Imp: The masters allowance for the Coinage of 64 stone 13 pd \Scots/ weight of ten and fyve Pence pieces att 20 £ scots or 1: 13: 4 sterlin {sic} money ꝑ stone weight Conform to the Acts of Parliament in relation to the Coinage being the money Coined from the month of March 1705 to May 1707 |
} |
| | |
sterline |
£ib | Sh | d |
108 | 00 | 5 |
To an Accompt of Steall and iron for that Coiange |
3 | 16 | 8 |
To an Accompt of {illeg}|Small Coal for the forge and| Smiths work |
3 | 06 | 8 |
To an Accompt of mens work preparing te Mint and making the furnace heads for that Coinage | } |
3 | 16 | 1 |
To an Accompt of Depursments for oy|u|r necessaries for that Coinage |
3 | 02 | 7 |
To Refineing 8 stone 4 pd 3 ounces 15 {drop} silver for that Coinage att 1£ ꝑ stone weight | } |
8 | 05 | 3 |
To David Calendar for Six Precepts for the Quarterly Sallaries from Martinmas 1704 to Candlemas 1706 | } |
1 | 09 | 0 |
To a Small accompt due to the Master upon the {kerneels} of fineness of that Coiange as ꝑ the Mint Records | } |
1 | 09 | 9 |
To the Workmens wages putting ye Mint in order for ye recoinage |
2 | 05 | 10 |
To the fraught of Goods sent from the tower of London to ye mint and Cariage from Leith to Edinbr ꝑ accompt |
20 | 15 | 00 |
It he craves allowance of £31. 19. 2 being ye Loss upon 295 Guineas which he received from the Collector of ye Bullion att 23 shill. 8d ꝑ Guinea In Paynt of 350£ ordered for ye suppport of ye Coiange in ye months of march & Aprile 1707 | } |
31 | 19 | 2 |
To the Price of ten horses bought for the miln, One being shott in ye ark and another dieing att ye work | } |
73 | 19 | 11 |
It He Craves allowance for the mantainance of 8 horses for miln from 15th August 1707 to 15th March 1709 being 19 months att 14d ꝑ horse a day | } |
269 | 14 | 8 |
It He Craves allowance for two servants who waited on ye horses and miln att 12d each a day | } |
57 | 16 | 0 |
To an Accompt of shoes for the horses |
10 | 07 | 4 |
To an Accompts of skin aprons to ye Moneyrs for {Iusting}, a {Cover} to ye Compting room table covers to the Clerk, {Dask}, & Locks & bands to them | } |
05 | 10 | 8 |
To an Accompt of books and paper to the Mint |
12 | 04 | 11 |
To an Accompt of Coals furnished for ye moneyrs their blenching & nealing offices and Working room | } |
36 | 18 | 10 |
To an Accompt of Candle |
8 | 11 | 3 |
To an accompt of Allom |
18 | 06 | 8 |
To and Accompt for upholding the files |
22 | 00 | 11 |
To the Smiths mens wages att the forg for Rollers, Dyes, Cutters and upholding the {Coy} iron work ꝑ accompt | } |
41 | 09 | 11 |
To an accompt of iron and steell fro the forge |
60 | 10 | 0 |
To an Accompt of small Coal for the forge |
10 | 13 | 5 |
To an Accompt of Oil Greese and soap furnished by the Smith to ye miln {illeg} and Some other Litle work | } |
04 | 06 | 2 |
| |
8{illeg}|20| |
17. |
5 |
<51v> |
To fraught of a second Cargo of goods from London sent by Mr Cave |
3 | 15 | 11 |
To Cariage therof to Edinbr and Charges |
0 | 16 | 6 |
To mr Caves accompt of said Goods and Postage of a Letter |
34 | 09 | 5 |
To an Accompt for Dyes paid to Richard Morgan and a letter |
14 | 01 | 5 |
To an Accompt of land Cariage of Dyes from London |
