Proposals for new sets of check weights and new gold and silver trial plates to be made for both London and Edinburgh
To the Right Honble: the Lord High Treasurer of England
May it please yr. Lordp.
In Obedience to Your Lordps. Order to Vs of the 18th instd. to consider of that part of her Majts. Order in Councill (a Copy whereof we receiv'd inclos'd) which relates to the continuing of the Mint in Scotland, together wth. that part of the Act of Parliamt. which we think Necessary to be done whereby the same may be effectually put in Execution, We humbly represent to yr. Lordp.
That whereas by the said Act of Parliamt the Coin is to be of the same Standard and value throughout the united Kingdome, and Whereas also by the Indenture of her Majestys Mint in England the Warden is Order'd to make Standard Weights for ye. is Order'd to make Standard Weights for ye. Mint of both Nations to be examin'd and approved by the Officers of the English Mint and then Mark'd by the said Warden (which Clause we conceive to have been inserted into the said Indenture upon an Ancient Treaty between the Two Nations) We are humbly of Opinion that two New Piles of Troy weights one for each Mint be made exactly of the same weight wth. the Standard Troy Weights in the Excheqr. and examin'd approv'd and stamp'd According to the directions of the said Indenture.
<72v>And that by a Iury of Goldsmiths (according to the direction of the same Indenture) there be made out of the same Molten Mass of Gold Six Trial ꝑces for Standard Gold, and out of the same Molten Mass of Silver Six trial ꝑces for Standard Silver vizt. one of each sort for the Excheqr. at Westminstr. to try the pix, two of each sort for the proper Officers of each Mint to make and examine the mony, and one of each sort for the Goldsmiths
And We are further of opinion that ye. mony coin'd in both Mints be of the same sizes and stamp, wth. some letter or other Mark set upon the Scotch mony to distinguish it from the Mony coin'd in England, as was lately practic'd in the Country Mints
And whereas by the Act of Vnion, {illeg}|T|he Mint is to be continued in Scotland under the same rules as ye Mint in England, and the present Officers of that Mint continued Subject to such regulations as her Majesty &ca. shall think fitt: We are humbly of Opinion that in Order thereunto, so much of the Indenture of the Mint in England as contains the rules for coynage be transmitted to the Mint in Scotland, in Order to the drawing up an instrumt. between her Majesty and the proper Officer for coyning there under the same rules as in England
And for the better putting the sd. rules in practice, the Officers of the Mint in Scotland may have liberty to send any of their Mi{illeg}|n|t to see and learn the practice of the Mint in the Tower, and that if they desire it, an Offer of the English Mint be sent into Scotland to see the said rules fully put in practice. And that if they shall want any New Engines, they be provided for them in the Tower
all which is humbly Submitted to yr
Lordps. great Wisdome
I Stanley
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