Holograph draft query as to whether the Queen cannot empower the master of the Edinburgh Mint to employ moneyers at his own discretion and on his own terms, as the master of the London Mint does
The Master of her Maties Mint at Edinburgh is allowed by a Scotch Act of Parliamt after a certain rate by the po{illeg}|u|nd weight for coynage of gold & silver. His place is continued by the Vnion Act & the coynage is appointed to be performed there after \the/ same manner as in her Mats Mint in ye Tower
Quære whether her Maty may not direct ye Master of her Mint at Edinburgh to {i}|e|mploy Moneyers under him coyning the moneys in that Mint, & \whether she may not also/ appoint their wages as is done in ye Mint in ye Tower?