weight of Fine Silver & Eighteen penny Weight of Allay in the pound Weight Troy aforesaid is the Old right Standard of the Moneys of Silver of England And be the said Master be bound to make all the Monies of Crown Gold and Standard Silver aforesaid agreeable in fineness to the respective indented Tryall peices made by the direction of the late King James the Second in the Fourth year of his reign which Said indented Tryall peices do remain in the Six Severall places hereafter mentioned (That is to say) One indented peice of Crown Gold and one indented peice of standard Silver in his Majesties Treasury within this Kingdom of England to try the Monies from time to time coined by the said Master and Worker of his Majesties Monies for the time being in fineness thereby the like with the Warden of the Mint within the Tower of London for the time being to try the Monies of Gold and Silver from time to time coyned in his Majesties Mint in fineness thereby as also to try the Gold and Silver Bullion brought thither if any difference shall happen to arise between the Said Master & Worker and the bringers in of the Same, The like with the Said Master & Worker to make the Said Moneys in fineness thereby, The like with the Warden of the Company of Goldsmiths within the City of London in Goldsmiths Hall for the Tryall of their plate and other Goldsmiths Works as well of Gold as of Silver in fineness thereby The like within his Majesties Treasury of the Kingdom of Scotland to charge the Officers of his Majesties Moneys for the time being within the said Kingdom of Scotland thereby for the true making of the Said Moneys there And the like with the Generall and other Officers of the Mint within the said Kingdom {of} Scotland to make the Money in the said Kingdom in fineness thereby [107]And the Said Sir Isaac Newton shall have and receive the summe of one shilling and four pence half penny to be by him taken and kept for the coynage of every pound Weight Troy of Silver Monies for the paying bearing and Sustaining of all manner of Wasts Provisions, Necessaries & charges comeing ariseing and growing in and about the coyning of his Majesties Crowns half Crowns, Shillings, and Sixpences, of Silver Monies by the Mill and Press, out of the Monies to be paid and payable to him as is herein after expressed And the said Master Shall out of the Said one Shilling and four pence half penny allowed to him as aforesaid and received by him for every pound weight Troy of the Moneys of Silver pay from time to time unto the Moneyers the Summe of eightpence for the makeing of every pound weight Troy of the said silver Monies by the Mill and press according to the undertaking and agreement of the said Monyers with the said Master and Worker [108]And Our Sovereign Lord the King doth by these presents Order and appoint the said Master and Worker out of the Monies to be paid to him as aforesaid shall pay or cause to be paid yearly unto the Warden or Wardens of his said Majesties Mint or Mints in England for the time being by quarterly payments the yearly summme of One thousand four hundred & thirty five pounds for the Fees and Sallaries of the Severall respective Officers of the Mint payable by the said Warden according to the distribution & appointment; mentioned in a Schedule hereunto Annexed But because the said Monies of Silver cannot be continually made in a{ll} things according to the right standard inasmuch as sometimes in default of the said Master & Worker it m{ay} be made too Strong or too feeble by too much or too lit{tle} In Weight or in Fineness or in both [109]Our Sovereign Lord the King doth Will that when the said Monies of Silver upon the Assay before the delivery be found to Strong or to feeble all onely in Weight or all onely in fineness or in both by two penny weights in the pound weight Troy after the old computation of Twenty weightts in the Ounce & no more the which two penny weights in that ons; or two penny weights in that other or two penny weights in them both Shall be called the remedy for the Master. [110]That then such Monies, to be delivered for good So always the Same default do happen by Casualty otherwise not But if default be found in the said Monies in Weight or in fineness or in both over the said Twenty penny weights in the pound Weight Troy aforesaid then cease the deliverance of the Money & the same to be challenged less than good and at the cost of the Master to be new Molten & recoined till it be put to point as Monies deliverable as aforesaid [111]And Our Sovereign Lord the King willeth agreeth & granteth by this Indenture that the said Master and Worker for the time being shall receive as well his Majesties own Bullion of Gold and Silver as the Bullion of any other person or persons whatsoever repairing to his Mint with any Bullion of Gold & Silver aforesaid to be coyned into the Monies afre mentioned by weight delivering to the parties bringing in the same Bullion Bills testifying the Weight fineness and Vallue of the Same Together with the day and order of its Delivery into the said Mint or Mints and within as convenient time as may be deliver the same again to Our Sovereign Lord the King for his Bullion, & to the other parties or their Attorneys delivering the same Bills by the same Weight according to the Value of the said Bullion at such time and in such manner, and form as in this present Indenture is Limited and appointed [112]And Our Sovereign Lord the King doth will and command by this Indenture that the said Warden & Wardens & the Comptroller and Comptrollers, of his Majesties Mint as also his Majesties Cheif Clerk, and Clerk of the Papers for the time being shall enter and record in the severall Ledger Books, all such Bullion of Gold and Silver as from time to time shall be brought into the said Mint the which Entry shall comprehend the Weight, Fineness and value of the Said Bullion the parties name that brought it and what day & after the said Bullion of Gold and Silver shall be received & the Assays thereof made reported and entered into the said Ledger Books the same, Bullion shall be forthwith put into a Chest or Room & the Chest or Room shall be locked with three