Novemr. | 15th. |
Pd. for 3 hampers |
| 5. | 0 |
£ | s. | d |
Paid for Candlesticks & Snuffers for ye. Office, and mending some Glass | } |
–. | 6. | 11. |
1688 Mar{h} ye. | 16. |
Pd. for a Warrt. & Order for 5000£. |
6.\X/ | 7. | 6. |
Pd. at {S|D|}r. Robt. Howards Office for ye. Imprest Role |
2. | 0. | 0 |
| 20. |
To Mr. Attorney Generall 3 Guineas |
3. | 4. | 6 |
Pd. Coach hire to Westminster {&} 2 Coaches from Westminster with 2{illeg}|6|75£ 7s 6d. from ye Excheqr | } |
0. | 7. | 6 |
Pd. for 2 Prints of Theire Maties. for ye. Engravers |
–. | 2. | 6 |
1689. | 25 |
Pd. for ye. Kings Warrt. for makeing Punchions for ye. Moneys. |
3. | 10. | – |
Pd. for ye. Order of Councell or Warrt. for Meddalls for ye. Coronation | } |
1. | 10. | 0 |
Pd. for under writing ye. Order of Councell for ye Coronation Meddalls | } |
1. | 10. | 0 |
To a Messinger that brought a Messin|ua|ge{illeg} from Hampton court | } |
–. | 1. | 0 |
| 26. |
Pd. Coach hire to hampton Court & back & Charges there. |
2. | 0. | 0 |
Pd. for. 2 Fyles for Coronation Meddall |
— | 7. | 6 |
Aprill ye. | 1t. |
To. ye. Chancellor of ye Excheqr.s Secratary for ye. Masters Accot ending ye. last of Sepr. 1687 | } |
1. | 10. | 0 |
To ye. Chancellors Secratary. for. ye. Allowance of ye. Bill of Incidents & Excheqr. Charges | } |
1. | 5. | 0 |
To his Clerke & ye. Chancellors Servants |
1. | 2. | 6 |
| 25. |
To Mr. Langford for. ye. Kings Warrt. being another Warrt. for Puncheons. | } |
3. | 10. | 0 |
| 29. |
Pd. for. 2 Boxes. to hold ye. Impressions of ye Great Seale | } |
—. | 1. | 6 |
May. | 8. |
To. ye Lord Dallemeares Brother for. ye. Masters Accot. ending ye. last of Sepr 1687. | } |
1. | 10. | 0 |
To his Clarke & my Lords Servants |
–. | 15. | 0 |
| 14. |
Pd. for his Maties. Wart. for altering scales |
3. | 10. | – |
Iune. | 15. |
Pd. Mr. Langford for a Wart. & Order for 10000£. |
5.\X/ | 12. | 6 |
| 17. |
Pd. for ye Duke of Norfolkes Warrt. for altering ye. Armes. in ye. Coynes | } |
1{5} | 4. | 0 |
| 20 |
Pd. for ye. Kings Warrt. for altering ye. Armes in ye Silver. |
6. | 7. | 6 |
Iuly. | 3. |
To Mr. Attorney Generall 3 Guineas |
3. | 4. | 6 |
| 29 |
Pd {Irs}kine for Broomes for ye. Office & Mint. |
–. | 23. | – |
Augt. ye. | 1st. |
Pd. for ye. Kings Warrt. about ye. half Guineas |
3. | 10. | 0 |
To ye. Messinger that brought it |
–. | 2. | 6 |
55. | {illeg}|9| | 5 |