Catalogue Entry: THEM00051

Notes on prophecies

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Yahuda Ms. 8, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

Custodial History

Bought at the Sotheby sale by Maggs Brothers for £7. Requested on approval by Keynes but returned to Maggs on 19 August 1936. Yahuda bought it on 26 August for the sale price plus 20%.

Sotheby Lot



Ms. 8.1 'On the Prophecies' (c. 1710).

ff. 1r-5r Notes (post-1700) on the history of the papacy interpreted as a fulfilment of the prophecies of Daniel, c. 2,000 words. ff. 3r and 3v refer to a book on coinage history published in 1689 (there is another copy of the passage in the Mint Papers, MINT00345 (Mint 19/3/446)). Incomplete at the beginning and probably at the end.

f. 6 Part of a treatise on the prophets, possibly related to the above, incomplete at the beginning and possibly at the end, c. 400 words.

Ms. 8.2

17 pp. of extremely disordered notes (post-1710), mostly English with some Latin, principally on barbarian incursions into the Roman Empire but also containing fragments on the following: the exegesis of Revelation; the beliefs of the Cabbalists and Gnostics; the laws and rites of the ancient Jews; a list of editorial corrections to an unidentified work apparently on Jewish history (possibly a translation, given such notes as 'Is not this the sense'); a collection of Biblical citations and references; notes on the chronology of Ezra and Nehemiah; a collation of Old Testament and Gospel prophecies with those of Revelation. f. 2 contains Mint-related material (expenses incurred by the Warden's clerk in pursuing counterfeiters in 1711). In all, c. 5,000 words.

Ms. 8.3

Citation from 'Dr Tillotson late Arch-Bp of Cant.' [so after Nov. 1694] on the divinity of Christ, c. 130 words, 1 p., and five pages of miscellaneous notes on the prophetic books, c. 1,000 words.

Ms. 8.4

Two clerical hands. Two pages of notes in English on prophetic books and two pages in Latin on the nature of memory, c. 700 words.


Partly in another hand.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
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