Keys whereof one Key shall remain with the said Warden or Wardens or one of them and One other of the Keys shall remain with the said Master for the time being & the other Key shall remain with the said Comptroller & Comptrollers for the time being & there shall continue untill such time as the same be delivered for the makeing of Monies [113]And the Wardens or one of them, and the Comptrollers, & likewise his Majesties Clerk, shall also keep Severall Books of melting declareing in the sam{e} the Quantity & Fineness of all manner of Gold and Silver and assay put into the Melting with the Report of every assay called the pott Assay & the Same Books shall remain in their Severall custodyes to charge the Master withall, And the Said Books shall be monthly Subscribed & figured by the Said Wardens or one of them & the Master and Comptroller And the Assay Master of Our Sovereign Lord the King shall keep one Book of all Such Bullion of Gold and Silver as shall be brought into the said Mint whereby the quantity & Fineness may appear with the report also of the Assay, of every severall pot commonly called the pot Assay which pott Assay Shall be made of some Ingott of the Said Bullion to be taken by the Said Warden or Wardens Comptroller and Assay Master or any two of them after the Pot is cast out [114]And if any person or persons happen to bring into the Mint any manner of Gold and Silver nigh to the standard aforesaid then the Master Shall receive it for the value accordingly So as the charge to make it agreeable in fineness to the severall Standards aforesaid be born and Sustained out of the Revenue arising to his Majestie by Virtue of the aforesaid Acts of Parliament And Our Said Sovereign Lord the King doth by these presents [115]give full power and Authority unto the Said Master and Worker from time to time to put such privy Mark or marks upon the edges or flat Sides of the said Gold and Silver Majesty So to be Coined as aforesaid as he the Said Monies and from time to time to alter and change Such privy mark as he Shall Iudge the Same most convenient and necessary so that The Said Master and Worker may from time to time know and discover which of Gold and Silver amongst other be made by him and which not [116]And the said Warden or Wardens and Comptroller or their Deputies shall oversee and survey the said Assaying melting sizeing & makeing of the said Monies of Gold and Silver at all times and in all places & shall endeavour and procure that the said Monies and every of them be made and perfected according to the true intent of this Indenture and the charge committed to them And they shall also see and procure that the Ballances and Weights be always amended and put to point from time to time when they Shall need so that no default be found in them to the hurt of his Majestie or his People [117]And the Surveyor of the Meltings shall take care of his duty in Surveying the meltings aforesaid and shall keep a Book containing the Weight of such Gold and Silver as Shall be molten from time to time with the Assays put into the Same, [118]And when the said Monies be coined and compleat the said Warden or Wardens Master and Comptroller or Comptrollers shall put them into a Chest or Room locked with three Keys whereof one Shall remaine with the Said Warden or Wardens, One with the Said Master and the third with the Comptroller untill Such time as proof and Tryall be made of the said Money & payment, be made to the bringers in of the said Bullion accordingly which proof shall be made in the presence of the said Warden or Wardens, Master and Comptroller or Comptrollers by his Majesties Assay Master for the time being the same Assay to be taken as well as of the fineness as of the weight by such quantity and after such sort as be agreed on by the said Warden or Wardens Comptroller and Assay Master And after the said Monies of Gold and Silver be Assayed & proved for good as aforesaid before and deliverance be of the whole summe a portion of the said Warden or Wardens or by their Deputy or Deputies in the presence of the Said Master or his Deputy and the Comptrollers or their Deputy whereof the Assay shall be made before Our Sovereign Lord the King from time to time or Such of his Councill as have been accustomed, or shall be appointed by his Majestie at Westminster or elswhere it shall please his Majestie or his Councill to appoint, That is to Say for every Iourney Weight of Gold not exceeding fifteen pounds Weight Two peices whereof the one to be for the Pix and the other for the Assay, And out of every Iourney of Silver Money containing Sixty pounds weight two peices at least the one moiety thereof to be for the Pix and the other Moiety for the Assay. And they shall be ensealed with the s{illeg} the Said Warden or Wardens Master and Comptroller or Comptrollers & the s{illeg} Box Shall be shutt with three Key's whereof one shall abide {with the} Warden or Wardens, & one with the Master & the third with the Comptroller or Comptrollers which pix shall remaine in a Chest or Room as is aforesaid & upon reasonable warning thereof given it Shall be opened from time to time before Our Sovereign Lord the King or Such of his Councill as shall be by his Majestie Appointed at Westminster or elswhere it Shall please his Majestie or his Councill to appoint [119]And in the presence of the said Warden or Wardens Master & Comptroller {illeg} Shall be Assays made as well of the fineness as of the Weight of the Said Moneys of Gold and Silver in the said Box after the most just manner as can be thought of to be made, by fire by Water, by Touch or by Weight or by all or by any of them, To the end that yf the said Money{s} of Gold or Silver be found to prove good & Covenable, after the Covenants Orders & Agreements aforesaid The said Master to be quite excused & discharged against his said Majestie and all his people to that day And then the said Master at his Will to have Letters Patents of Our Sovereign Lord the King under the Great Seal of Great Brittain to be made for his acquittance, Specifying the said Assays to be made & f{illeg} as aforesaid in Such Sort in ancient times hath been accustomed without Fee