
Accompt due by Her Majestie to George Allardes of Allardes Master of Her Majesties Mint for the Coinage in Scotland


Imprest: The masters allowance for the Coinage of 64 stone 13 pound Scots weight of ten and fyve Pence pieces att 20 pound scots or 1: 13: 4 sterling money per stone weight Conform to the Acts of Parliament in relation to the Coinage being the money Coined from the month of March 1705 to May 1707 }
To an Accompt of Steall and iron for that Coiange 316812
To an Accompt of Small Coal for the forge and Smiths work 3068
To an Accompt of mens work preparing te Mint and making the furnace heads for that Coinage} 316112
To an Accompt of Depursments for our necessaries for that Coinage 302712
To Refineing 8 stone 4 pound 3 ounces 15 {drop} silver for that Coinage att 1£ per stone weight} 805312
To David Calendar for Six Precepts for the Quarterly Sallaries from Martinmas 1704 to Candlemas 1706} 1090
To a Small accompt due to the Master upon the {kerneels} of fineness of that Coiange as per the Mint Records} 109913
To the Workmens wages putting the Mint in order for the recoinage 20510
To the fraught of Goods sent from the tower of London to the mint and Cariage from Leith to Edinbr per accompt 201500
Item he craves allowance of £31. 19. 2 being the Loss upon 295 Guineas which he received from the Collector of the Bullion att 23 shillings 8d per Guinea In Payment of 350£ ordered for the suppport of the Coiange in the months of march & Aprile 1707} 31192
To the Price of ten horses bought for the miln, One being shott in the ark and another dieing att the work} 73191113
Item He Craves allowance for the mantainance of 8 horses for miln from 15th August 1707 to 15th March 1709 being 19 months att 14d per horse a day} 269148
Item He Craves allowance for two servants who waited on the horses and miln att 12d each a day} 57160
To an Accompt of shoes for the horses 1007412
To an Accompts of skin aprons to the Moneyrs for {Iusting}, a {Cover} to the Compting room table covers to the Clerk, {Dask}, & Locks & bands to them} 05108
To an Accompt of books and paper to the Mint 120411
To an Accompt of Coals furnished for the moneyrs their blenching & nealing offices and Working room} 361810
To an Accompt of Candle 8113
To an accompt of Allom 18068
To and Accompt for upholding the files 22001112
To the Smiths mens wages att the forg for Rollers, Dyes, Cutters and upholding the {Coy} iron work per accompt} 410911
To an accompt of iron and steell fro the forge 6010012
To an Accompt of small Coal for the forge 1013512
To an Accompt of Oil Greese and soap furnished by the Smith to the miln {illeg} and Some other Litle work} 04062
820 17. 523
To fraught of a second Cargo of goods from London sent by Mr Cave 31511
To Cariage therof to Edinbr and Charges 0166
To mr Caves accompt of said Goods and Postage of a Letter 34095
To an Accompt for Dyes paid to Richard Morgan and a letter 14015
To an Accompt of land Cariage of Dyes from London 21511
To an accompt of weights bought for the Mint from the Equivalent ofice 9180
To an Accompt of Mufflers for the Assay masters furnaces 2052
To two Accompts of furniture for the miln horses 9134
To an Accompt of Copper Work 24167
To an Accompt of Brass work 23120
To 200 weight Quick Silver from Holand att 5 shillings 6d 55000
To an Accompt of Sand for the Mint 011610
To an Accompt of {meall} for dusting the molds 318623
To an Accompt of saw Dust for the moneyrs blenching 1072
To the Massons accompt 30100
To the Wrights accompts 74034
To the Glasiers Accompt 04100
To the Plaisterers Accompt 01018
To William Grays accompts from the iron miln for iron ports, Lignit, and neeling pans } 216134
To an accompt of Expences searching of prosecuting a false Coiner 7086
To Recording in Exchequer Her majesties two warands to the officers of the Mint & Executors of Daniel Stewart Collector of the Bullion for paying up the money for the Recoinage, And charge for the said Warands att London } 3054
To two Large Wee Sieves for the Moneyrs 1100
To an Accompt of rubing brushes 1088
To an accompts of Hogs Lard for the Presses 5121
To an accompt of Lead work 3050
To an accompt of locks 108812
To an accompt of Sacken and harden for boots & mittans to the melters 10910
To an accompt of Coy small Depursements for necessaries 1604413
To the General and Coy officers and Clerk their Sallaries per account from 1st feb. 1708 to 1st febry 1709 } 1461134
To Refineing 12834 Pound 15 penny Weight of Silver per particular Accompt } 50019134
To the Coiange of 104227 Pound 10 ounces English Troy weight att      per pound weight Answering to 1: 13: 4 allowed by the Scots acts for the Coinage of the Scots stone weight Consisting of 16 pound Scots Weight of 16 Scots ounces in the pound, The Scots pound reckoned att 15 ounces 111 penny weight 4 Grains English } 8293189
Item Craves allowance of 1 penny per pound weight of 103346 pound weight Coined by the moneyrs sent from London He being obliged to pay them att 9 pence per pound weight which is 1 penny Extraordinary } 0430122
Item Craves allowance of the Deficiency upon the Assay pieces of the money per accompt } 10199
To 18 pound weight of Allay the Pot-bills att 9 pence per pound weight 00136
Item Craves allowance for a workman keepd making the Clay heads for the furnaces and repairing the severall furnaces } 20000
Item Craves allowance of 100 Marks Scots paid to the maiers of Councel attending the triall was made of the Pix in Septembr 1707 as is usuall } 0511113
Item Craves allowance for the Clerks of Councell & Servants their dues and for the Extract of the Masters Exoneration } 050000
Item Craves allowance of 212 penny per ounce of 1553 ounces Silver imported by merchants to the mint & Coined since May Last, as the Encouragement given by the Coinage act past at London the Last session } 1603612
11303. 07. 8112


12124. 05. 512

Follows the Particular Accompt for the Refineing in the Recoinage stated att 12 pence per pound weight when returned 1712 Better than Standart And so forth in Proportion deduceing a farthing for evry 12 worse than the 1712

Pound weight ounces pennyweight Better Value
Totall value
36 10 00Better 1612 att 1112 penny per pound weight is 1139
48 08 00 16 att 1114 is 205914
73 09 00 1512 att 11 is 307714
68 04 10 15 att 1034 3013
3451 11 15 1412 att 1012 15100512
1190 04 05 14 att 1014 50169
1190 03 15 1312 att 10 491111
808 10 10 13 att 934 3217112
307 04 10 1212 att 912 12034
1037 07 05 12 att 914 39196
962 01 15 1112 att 9 36017
676 06 00 11 att 834 2413312
785 00 15 1012 att 812 27161
43 07 00 10 att 814 1091112
73 10 10 912 att 8 2093
350 06 15 9 att 734 1106412
309 01 00 812 att 712 9132
493 02 00 8 att 714 14180
250 03 00 712 att 7 7060
504 06 00 7 att 634 1403912
22 00 00 612 att 612 01111
61 02 00 6 att 614 1111014
45 06 00 5 att 534 101912
42 06 10 4 att 514 0018712
12834 00 15



George Allardes master of the Mint his Accompts of the Coinage from March 1705 to October 1709

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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