Holograph copy extract from Robert Brackenbury's indenture of 20 July 1483 showing that the master found securities before the indenture was signed, with notes on ten other precedents for this order of procedure dating back to the fourteenth century
In the Indenture made in ye 1st year of Rich III Iuly 20 wth Robt Backenbury Esq are these words. And f{our}{ive} covenants abovesaid well & truly to be held |&| performed & kept on the partie of the said Maister and that he shall bear him towards or said soveraign Lord the King & his people in the same Office well & covenably & that he shall make gree to the King the said Master hath made bodily Oath afore or said Soveraign Lord the King in his Chanchery, & bindeth himself his heires & Executors to ye same or Soveraign Lord the king by these prsents. And for more sirety to make gree to the Merchants of that that to them belongeth of gold & silver wch he shall receive by manner ab as is abovesaid while he shall be in the said Office the foresaid Master hath found B{illeg}|o|rows afore our said Soveraign Lord the King in his Chancery, that is to say Sr Rauf Ashton Knt William Tunstal Esq Iohn Hoton Esq Iohn Kirkby of London Goldsmith Iohn Snoring of London Fishmonger wch have undertaken for the said Master that is everych{illeg}{illeg} of them upon peyn of Clb that he shall make gree to ye Merchant as is aforesaid the wch summ of C℔ everych of the said B{illeg}|or|ows by himself hath granted to be levied of their lands & tenements good, & chattels to thuse of or said Soveraign Lord the King in case it be duly proved that the said Master doth the contrary thereof.
The like clause word for word is in the Indenture made 23 Feb. in ye 11th year of Edward ye 4th between ye King & William Lord Hastings, excepting that there were seven sureties each in 100li. | The like clause in ye Indenture made 4 Nov. 1 Hen 6 to Sr Gyles Dawbency, there being 5 sureties for 500li.|
In ye Indenture 16 May in ye 24th year of Hen. 8, it is said that the Master between ye King on ye one part & Sr Martin Bowes & Ralph Rowlet Es on ye other part it is said that ye masters hath have found sureties or Burrows afore ye King to make gree to ye Importer, but the summ is not named.
The like clause is in ye Indenture made 16 Feb. 2 Edw. 6 to Tilsworth for Canterbury. Tis said the Master hath found sureties but the summ is not named.
The like clause is in ye Indenture made {15} Apr An 1 Edw 6 to Sr Martin Bowes & four|ive| others {illeg}|f|or ye Mint in ye Tower. Tis said that they have found sureties but the summ is not named.
In ye |I|in|n|denture made 11 {illeg}|Iu|ne An 7 Edw 6, \made to Egerton,/ the Oath is mentioned but I find now mention of Sureties.
In ye Indenture made 2{illeg}|0|th Aug. An 1 Mariæ ot Tho Egerton Tho Stanley {illeg}|W|ill Billingsley & Iohn Mundes there is ye like clause. Tis said they have found Sureties for making gree to ye Ma|e|rchant but ye summ is not named.
In ye Indenture made 9 Dec. An 3 Eliz. to Tho Fleetwood Esq|,| & other\tis said yt/ ye said Tho Fleetwood That {illeg}|f|or more surety to make gree to ye Queen & to ye parties of that that belongeth to them of moneys wch he shall receive by & in manner as is aforesaid while he shall be in the said Office. The aforesaid Thomas Fleetwood hath bound himself his heirs & E{illeg}|xe|cutors to our said Soveraign Lady ye Queen in her Chancery in ye summ of five hundred pounds & also hath found Burrow{illeg}es & Sureties afore or Soveraign Lady ye Queen in her chancery aforesaid in the summ of other five hundred pounds that upon pain thereof he shall make gree to the Queens Highness & to ye parties as is aforesaid.
In ye Indenture made 8 Nove{illeg}|m|b Ano. 2do Eliz{illeg}|a|bethe to Tho Stanley Esq & other as u|V|ndertreasurer of the Mint in the Tower & to other ins other Offices, it is mentioned that the said Vndertreasurer hath found borrowes & sureties afore or soveraign Lady ye Queen in her Chancery in ye summ of One thousand pounds that upon pain thereof he shall\for more surety to make gree to the Queen {sic}/ make gree to ye Queen {illeg}|&| to ye Merchants of that that belongeth to them of Gold & Silver wch he shall receive by & in manner as is aforesaid while he shall be in the said Office the foresaid Vndertreasurer hath found Burrowes & Sureties afore or Soveraign Lady the Queen in her Chancery aforesaid in the summ of one thousand pounds that upon pain thereof he shall make gree to ye Queens Highness & to ye Merchants as is aforesaid.
In the Indenture made the first of March An. 37 Edw. 3 tis mentioend that Henry de Brisele had given surties in 100{illeg}|0| marks for ye Mint at P{illeg}|a|ris.
In the Indenture made ye 20th May An 46 Edw 3 \tis mentioned that/ Berdet de Malepitys had found sureties {to} in 600li to make gree to ye Merchant.