Therefore paying for which Letters Patents these presents Shall be a Sufficient Warrant & discharge to the Lord Chancellour or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Great Brittain for the time being without any Further or especiall Warrant to be issued out for the same [120]And if it shall be found by the Assays that the pound weight truely tryed answers not the full Standard in fineness as aforesaid But shall be {illeg} and yet within Remedies aforesaid the lack thereof Shall be entered on record by the Warden or Wardens & Comptroller or Such as they Shall thereunto Appoint & a true Account thereof shall be made {to} his Majestie & the Same fully and wholly to be answered to his Majestie without any proffitt or commodity to grow unto any other person or persons for the Same [121]Saveing always that in case by the Said Assay it Shall be found that the same Moneys of Gold and Silver do pass at any time the Said Standards or any of them So as the Same be better in fineness, or in Weight or in both. than is appointed by the Standards and yet within the Remedies, Then so much Thereof to be entered of Record, & hold place to the said Matter in the charge which he shall have when any lack shall be found by the said Assays under the standard aforesaid [122]And if it shall happen in the said Moneys of Gold & Silver or either of them upon either of the just Assays as shall be made of the abovesaid Boxes in manner aforesaid be it weight or in fineness or in both any default be found without the Said Remedies ordained for the Said Master as is abovesaid or any of them. The said Master shall make Fine & Ransom to his Said Majestie at his Will Also the Said Warden Master & Worker and Comptroller or any of them as often as need shall require shall and may take up as many Gravers to grave Irons at his Majesties price & also as many smiths Workmen & Llabourers, and other necessarys to and for the makeing of the Said Irons and Money aforesaid & the doing of all manner of Business Within the Mint as to the said Warden Master and Comptroller shall seem needfull to have. In which takeing of Such Gravers Smiths Workmen and Labourers & other necessaries Our Sovereign Lord the King doth will and command by this Indenture, all Mayors Sherriffs, Bayliffs and other Officers that they to the said Warden or Wardens Master and Comptroller aforesaid and to his and their Deputy and Deputies therein be assisting, aiding, helping and fortifying as to right doth belong [123]And Our Sovereign Lord the King doth Will and grant by these presents that it shall be lawfull for the Said Warden or Wardens Master and Comptroller of his Majesties Mint at all times Such & so many of the Said Engravers, Smiths, Workmen, & Labourers as by their discresions be not of good bearing in their Offices & Labours to put out avoid and amove like as to the Warden or Wardens Master or Comptroller Shall Seem meet according to right & for his Majesties Weale. [124]And Be the Said Master bound and holden to receive all manner of Gold and Silver Brought into the Tower after the value (That is to say) every parcell in its degree One to the more another to the less after the Quantity it shall appear by the Assay to be better or worse than the Standard; And if the said Master & the Merchant which bringeth in the said Gold and Silver may not accord Between them of the true value, his Majesties Assay Master {illeg} that Deputed in the presence of the said Warden or Wardens Master {illeg} Comptroller ought and shall try the truth in that part And the Said Master Shall thereupon receive the same & stand {t}hereafter charged in manner as it belongeth And Our {So}vereign Lord the King doth Will and charge straitly by {th}is Indenture all the Officers of the Tower aforesaid that the Officers aforesaid & all other Officers of the Mint and their Servants & also [125]Also all manner of persons bringing Gold & Silver to {be Try}{ed} shall have free Ingress, Egress, and Issue by the Gates & through the {sai}{d} Tower and Franchises thereof inward & outward at all times without any arresting, disturbance, letting or gainsaying of the Cheif Governor Constable, or Lieutenant or the Porter or other Officer or person whatsoever, he be for any manner of Debt matter of Cause whatsoever it be; and without any thing given to them or any other to have such Entry or Issue [126]And be the Said Warden or Wardens Master & Comptroller held and bound to give their attendance at the said Mint every Wednesday in the Week and Such other days as shall be appointed and agreed on for the receipt of all such Bullion as shall be brought into the Said Mint & for the delivery out of the Said Coined Monies. [127]And the said Master to pay the summ of Fifty and two pounds by the year towards the Charges of the Dyet{t} of One hundred and four pounds, heretofore allowed by his Majestie Royall predecessors to the Officers of the Said Mint. The Summe of Fifty two pounds to be paid by the Said Master so long as his Majestie Shall continue his part of the Dyett hereafter in these presents Expressed and allowed and of the same & every of them to discharge and acquit Our Sovereign Lord the King from time to time & so long as he shall continue Master & Worker of the said Money's [128]And his Majestie doth grant by these presents to bear and allow the other Summe of Fifty two pounds parceil of One hundred & four pounds, for the Dyet of the Officers aforesaid Which his Majesties will and pleasure is shall from time to time be paid by the said Warden or Wardens & doth grant that thereof he shall have allowance on his Account The said Dyett to continue till his Majestie shall order otherwise under his Majesties Sign Manual And that the said Warden or Wardens Shall make his or their Accounts yearly as well of all and every his or their Receipts as of his and their payments and other charges before the Auditors of the Mint for the time being unless it shall please his Majestie otherwise to appoint the same In which Account the said Auditors or others to be appointed by his said Majestie to take the said Accounts shall make unto the said Warden or Wardens full allowance defalcation and