Another holograph draft of MINT00037 (Mint 19/1/64)
May it please your Lordships
It has been usual for the Masters & Workers of his Majestys Mint to give 2000℔ security to the King before the sealing of the Indenture of the Mint & to mention the same in the Indenture. Thus did Sir Robt Harley in the 2d year of K. Cha: II & Mr Slingsby in the 22th year of the same King. Mr Neale being in debt &c made his way into the place by granting half the profits thereof to other Officers of the Mint & giving 15000℔ security to the King & had time given him to find this security after the sealing of his Indenture. But his Melter Mr Ambrose (through whose hands all the coynage was to pass) gave but 2000℔ security to Mr Neale. The Coynage being now much less then in the time of any of the Masters & Workers above mentioned, if your Lordships please to accept of the usual security of 2000℔ & approve of the Right Honourable
for bondsmen, I am ready to give it that it may be entred in the Indenture now to be sealed. All which is most humbly submitted
May it please your Lordships
His Majesty having been pleased to appoint me Master & Worker of his Mint & it being usual to give 2000℔ security for the due performance of the trust I humbly propose the security following
Is. Newton Master & Worker of the Mint | 2000℔ | |
The Right Honourable Cha. Montague Es | 1000 | |
Tho. Hall Es | 1000 | |
Or | Floyer Es | 1000 |
Or | Tho. Pilkington Gent | 1000 |