Petition for 1/2 % commission
Edinbr ye. Septr 1708
Hon: Sr
The privÿ Councill of Scotland by ye Commissione in August 1707. apointed {sic} us to receive in at ye Mint of {Br} all ye Scots & forrane Coyne In order to be reduced to ye Standart of England, and to see ye summ melted, weighted, & to grant Certificates to ye Ingivers upon the Equivalent, for makeing up ye loss in recoyning.
When at ye Councills earnest desyre we were prest to {accopt {sic}} of this Commissione, ye Lordships then promised & ye Commissione to us bears that we shall be sufficiently rewarded for one pa{illeg} & trowble in the matter. We haveing served above a year, have now sent up a Memoriall to Sir David Narne to present to My Lord High Thessaurer to yt purpose, wherin we propose a third pr Cent for all ye money passes our hands, to be payed out of the bullion preceeding ye Commencement of the Vnion, which is ye lest We doe expect for our attendance and loss of tyme, and when granted will be but a small {illeg}|r|eward, haveing our clerk & other Servants with Charges to pay fr{illeg}|o|m it
Sir We have presumed to trouble you with this because you know what such Service deserves and desyre the favour of you to represent the same to My Lord High Thessaurer, that what we Demand is very modest, and we may presume to say, yt hade we barganed with the Councill at our begining We hade come much better to however yr is noe looking back, And yrfoore We doe humbly expect his Lordship will be pleased to grant our Sober demands after haveing your oppinione, which we doubt he will Inquyre being what relates to ye Mint, all others about it have got payment & we only left wanting, which we doe Impute to our owne Neglect & Modesty in not applying for payment Sooner, youl please {anext} of this trouble in good ꝑ{illeg} from
Your most Humble + S{illeg} servants
Ro: Rutherfurd
Robert Bruce Archibald Broun