discharge as well of all such Summe & Summs of Money as he or they shall duely prove to have been paid or disbursed for Officers Fees & Wages and Dyett of the said Officers as for any other necessary charges to be imployed in and about the makeing of the Said Moneys, or repairing of the Said Officers & houses necessary to be imployed in the said Service under the Avouchment of the said Master and Comptroller & Assay Master or any two [129]Of them whereof the said Master to be one, And the said Accounts So to be made by the said Auditors or by any other of his Majesties speciall Appointment for the same being duely Stated and his debt determined and his Said Accounts fully Answered to his Majestie The said Warden or Wardens upon his or their Suit to the Lord Chancellour or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal or the Commissioners of the Great Seal Shall have Letters patents of his Majestie under the Great Seal to be made for his or their Acquittance, Without Fee therefore paying for the making of which said Letters Patents these presents shall be a sufficient Warrant & discharge to the said Lord Chancellour or Lord Keeper or Commissioners of the Great Seal for the time being without any further or Speciall Warrant to be Sued out for the same [130]And his Said Majestie doth grant and confirm by these presents that the Officers of the Mint shall at all times hold have & peaceably enjoy all places houses & grounds as well Builded as unbuilded within the said Mint which heretofore have been called reputed or taken for the Mint, without medling lett or disturbance by the Cheif Governor Constable, Lieutenant or other Officers or Ministers of the Tower And his said Majestie doth Grant and confirm by his Indenture to the aforesaid Officers, and to all other Officers and Ministers of the Mint, the Charters and Franchises to them before this time Granted after the Effect and purport of the same Charters [131]And Also Our Sovereign Lord the King doth Will that the said Monyers Workmen, and all other Ministers of the Mint shall be ready to do their Work at all times without deniall when they shall be warned by the said Warden or Wardens Master or Comptroller upon pain of loosing their Franchises, & Bodies to prison Also that all the Gold and Silver that the Master shall deliver to the Moneyers to be coined as aforesaid shall be in Clean plates and delivered by Weight & the Said Monyers to make and Coin the same into Moneys & then deliver the same again to the Master in clean pieces proportionably by the Same Weight And if any thing lack of the Same Weight at any time of the deliverance, they to content and pay to the said Master for the same at every deliverance at the Ballance, So done the Master to pay them the Wages that belong to them [132]And for the Covenants Agreements, Grants & prmises abovesaid well and truly to be holden & performed on the part of the said Master And that he shall bear himself towards his Majestie and his people in the said Office well & Covenable. & that he shall make the gree to his Majestie The Master hath Made Bodily Oath before his Majestie in Chancery & b{illeg} himself his Heirs and Executors to his Majestie by these presents [133]and for the more surety to make Gree with the King and the Merchants of that belongs to them, of the Gold and Silver which he shall receive by and in manner as is aforesaid, while he shall be in the said Office The aforesaid Master hath found Burrows & Sureties afore Our Sovereign Lord the King in his Exchequer in the Summe of two Thousand pounds & that{,} upon pain thereof he shall make Gree thereof to the Kings {illeg}ig{t}{illeg} and to the Merchants in manner & Form as is aforesaid and {the} Said Master doth Covenant promise and Grant to and with his said Majestie from time to time to bring into the said Mint convenient & Sufficient Supplies of Gold and Silver & make full payment and deliverance of all manner of Moneys, with all convenient Speed According to the Said Acts of Parliament for the proffitts of his Majestie his Heires and Successors and the ease of the people [134]And the Said Master doth Covenant promise and grant to and with Our Sovereign Lord the King to pay bear & sustain all manner of Wast provisions necessaries & charges coming arising &{illeg} in & about the Coining of his Majesties Gold and Silver Monies respectively by the Mill & press According to the allowance {in} that behalf made by his Majestie in this Indenture. [135]And Our sovereign Lord the King doth Will and Command that the Warden or Wardens of the Mint for the time being shall content and pay to the Officers and Ministers aforesaid such Stipends and Wages & such Dyet as in a Schedule is limited & appointed in manner and form & during such Term as is in the same expressed, and that thereof he {or} they have due allowance & defalcation upon his or their Account [136]And the said Master shall be bound to bring or cause to {be} brought all Gold & silver that he shall receive by Colour of his Office into the Mint to be coyned &made into Monies for help and increase of the Monies, for his Majesties Proffitt & ease of his people, without Sale aliening or putting to any other use Excepting all such healing pieces Seals and Medalls of Gold and Silver as shall be made for his Majesties use or by his Majesties Commands [137]And further Our Sovereign Lord the King doth Will and command by these presents the Warden or Wardens of his Mint that he or they when Occasion Shall require do make or cause to be made Two piles of English Weights in the most perfect and exact manner that by their Endeavours can be done to be equall to those lawfully used in his Majesties Mint in England And after the said two piles are so made as aforesaid they Shall be brought to the Tower of London & there shall be examined & printed with a Rose Crowned and Thistle Crowned in the presence of the Officers of his Majesties Mint within the Tower And after the same shall be so examined and printed as is aforesaid The Warden or Wardens shall at the Tower deliver one of the said piles to the Generall of his Majesties Mint within that part of his Majesties Kingdom called Scotland