Another holograph draft of MINT00037 (Mint 19/1/64)
May it pl. yor Lps
It has been usual for the Mrs & Wrs of his Majts Mint to give 2000℔ security to ye King before ye sealing of the Indenture of ye Mint & to mention the same in ye Indenture. Thus did Sr Robt Harley in ye 2d year of K. Cha: II & Mr Slingsby in ye 22th year of ye same King. Mr Neale being in debt &c made his way into the place by granting away half ye profits \there/of ye place to other Officers of ye Mint & giving 15000℔ security to ye King & had time given him to find this security after ye sealing of his Indenture. But his Melter Mr Ambrose (though {sic} whose hands all ye coynage \was to/ passes) gave but 2000℔ security to Mr Neale. The Coynage being now much less then in ye time of any of the Masters & Workers above mentioned, if yor Lordps please to accept of ye usual security of 1|2|000℔ & approve of ye Rt Honble
for bondsmen, I am ready to give it speedily that it may be entred in ye Indenture now to be engrossed\sealed/. All wch is most humbly submitted
May it pl. yor Lordps
His Majty having been pleased to appoint me Mr & Wr of his Mint & it being usual to give \2000℔/ security \{illeg}/ for ye due p{illeg} performance of ye trust I humbly propose the security following
Is. Newton Es|Mr| \& Wr of ye Mint/ | 2000℔ | |
The Rt Honble Cha. Montague Es | 1000 | |
Tho. Hall Es | 1000 | |
Or | Floyer Es | 1000 |
Or | Tho. Pilkington Gent | 1000 |