Notes on prophecies (Section 3)
Dr Tillotson late Arch-Bishop of Cant. in his 2d sermon concerning the Divinity of our B. Saviour, p. 90, hath these words
And that he was not only with God before he assumed humane nature but also was really God St Paul tells us: Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Iesus who being in the form of God ὀυχ᾽ ἁρπαγμὸν ἡγήσατο, did not arrogate to himself to be equal with God, that is, he made no ostentation of his Divinity. For this I take to be the true meaning of the phrase, both because it is so used by Plutarch, & because it makes the sense more easy & current, thus, who being in the form of God did not assume an equality with God, that is he did not appear in the glory of his Divinity which was hid under a veil of humane flesh & infirmity &c.
<2r> < insertion from f 2v >– Ian 13, & therefore the ten horns were now to receive power as kings. & accordingly the Empire began at this very time to break into ten kingdoms [And first the Dragon by giving the Beast his power & throne became one of his horns. ffor the ten horns are kings which give their power & strength to the Beast (Apoc. 17.13.) & power was given to the Beast over all kindreds & tongues & nations & all that dwelt upon the earth worshipped him whose names were not written in the book of life. The same year] For the Visigoths under the conduct of Alaricus rose from their seats in Thrace presently after the death of Theodosius & made war upon the Empire, & at length seated themselves in Gallia & Spain. The same yeare the Hunns Alans & Vandals rose up in arms & began to make war upon the Empire & so did the Suevians the same year or soon after & these nations marching to the Burgundians upon the Rhene joyned them, passed the Rhene at Ments, invaded Gallia put the Salian Franks into commotion & gave occasion to the revolt of Britain & after some wars seated them selves in various parts of ffrance & Spain. And these ten kingdoms (one of the western Empire one of the Visigoths, one of the Hunns , one of the Vandals, two of the Alans one of the Sweves one of the Burgundians, one of the Franks, & one of the Britains) received power as kings most of them upon the death of Theodosius & the rest within the space of 12 or 13 years after his death, the Empire breaking into these ten kingdoms by one continued series of war, as hath been explained above. As the Leopard . . . . . her Beast.
Yet considering that the ten horns are ten kings which agree & give their power & strength unto the Beast & that the Dragon gave the Beast his power & throne & great authority & that power was given to the Beast over all kindreds & tongues & nations & all that dwelt upon the earth worshipped him whose names were not written in the book of life: we may in some sense reccon that the Dragon when he gave the beast his power & throne became one of his horns. And in this sense the western Empire may be considered not as one of the horns but as the body of the Beast to whom the ten kings give their power & strength. And where its said I saw the Beast & the kings of the earth & their armies gathered together &c (Apoc 19.19) the Beast & the kings of the earth may be taken for the body of the Beast & his horns. But whether the kings of the earth are the horns of the Beast or the kings of the east, or what is to be understood by them, time will discover. At present I observe that after it is said that the Dragon gave the Beast his throne & power & great authority & that all the world wondred after the Beast it is added in the next words that they wor shipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast, & they worshipped the Beast saying, Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with him? And by these words the Dragon & Beast are still considered as two distinct bodies & the Greek Empire still continues to be the Dragon, & the power of the Beast is universal only in respect of his worship. After his resurrection from the dead, the two-horned Beast became his Priest, conescrated him in the east, by consecration created all his power as a God, & caused the eastern nations to erect an image to him & to worship him & his image & wonder after him.
Vpon the ceasing of the line of Hunnimund the son of Hermaneric, the Ostrogoths lived without kings of their own nation about 40 years together, most of which timethey spent in Pannonia. ‡ ‡ For they came over the Danube (according to Procopius{)} about the same time that the Vandals & Alans passed the Rhene & the Visigoths invaded italy that is, about the year 407 or 408. And when Attila began to make war upon the Romans, which was in the year 444, he made Valamir with his brothers Theudemir & Videmir the grandsons of Winithar, Captains or kings of these Ostrogoths. And in the 12th year of Valamir's reign dated from thence, the Hunns were driven out of Pannonia [When Attila began to make war upon the Romans, which was in the year 444, he made Valamir with his brothers Capitains or kings over them, & [ the ejection of the Hunns in the end of the year 455 was in the 12th year of his reign dated from thence.] in the 12th year of his reign dated from thence, the Hunns were driven out of Pannonia].
The Laws & offences Before Moses.
The cheife sin of the old world for which twas drownd was Luxury. Gen 6.1, 2, 4, 5
Pride & affectation of worldly Pomp reproved by the confusion of languages at Babel. Gen 11
God promiseth that in Abram all nations shall be blessed. Gen 12,3. 18,18, 22,18. viz by {illeg}
Adultery reporoved Gen 12,17 In Pharaoah & Abimelech for taking Abrams wife, & Isaacks Gen
ffaith the foundation of pleasing god. In Abrahams manifold obedience
Noah recommended for his justness & uprightnesse. Gen
Sodom & Gomorrah burnt for attempting the sin of uncleanness on the two angells
Ioseph declineth Adultery with Potiphers wife as a Sin.
Iudah being told that his daughter in law Thamar was a harlot commanded her to be burnt but she was with child by him self & brought for Pharez & Zara, of Pharez came Christ.
Hospitableness in Abram & Lot receiving the angells that went to Sodom.
Note, 1 Adultery before the law of Moses was a Sin universally acknowledged, & the bond of Matrimony esteemed strickt. As appeares in that Abram feared he might be slayn for his wifes sake & Pharoh & Albimeleck chid Abram for not saying Sarah was his wife. This probably was from the first institution of marriage.
2 If the elder brother dyed the next was to rayse seed to him and so on Gen
3 Multiplicity of wives & concubines were allowed as appears by Iacobs 2 wives Rachel & Leah, & Concubines Billah & Zilpah of whom came the 12 Patriarchs
4 Worshipping by sacrifise Gen 4,3. & 13,18. & 22,2.
5 Idolatry Gen 31 19 & 35 2.
6 The Sabbath observed Gen 2,3 & Exod 16,22 & 23
7 Eating of blood forbidden Gen 9.4
The laws revealed to Moses Exod 20, 21, 22, 23. Levit 4, 5, 6, 15, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25 26, 27.
The 10 Commandments Exod 20.
Instead of worshiping god by ☾ & ☉ = images an alter is injoyned for sacrifice & that of unhewn stone to prevent turning it to idolatrous uses. Exd 20 25, Nor must there be steps to go up it
The laws of men-slaves. & weomen-slaves 21,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Murder 21.12, 14
Manslaughter Exod. 21.13,
Manstealing death Exod 21.16
Cursing parents death Exod 21.17
If two strive, & one smite the other that he keep his bed, the smiter shall pay for the loss of his time & shall cause him to be throughly healed Exod 21.18.
Smighter of his servants Exod 21.20, 26, 27.
Hurting a woman with child Ex. 21.22, 23, 24, 25.
Ox goaring. Ex. 21.28, 29- ad 32.
Occasioning harm. Exod 21.33, 34.
<4v>And as for generations I say that Hippocrates was 17 generations by the fathers side (& 18 by the mothers) from Hercules inclusively, & reccon those generations at 28 or 30 years a piece, they being by the chief of the family so as to be remembred. by consequence for the most part by the eldest sons
But he makes the Argonaut Hercules 534 years older then I do, & by this recconing these 17 generations must take up above 60 years to a generation. Which is very much beyond the course of nature.