by Bill Indented under the hands of the said Warden & Generall to be carryed into Scotland & to remain with his Majesties Officers within his Majesties Mint within that part of his Majesties Kingdom called Scotland & the other of the said piles shall remaine with the Warden or Wardens for the time being within the Tower of London [138]And the said Master & Worker shall Account yearly before the Auditor of the Mint or such other as his Majestie shall appoint And the said Account so to be made and taken by the said Auditor or by any others specially appointed by his Majestie for the same being Stated and his Debt determined. & his Account fully answered to his Majestie the said Master & Worker upon Suit to the Lord Chancellour, or Lord Keeper, or Commissioners of the great Seal of Great Britain for the time being shall have Letters Patents of his Majestie under the Great Seal of great Britain, for his Acquittance without Fee therefore paying for the makeing of which Letters Patents these presents or the inrollment thereof shall be a sufficient Warrant and discharge to the Lord Chancellour, or Lord Keeper, or Commissioners of the Great Seal of Great Britain for the time being without any further or more speciall Warrant to be sued out for the same [139]And the said Master and Worker is hereby authorized & appointed from time to time to pay unto the Warden of the Mint for the time being out of the Moneys received by the said Master & Worker out of the Exchequer aforesaid Such Summe & Summes of Money as from time to time shall be due and payable by the said Warden or Wardens to the Officers of the Mint for their Fees & Sallaries, & for repaires & such other expences of the Mint as have been heretofore usually paid & disbursed by the Warden or Wardens for the time being And the said Master and Worker is hereby likewise appointed & authorized out of the Monies & received or to be received by him upon or by virtue of the said Act: for Encouraging Coynage aforesaid to retain & keep in his own hands Yearly the Summe of one Thousand one hundred and Twenty pounds aswell for the Fees and Sallaries due to himself as also for the paying & discharging, of the severall & respective Fees and sallaries of the severall and respective Officers of the Mint & Clerks in the said schedule mentioned to be payable by the said Master & Worker according to the distribution and appointment mentioned in the said schedule And Our Sovereign Lord the King doth hereby order and appoint that the Warden Master & Worker & Comptroller of his Majesties Mint or Mints that shall hereafter be & their respective Deputies; Shall and do before his their or any of their being admitted into the knowledge of the Invention of [140]Rounding of his Majesties Money's; or the Marking of the Edges of them with Letters or Grainings or either of them take an Oath before the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being who are hereby respectively Authorized to give the same not to reveal or discover to any person or persons whatsoever the said new Invention of Rounding the Moneys or marking the Edges of them with Letters or Grainings or either of them directly or Indirectly unless his Majestie his Heires or Successors Shall otherwise Command and direct the same And his Majestie doth hereby likewise Order and appoint that all such Workmen that shall be trus{ted} or imployed in the makeing or using the said Instrument for rounding the Monies and marking the edges as aforesaid shall likewise take an Oath before the Warden of the Mint for the time being who is hereby Authorized to Administer the Same accordingly not to reveal or discover to any person or persons whatsoever the Said new Invention of rounding the Monyes and marking the Edges of them with Letters or Grainings as aforesaid or either of them directly or indirectly in part or in whole [141]It is hereby likewise strictly comma{nded} & enjoyned by his said Majestie That neither the Provost nor any of the Monyers of the said Mint their Apprentices or Servants, do or shall at any time after the Date hereof presume to vend pay or distribute any peice or peices of his Majesties Coined Monies either of Gold or Silver untill the same be delivered by them according to the Course of the Mint into his Majesties Office of Receipt, there & duely Assayed & pixed upon pain of Forfeiting ther Franchises & Bodies {illeg} prison; [142]And further that no person or persons do live or inhabite within his Majesties Mint in the Tower of London without the knowledge or approbation of the Warden Master Wor{ker} and Comptroller of the Mint for the time being Except such Officers Workmen, Monyers & Ministers of the said Mint & such other persons as have right thereto [143]And his Said Majestie doth by these presents; also will and Ordain that the Comptroller of the Mint for the time being shall deliver upon Oath take{n} before one of the Barons of the Exchequer a Roll which shall be called the Comptrollers Roll containing an Account of all {the} Gold and silver Bullion and Assay molten & of all Gold and Silver Mo{ies} Coyned Monthly in the Said Mint. [144]And the said Master shall pay un{to} such Officers or Workmen that shall be imployed in making of Gold & Silver peices round before they are sized, & for marking the Edges of them with Letters or Grainings and for the keeping in repair all the Rollers & Instruments to cut Flatten make round & size the pieces & to marke the edges of the Monies with Letters & Grainings and all other Tools Engines & Instruments such Allowances from Time to time as Shall be directed by the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being not exceeding the summe of Six pence for every pound Weight Troy of Gold Monies and the Sume of three half pence for every pound Weight Troy of silver Monies, as also for the makeing Labour & expences therein [145]And furthermore because the Provost and Company of Monyers, and Workers of the Monies may be encouraged to do their duties well in the making, sizing blanching & coining of the Gold and Silver Monies, as also for the makeing of every hundred pound weight of Silver Monies hereafter to be coined One pound weight & an half or Eighteen Ounces, in the Quantities or species following vizt in pence half an Ounce in twopences three Ounces, in threepences six Ounces, and in Groats eight Ounces and an half. Our Sovereign Lord the King for the Considerations aforesaid is graciously pleased and contented, And by these presents doth give power and Authority to the Master Worker of the Mint for the time being, That so long as the Warden of the Mint & he the said Master & Comptroller, or any two of them (Whereof the said Warden to be one) shall perceive the said Warden to be one) shall perceive the Said Monies to be well Sized, Blanched, and coined. by the performance of the said Service in small Moneys the said Master shall pay unto the aforesaid provost and Company of Monyers one penny by Tale of every pound weight of all the Silver Monies to be made and coined by Force of this Indenture over & above the Ordinary Price of Eight pence allowed them; whereof the Master shall have allowance; upon Account by virtue of these presents at all times hereafter, without any other or more speciall Warrant [146]provided also that the Monyers haveing the Gold and Silver delivered to them in clean Ingotts fitt to be wrought shall make and deliver seven twelfth parts of the same in Money so that there be but five parts in Twelve Scissell. [147]And Our Sovereign Lord the King doth hereby Will & Command that the Clerk of the Irons for the time being do keep a true Amount of all the blank Dyes for the Coyning of the Gold and Silver Monies which shall from time to time be delivered to the Cheif Engraver or Engravers of his Majesties Mint for the time being, & also of the blank Dyes which shall be sunk or stamped by the said Graver or Gravers & of all the Dyes which after Sinking shall be made fit for use and hardned [148]And the said Graver or Gravers is and are hereby likewise enjoyned Monthly to return unto the said Clerk of the Irons all Dyes as shall from Time to time be faulty and worne by using in the {illeg} or otherwise to be defaced in the presence of the Warden Master & Comptro{ler} of the said Mint & not otherwise [149]And the said Clerk of the Irons is hereby further enjoyned to give an Account to the said Warden Master and Comptroller as he shall thereunto be required by them of what blank Dy{es} have been delivered to the said Graver or Gravers or sunk by them or hardned, by the smith & what faulty and worne out Dyes have been returned by them, to be defaced, as also what others are remaining in their hands that a just Account may be kept of the {illeg} [150]It is hereby commanded and appointed by his Majestie that the Counterpoise of the several & respective Gold & Silver herein ment{ioned} be made lighter than their just Weight according to the proportions following (That it to say) That two Graines be taken from the Counterpoise, of the Crown, One Grain from the half Crown, halfe a Grain from the Shilling & a Quarter of a Grain to be taken from the Counterpoise of the Six pence of Silver Monies; And that two Grains be taken from the Counterpoise of Five pound and Five {illeg} peice, o{ne} Grain from the Forty and two Shilling peice, & half a Grain from the Twenty and One Shilling peice & a Quarter of a Grain from the Counterpoise of the Ten shillings and sixpence peice & half a Quarter of a grain from the Counterpoise of the Quarter Guinea or Five Shillings and threepence peice of Gold Monies [151]And O{ur} Sovereign Lord the King dothe hereby Command & enjoyn the Provost and the rest of the Moneyers of the Mint with their respective Apprentices duly to attend his Majesties Service, in the present way of Coining as need shall require both Morning & afternoon, & to {wo}{rk} in such Tasks, & so many hours every day (Sunday onely excepted) as shall be thought fit and appointed them by the said Master according to the Labour of their respective Tasks and the length of the day's. And in Case the said Provost & Fellows, or any of their Apprentices shall wilfully neglect or refuse to attend and do their Duties accordingly Then the Warden Master & Comptrol{ler} of the Mint for the time being are hereby required & Authorized to proceed against every of the said Persons offending, & so expell remove or otherwise punish them, & every of them as in reas{on} And Iustice they shall think fit for his Majesties Service according to the ancient powers and authorities of right belonging to them [152]And his said Majestie doth hereby further declare his pleasure to be That these presents, & the Agreements therein contained shall be in Force & have continuance onely during his Majesties Pleasure any thing in these presents contained to the contrary notwithstanding In wittnesse whereof to One part of this present Indenture remaining with the said Sir Isaac Newton his Majestie hath caused the Great Seal of Great Brittain to be Affixed and to the other part thereof remaining with his said Majestie the said Sir Isaac Newton hath Set his hand and Seal the day and year first above written.
<48>A Schedule or Table of the Fees and Sallaries of the Officers of His Majesties Mint within the Tower of London payable to and by the Warde vizt.
li | s | d | ||
To the Warden for himself | 400 | – | – | |
More to him for a Clerk | 40 | – | – | |
To the Comptroller | 300 | – | – | |
More to him for a Clerk | 40 | – | – | |
To his Majesties Assay Master | 200 | – | – | |
To him for a Clerk | 20 | – | – | |
To the Weigher and Teller | 90 | – | – | |
To him for a Clerk | 10 | – | – | |
To the Assistant to the Weigher and Teller | 40 | – | – | |
To determine upon the next voydance of the Place | – | – | ||
To the Surveyor of the Meltings | 80 | – | – | |
To him for a Clerk | 10 | – | – | |
To the Clerk of the Irons | 40 | – | – | |
To the Auditor of the Mint | 40 | – | – | |
To his Majesties Chief Clerk | 60 | – | – | |
To the Clerk of the Papers | 40 | – | – | |
To the Porter of the Mint | 20 | – | – | |
To the Minister of the Chappel | 4 | – | – | |
To the Sexton of the Chappel | 1 | – | – | |
£ | 35 | – | – |
The Fees and Sallaries of the Officers of His Majesties Mint within the Tower of London payable to and by the Master & Worker vizt.
