{illeg} . .
. for x. for x
for y
{illeg}. . . {illeg}. . . {illeg}. . . {illeg} . {illeg}=
{illeg} {illeg} {illeg}
[40] {illeg}
[41] {illeg}
[42] {illeg}.
[45] {illeg}
. {illeg}
[46] . {illeg}. . . . {.}
. .

{illeg}. .
. {illeg}
. {illeg}
[55] September 1664

[59] .
. . or . . . . . .
Noe motion is lost in reflection. For the circular motion being made by continuall reflection would decay.
[70] {illeg}s Axiome 4th.
Of the seperation of body{s} after reflection
[78] The center of motions determinacon & velocity
Of endeavor from the center

[87] let this follow the 5t axiom
[89] What force is required to beget or destroy equall velocity in unequall bodys
What resistance in bodys
[91] What force Indeavor & Pression is
[92] What force or Motion is in equivelox bodys
What velocity acquired or lost in equall bodys by unequall forces
[94] What motion in bodys
A generall Theorem of the proportion of velocity & motion of given body moving ☞ through given spaces in given times.
[96] What force required to beget or destroy unequall celerity in equall bodys
[97] Of hindering and helping motion
[98] What celerity acquired or lost by equall forces in unequall bodys
What velocity & motion gotten or lost by unequall forces in unequall bodys ☞ A Generall Theorem.
[100] Of the {illeg} force in reflected bodys

Two bodys being uniformely moved in the same plaine their center of motion which describe a streight line

{illeg} the {illeg} {as divers plaines}
of the velocity of the center of motion 14
[105] The 28th & 30th proposition done otherwise

[106] Or thus

The {illeg} of motion is {illeg} before after {illeg}

The center of motion in finite bodys hath the same velocity before & after reflection
This ought to be proved by the 34th & 35t, & the 36t by this concerning the impresse of

Of the Advantage of force in divers positions to some center.