Allocation of poundage to the various Mint officers in London and Edinburgh, with two copies of a list of Edinburgh salaries and a further draft of MINT00442 (Mint 19/3/81-93)
In ye Mint the Tower
|For coinage of Gold Silver|
To the Master of ye Mint for coinage per lwt 16d
To the Moneyers for coinage per lwt 8d from ye Master, & 1d from ye Queen if ye Moneys be well coined.
To the Engineer pr lwt 1d
To the Smith pr lwt one farthing.
For the Mint coinage of silver Gold.
To the Master pr lwt 6s 6d.
To the Moneyers from ye Master per lwt 3s.
To the Engineer 6d.
To the Smith 1d pr lwt.
Salaries in the Mint in ye Tower
Salaries in ye Mint at Edinburgh.
li | ||||
To the General | 300. | 00. | 00 | |
To ye Master | 200. | 00. | 00 | |
To the Warden | 150. | |||
To the Counter warden | 60 | |||
Assaymaster | 100 | |||
Engraver | 50 | |||
|×| Clerk to ye Bullion |×| | 50 | |||
Smith | 30 | |||
Queens Clerk | 40 | |||
Masters Cle|r|k | 40 | |||
Wardens Clerk | 40 | |||
Counterwardens Clerk | 40 |
For coinage of silver
Vpon ye po{illeg}|u|nd wt Scotish 20li|d| |{scot}| wch answers 19d + per lwt english
T|F|rom ye Master to ye Engineer upon ye Stone wt Scotish 2d Scotish.
For the coinage of Gold
To ye Master upon ye lwt scottish
And the said Iohn Montgomerie doth further covenant & agree \to & wth her said Majty/ that whenever her Majty by her signe manual shall autherise {sic} & direct him to \provide &/ employ Moneyers in the said Min for carrying on the coinage & in the said Mint he the sai \at Edinburgh/ he will first\procure/ & imply \as Moneyers/ two or more men \workmen/ skilled in \all/ {seval} sev\er/al parts & exercised in the {illeg}\the operations of/ milling, cutting, sizing nealing blanching edging & stamping the moneys of gold & silver wh{o} |[|& her Maty doth hereby authorize & require the said workmen so to who shall be so p{illeg} to act under] & pay them for their work & after such rates by the pound weight not {illeg} as her Maty shall appoint not exceeding {5}d 9d by the pound weight Troy of \all/ the silver money now\&/ {illeg}|3|s {illeg}|2|d by the pound weight |Troy| of \all/ the gold moneys \wch shall be{illeg}/ coyn {illeg} to be coyned by them. And her Maty doth here{of}|by| \appoints &/ ordein|s| that the said moneyers so to be imployed may {illeg} shall enjoy the same privileges & be subject to all the same rules & \p{illeg} h{illeg}/ penalties with orders & penalties wth/as\ the Moneyers in her Majts Mint in the Tower of London respectively.
<203r>And her Majties further will & pleasure is that upon any past complaint of the \further ordeins that when ever it shall appear to ye Ld H. Tr. or Commrs of ye Tr. for ye time /being\/ \that the coinage/ {illeg}|a|foresaid \of/ species of moneys of gold & silver is not well performed for want of moneyers exercised & skilled in the art of coinage, {them} & the Master & Worker of the said Mint do {illeg} \upon notice from their Lds/ send d|t|h{illeg}|r|e {sic} \or more/ a{illeg}|bl|e bodied young men fit to serve apprentisships to the Master of her Majesties Mint in the Tower to be bound apprentises to the Moneyers of the said Mint till during the space of three or more years \or/ till they shall have learned the art of coinage, {illeg}|&| then sent back to the said mint mint at Edinburgh to perform the service of coyngage the{illeg}|re| & take \at such price as {th} {sic}/ under the same rules as in her Majties Mint \in the Tower/ & take apprentices for perpetuating the skill of coinage in her Ma the said Mint at Eding|b|urgh
And her Majties will & pleas further ordeins that whenever the right honble ye Lords commrs of her Majties Treasury or Ld h. Tr. for ye time being shall for the better carrying on of the coinage of\in/ the said Mint shall give direction to ye direct the Master of\give |a| direction for the carrying on the coynage in the said Mint by moneyers/ ye said Iohn Montgomery s{illeg}|ha|l {sic} provi{illeg}|d|e moneyers \two or more persons/ skilled in the art of coinage |[|that the said Iohn Montgomery do send two or more able bodied young \men/ to the Master of her Majesties Mint in the Tower to be instructed \& exercised/ by the Moneyers of the said Mint in the art of drawing out\milling/, cutting, sizing, nealing, branching, edging & stamping the moneys, in order to the{re to} being imployed as moneyers \to be imployed as moneyers for performing the Coinage/ in the said Mint at Edinburgh |[|at such {rate} \by the pound weight {sic}/ as her Maty shall appoint.|,| to be paid by the said Iohn Montgomery out of the allowans|c|e made |to| him by her Maty for \coinage/ & to take apprentices & be under \all/ the same rules & directions in the said Mint at Edinburgh as the moneyers in her Maties mint in the Tower are subject unto, & that the said Iohn Montgomery shall pay out of the allowance made to him by her Maty for coinage shall pay unto the said Moneyers for coynage such price by the pound weight as her Maty shall appoint.
<203v>A Schedule or Table of the Fees 7amp; Salaries of the Officers of her Majties Mint at Edinburgh.