By writ of Privy Seal
[1] Indenture between her Majestie & Isaac Newton Esqre. (since Sir Isaac Newton Knt) Master and Worker of her Majesties Mints
[2] That the said Master should enjoy the said Office during her Majesties pleasure with a pention of 500l per ann' &c
[3] That the said Master should within 2 months if required sealed this Indenture
[4] Her Majestie by this Indenture grants & confirms the said Office & pention to the said Sir Isaac Newton to be paid as by Acts of Parliament is provided
[5] And that in default thereof the said pention of 500li per ann' to be paid out of her Majesty's Seigniorage
[6] Confirmacion of all Edifices &c
[7] power to make a Deputy & that the said Master is {to} hold the said Office during her Majesties pleasure
[8] Further recitall of the said Acts & that no moneys payable by the same shall be applied to any other use than that of the Mint & how the same shall bee paid.
[9] That the Disbursement of the Mint formerly paid out of the Seigniorage be now paid out of the moneys arising by the said Acts.
[10] And that the said Master shall be allowed all payments made pursuant to the said Acts.
[11] Esqre Newton to make 4 sorts of gold moneys
[12] 10s peice
[13] 20s peice
[14] 40s peice
[15] 5£ peice
[16] The value and fineness of the gold moneys
[17] The Master to have 6s: 6d out of every pound weight of gold
[19] The Remedy appointed for the Gold moneys
[20] The Master to make 8 sorts of silver moneys.
[21] The Crowne
[22] Crowne
[23] Shilling
[24] Shilling
[25] Groat
[26] Six pence
[27] Penny
[28] The value and fineness of the Silver moneys
[29] That all the said moneys shall bee agreable in fineness to the standards in her Majesties Treasury
[30] The Master to have 1s: 4d per pound weight of silver and to pay the Moniers 8d per pound
[32] The Remedy of the silver moneys
[34] The Warden Comptroller and Clerk of the papers to enter all Bullion and the same to be locked up with three Keys.
[35] That they shall also keep severall Books of melting with the report of the Pott assay.
[36] The Assaymaster to keep a Book of all Bullion & report of the said Pott assay
[37] The charge of making Bullion Standard to be born by her Majestie
[38] A privy mark to be set on the moneys
[39] The Warden and Comptroller to oversee the making of the moneys and the Ballances & weights
[40] The Duty of the Surveyor of the Meltings
[41] The moneys to be locked up with three Keys.
[42] The Triall of the Pix moneys
[43] that if the same bee worse than Standard & within the Remedies the lack, to be entered
[44] If better & within the Remedies then to be entered.
[46] That the Warden &c may employ — Gravers Smiths &c
[47] & have power to punish them
[48] Differences betwixt the Master & the Merchant to be tried by the Assaymaster
[49] Officers of the Mint to have free passage thro' the Tower Gates
[50] The Warden Master & Comptroller to attend weekly
[51] The Master to pay 52£ per ann' for half the Diet
[52] The other half to be paid by the Warden & allow'd in his Accompts which are to bee made yearly
[53] That the Officers of the Mint shall enjoy all Edifices &c
[54] The Duty of the Moniers & other Workmen
[56] The Master to bring into the Mint supplies of gold and silver
[57] The Master to bear all wasts &c
[58] The Warden to pay the Salaries in a schedule annex'd
[59] The Master to coin all gold & silver that he shall receive Except Medalls &c
[60] The Warden and General of her Majesties Mint in Scotland to make two Piles of English weights
[61] Two Piles of Scottish weights
[62] The Master to accompt yearly.
[63] The Master to pay to the Warden such monie{s} as are payable by the said Warden & to retain in his own hands — 1175£ per ann'
[64] The Warden Master & Comptroller &c to be sworne not to discover how the said monies and rounded and lettered
[65] That the Moniers shall not vend any monies till pixed &c
[66] that none shall dwell in the Mint without consent of the Warden &c
[67] The Comptrollers Roll
[68] The Master to pay the Officers for rounding the said Moneys &c.
[69] The Moniers to have a further allowance for making Small Moneys.
[71] The Duty of the Clerk of the Irons
[72] and his Accompt to the Warden &c
[73] The Gravers to work only in the Mint
[74] The Counterpoise of the gold & silver moneys.
[75] The Moniers to attend daily and perform their Tasks otherwise to bee punished.
[76] These presents to be in force during her Majesties pleasure
[77] Indenture between his Majestie and Sir Isaac Newton Master and Worker of his Majesties Mint
[78] Recital of the Letters Patents
[79] To enjoy the said Office during his Majesties pleasure with a pention of 500li per Ann' &c
[80] Proviso in the Letters patents for Sir Isaac Newton to Seal an Indenture within two months after required with usuall Covenants
[81] his Majestie confirms to the Said Sir Isaac Newton the Office of Master & Worker with the Said Yearly pention of 500li to be paid as by Acts of Parliament {illeg}s provided.
[82] {illeg} after the said acts of parliament shall cease then {illeg} {p}aid yearly pention
[83] to be paid as by any future Acts shall be provided & for default thereof out of his Majesties Seignorage.
