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I received sometime since a letter from you with an inclosed paper containing several Quæres relating to your Mint & the charges of making up the \late/ Coynage & {another}{{illeg} make} way of\the buisines of your Mint./ I have been slow to return an answer for fear that some of those things may be referred to the officers of or Mint with whom I find it sometimes difficult to agree & therefore what I now write to you {illeg} is to be looked upon not as coming \not/ from an Officer of ye Mint but from a private friend.

I am of opinion that the Officers of yor Mint should{illeg} sollicit the Barons of the Excheqr to get the Bullion in the hands of ye Barons of the Exchequer Executors of Mr Stewar{{d}|t|} & the under collectors to be {illeg}paid into ye Mint with all convenient speed & that as it comes in you \should/ pay it in \due/ course \& order as it became due/ discharging those debts first to whome it became first due. {&} which were first owing And when you have cleared all debts \& accounts/ to any certain time you(suppo{se} to Christmas or\Christmas or/ Lad{{illeg}|y|} was a twelvemonth or Midsummer last, you may then or \to/ any later time,) you may then make up \& pass/ yor accounts to th{{e}|at|} time \if you think fit,/ & afterwards \you may/ pass your accounts annually according to the {illeg} course of the Mint in the Tower expressed in the Indentur{e} of ye Mint taking care to clear all the acc{illeg}|o|unts of every year before you make oath to them & pass them, because by passing them you are d{{illeg}|is|}charged of all accounts till that time.

As for the Moneyers, {illeg}|I|{illeg} am of opi{{illeg}|ni|}on that the nine pence per pound weight \should/ be paid them in course as money comes into yor hands & that in your accounts the penny per pound weight above the 8d be set down in your accounts, & if the {Ba} Auditor or Barons of the Exchequer scruple it, you may petition my Lord Trear. to have {it}{T} What \else/ is due to the Moneyers on account of your coynage {as} they must petition my Lord Treasurer to be allowed. I beleive my Lord will scarce pay any thing \to them/ at London, but|ec|ause it {was} proper{l}{t}y belongs to your account what is due to them can scarce come into any other account then yors

The Pix & Assay pieces you are to receive & have & place ym in your account as so much money received, & to bring in a bill of the loss of Assays. The Bill must be examined allowed & signed by the Warden & Counter-Warden.

You should also according to the best of your judgment\memory/ & knowledge bring in a|one or more| Bills of charges for the Miln horses & their maintenance & servants, & for furnishing Rollers, upholding the files cutters & tumblers, or th & fire candles & allome & other necessaries for the moneyers. And this bill \also/ should be examined & signed by the Warden & Counter Warden. And so should all the Bills of B{r} Carpenters Brick laye{rs} stone Masons Pairers Glasiers Smiths {&c}\{Plaisters}/ Plaisterers &c

I pay to ye Smith of ye Mint a farthing per pound weight {illeg} of all the {mo} silver moneys coyned, for his making the Dyes, & wheth{er} the like allowance should be made by you towards {{illeg}|d|}efraying the incident charges of ye coynage I leave {to}\must/ leave to be considered|ation|


I con{illeg}|c|eive twelve pence\twelve pence/ per pound weight \to the Refiner/ to be /{illeg}\ sufficient for all the mone silver refined to the degree of 17dwt & an half better & for every half penny weight wch the refined silver want of this fineness, {f} a farthing may be abated out of the shilling, unless you can think of any exacter estimate.

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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