2 | 15 | 11 |
To an accompt of weights bought for ye Mint from ye Equivalent ofice |
9 | 18 | 0 |
To an Accompt of Mufflers for the Assay masters furnaces |
2 | 05 | 2 |
To two Accompts of furniture for the miln horses |
9 | 13 | 4 |
To an Accompt of Copper Work |
24 | 16 | 7 |
To an Accompt of Brass work |
23 | 12 | 0 |
To 200 weight Quick Silver from Holand att 5 sh 6d |
55 | 00 | 0 |
To an Accompt of Sand for the Mint |
01 | 16 | 10 |
To an Accompt of {meall} for dusting the molds |
3 | 18 | 6 |
To an Accompt of saw Dust for the moneyrs blenching |
1 | 07 | 2 |
To the Massons accompt |
30 | 10 | 0 |
To the Wrights accompts |
74 | 03 | 4 |
To the Glasiers Accompt |
04 | 10 | 0 |
To the Plaisterers Accompt |
01 | 01 | 8 |
To William Grays accompts from the iron miln for iron ports, Lignit, and neeling pans |
} |
216 | 13 | 4 |
To an accompt of Expences searching of prosecuting a false Coiner |
7 | 08 | 6 |
To Recording in Excheqr Her maties two warands to ye officers of the Mint & Exers of Daniel Stewart Collector of ye Bullion for paying up ye money for ye Recoinage, And charge for the sds Warands att London |
} |
3 | 05 | 4 |
To two Large Wee Sieves for the Moneyrs |
1 | 10 | 0 |
To an Accompt of rubing brushes |
1 | 08 | 8 |
To an accompts of Hogs Lard for the Presses |
5 | 12 | 1 |
To an accompt of Lead work |
3 | 05 | 0 |
To an accompt of locks |
1 | 08 | 8 |
To an accompt of Sacken and harden for boots & mittans to ye melters |
1 | 09 | 10 |
To an accompt of Coy small Depursements for necessaries |
16 | 04 | 4 |
To the General and Coy officers and Clerk their Sallaries ꝑ accot from 1st feb. 1708 to 1st febry 1709 |
} |
1461 | 13 | 4 |
To Refineing 12834 Pound 15 penny Weight of Silver ꝑ particular Accompt |
} |
500 | 19 | 1 |
To the Coiange of 104227 Pound 10 ounces English Troy weight att ꝑ pd wght Answering to 1: 13: 4 allowed by the Scots acts for the Coinage of the Scots stone weight Consisting of 16 pd Scots Weight of 16 Scots onces {sic} in ye pd, The Scots pound reckoned att 15 onces {sic} 111 penny weight 4 Grains English |
} |
8293 | 18 | 9 |
It Craves allowance of 1 penny ꝑ pd weight of 103346 pd wght Coined by ye moneyrs sent from London He being obliged to pay ym att 9 pence ꝑ pd weight wch is 1 penny Extraordinary |
} |
0430 | 12 | 2 |
It Craves allowance of the Deficiency upon ye Assay peeces {sic} of ye money ꝑ accompt |
} |
10 | 19 | 9 |
<52r> |
To 18 pound weight of Allay {illeg} the Pot-bills att 9 pence ꝑ pd weight |
00 | 13 | 6 |
It Craves allowance for a workman keepd making the Clay heads for the furnaces and repairing the severall furnaces |
} |
20 | 00 | 0 |
It Craves allowance of 100 Mks Scots paid to ye maiers of Councel attending the triall was made of ye Pix in Septembr 1707 as is usuall |
} |
05 | 11 | 1 |
It Craves allowance for the Clerks of Councell & Servants their dues and for ye Extract of ye Masters Exoneration |
} |
05 | 00 | 00 |
It Craves allowance of 2 penny ꝑ ounce of 1553 ounces Silver imported by merchants to ye mint & Coined since May Last, as ye Encouragement given by ye Coinage act past at London ye Last session |
} |
16 | 03 | 6 |
| |
11303. |
07. |
8 |
Total |
12124. |
05. |