[84] confirms to the said Sir Isaac Newton all Edifices &c'
[85] Power to Exercise the said Office by a Deputy and to hold the Same dureing his Majesties pleasure
[86] Recitall that it is provided by the aforesaid Acts that no Monies payable by the Same Shall be applied to any other use than that of the Mints, nor paid but by Warrant of the Lord Treasurer &c.
[87] That the Said disbursements of the Mint formerly paid out of the Seignorage being now applyed to be paid out of the Monies ariseing by the Said Acts hi majestie hereby ordains that the Said Master shall receive the same accordingly
[88] That the Said Master Shall be allowed all payments made pursuant to the Said Acts of Parliament
[89] Sir Isaac Newton to make five Sorts of Moneys of Gold.
[90] 5s 3d peice
[91] 10s. 6d. peice
[92] 21s. peice
[93] That the pound weight Troy of Gold shall be in value 46l. 14s and 6d & shall hold in weight & be in fineness 22 Carrats
[94] That the Master shall have 6s 6d out of every pound weight Troy of Gold Coyned for his wast &c. and pay the Moniers thereout 3s
[95] The sixth part of a Carrat in the pound Weight of Gold to be allowed for Remedy
[96] If the same happen by Casualty
[97] To make Eight sorts of Silver Monies
[98] The Crown
[99] Crown
[100] The Shilling
[101] Shilling
[102] Groat
[103] Sixpence
[104] Groat
[105] The Penny
[106] That the Monies shall be agreeable in fineness to the standard of the Treasury.
[107] The Said Master shall have one shilling and Four pence half penny out of every pound weight of Silver Moneys & pay the Monyers Eightpence
[109] Two pennyweights in the pound weight Troy of Silver to be allowed for Remedy
[110] If the default happen by Casualty
[111] That the Master shall receive aswell his Majesties own Bullion as any other Bullion to be coyned by Weight & what Bills to be given upon the receipt thereof
[112] The Warden, Comptroller & Clerk of the papers to enter all Bullion and after the Assays are reported the same to {be} lockt up with three Key's.
[113] That they shall also keep severall Books of Melting with the Report of the Pott Assay
[114] The Master shall receive such Bullion as is nigh Standard at the value & charge of makeing it standard to be born by his Majestie
[115] The master to put a privy mark to the Monies
[116] The Warden and Comptroller or their Deputies to Oversee the making of the Monies and the Ballances and Weights
[117] The Surveyor of the Meltings to keep a Book of Such Gold and Silver as shall be Molten
[118] The Warden Master and Comptroller to lock up the Monies with 3 key's till proof be made by the Assay Master and the owners of the Bullion be paid
[120] If the Pix moneys be found worse than Standard and yet within the Remedy the lack thereof to be entered on Record
[121] If the Moneys be better than the Standard & yet within the remedies then the Same to be entered on Record
[122] If the said Monies be without the remedies the Master to sued att the Kings pleasure
[123] That the Warden may employ Gravers & have power to punish them for offences
[124] If any difference happen betwixt the Master & the Merchant the Same to be Tryed by the Assay Master
[125] All officers of the Mint to have free passage through the Tower Gates at all times
[126] The Warden master & Comptroller to attend at the Mint every Wednesday
[127] The Master to pay 52li per Ann' for the Moiety of the Officers Dyett
[128] his Majestie to allow the other halfe to be paid by the Warden who shall make his Accounts Yearly & to have Letters Patents for his Discharge
[129] The Wardens Accounts to be vouched by the Master & Comptroler
[130] That the Officers of the Mint Shall enjoy all houses within the said Mint &c.
[131] That the Monyers &c be ready to work as the Warden directs on pain of Imprisonment & to deliver back the Monies to the Master in clean plates
[132] The master makes Oath for performance of Covenants.
[133] And gives Sureties for 2000li
[134] The Master to bring into the Mint Supplies of Gold & Silver & to bear all Wasts
[135] The Warden to pay the sallary's in a schedule Annexed
[136] The master to bring all Gold & silver he receives into the Mint to be coined except healing pieces &c
[138] The Master to Account Yearly and to have Letters Patents for his Discharge
[139] The Master to pay to the Warden out of the moneys he receives from the Exchequer Such Summe and Summs as the Warden Shall pay to the Officers of the Mint &c. And to retain for his owne Fees as in a Schedule Annexed 1120£ and for repairing of the houses &c
[140] The Warden Master and Comptroller & their Deputies to take an Oath before the Lord Treasurer not to discover the manner of Rounding and Lettering the Money
[141] The Provost and Monyers shall not Vend or pay any Coyned Monies till delivered into the Office of Receipt & pixed
[142] That none do dwell in the Mint without Consent of the Warden &c'
[143] The Comptrollers Roll
[144] The Master to pay the Officers for Rounding the Moneys &c' as the Lord high Treasurer shall direct./
[145] The Monyers to have further Allowance for their Encouragment for making the Small Coines
[146] Provided they deliver seven twelfth parts in Money & Five Scissell
[147] The Clerk of the Irons to take care of all Dyes delivered to the Gravers &c'
[148] And to give Account thereof
[149] That a Iust account may be kept of the same.
[150] For the more exact sizing the Coines the Counterpoise shall be made lighter than the Iust weight &c'.
[151] The Provost & the Moneyers to attend every day & perform their Tasks otherwise to be punished
[152] These presents to be in force during his Majesties pleasure.