
A Bill of Incidents. from the 5th. of Novemr. 1688

to the last of Sepr. 1689.

Novemr.15th. Paid for 3 hampers 5.0
Paid for Candlesticks & Snuffers for the Office, and mending some Glass} –.6.11.
1688 Mar{h} the16. Paid for a Warrant & Order for 5000£. 6.X7.6.
Paid at {D}r. Robt. Howards Office for the Imprest Role 2.0.0
20. To Mr. Attorney Generall 3 Guineas 3.4.6
Paid Coach hire to Westminster {&} 2 Coaches from Westminster with 2675£ from the Exchequer} 0.7.6
Paid for 2 Prints of Theire Majesties for the Engravers –.2.6
1689.25 Paid for the Kings Warrant for makeing Punchions for the Moneys. 3.10.
Paid for the Order of Councell or Warrant for Meddalls for the Coronation} 1.10.0
Paid for under writing the Order of Councell for the Coronation Meddalls} 1.10.0
To a Messinger that brought a Messuage from Hampton court} –.1.0
26. Paid Coach hire to hampton Court & back & Charges there. 2.0.0
Paid for. 2 Fyles for Coronation Meddall 7.6
Aprill the1t. To. the Chancellor of the Exchequers Secratary for the Masters Account ending the last of Sepr. 1687} 1.10.0
To the Chancellors Secratary. for. the Allowance of the Bill of Incidents & Exchequer Charges} 1.5.0
To his Clerke & the Chancellors Servants 1.2.6
25. To Mr. Langford for. the Kings Warrant being another Warrant for Puncheons.} 3.10.0
29. Paid for. 2 Boxes. to hold the Impressions of the Great Seale} —.1.6
May.8. To. the Lord Dallemeares Brother for. the Masters Account ending the last of Sepr 1687.} 1.10.0
To his Clarke & my Lords Servants –.15.0
14. Paid for his Majesties Warrant for altering scales 3.10.
Iune.15. Paid Mr. Langford for a Warrant & Order for 10000£. 5.X12.6
17. Paid for the Duke of Norfolkes Warrant for altering the Armes. in the Coynes} 1{5}4.0
20 Paid for the Kings Warrant for altering the Armes in the Silver. 6.7.6
Iuly.3. To Mr. Attorney Generall 3 Guineas 3.4.6
29 Paid {Irs}kine for Broomes for the Office & Mint. –.23.
Augt. the1st. Paid for the Kings Warrant about the half Guineas 3.10.0
To the Messinger that brought it –.2.6
Augt. the17 Paid for 19dwt. 3gr. of silver to make good a losse by Rateing 0.5.0
To a Messinger from a Committe of the house of Commons to attend them about. the Cut of Multiplying of Gold & Silver} –.2.6
19. Paid at. the Treasury for declayreing the Master Account ending the last of Sepr. 1687.} 1.17.6
To a Messinger of. the Treasury to carry it to the Auditors –.2.6
To Dullow for {Watridge} to the Wardens severall times –.2.0
Lost by the tale of Moneys & abd Moneys by the Moneys Received out of the Exchequer to the last Sepr 1689.} 2.11.6
Coach hire boat hire & other Expences. from the 5th. of Novemr. 1688 to the last of Sepr. 1689.} 12.17.0
[1] <85v>

Bill of charges
from 1688 to 1689



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Professor Rob Iliffe
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