Allocation of poundage to the various Mint officers in London and Edinburgh, with two copies of a list of Edinburgh salaries and a further draft of MINT00442 (Mint 19/3/81-93)
In the Mint the Tower
For coinage of Silver
To the Master of the Mint for coinage per pound weight 16d
To the Moneyers for coinage per pound weight 8d from the Master, & 1d from the Queen if the Moneys be well coined.
To the Engineer per pound weight 1d
To the Smith per pound weight one farthing.
For the coinage of Gold.
To the Master per pound weight 6s 6d.
To the Moneyers from the Master per pound weight 3s.
To the Engineer 6d.
To the Smith 1d per pound weight.
Salaries in the Mint in the Tower
Salaries in the Mint at Edinburgh.
li | ||||
To the General | 300. | 00. | 00 | |
To the Master | 200. | 00. | 00 | |
To the Warden | 150. | |||
To the Counter warden | 60 | |||
Assaymaster | 100 | |||
Engraver | 50 | |||
× Clerk to the Bullion × | 50 | |||
Smith | 30 | |||
Queens Clerk | 40 | |||
Masters Clerk | 40 | |||
Wardens Clerk | 40 | |||
Counterwardens Clerk | 40 |
For coinage of silver
Vpon the pound weight Scottish 20d {scot} which answers 19d + per pound weight english
From the Master to the Engineer upon the Stone weight Scottish 2d Scottish.
For the coinage of Gold
To the Master upon the pound weight scottish
And the said John Montgomerie doth further covenant & agree to & with her said Majesty that whenever her Majesty by her signe manual shall authorise & direct him to provide & employ Moneyers for carrying on the coinage in the said Mint at Edinburgh he will procure & imply as Moneyers two or more workmen skilled & exercised in the operations of milling, cutting, sizing nealing blanching edging & stamping the moneys of gold & silver & pay them for their work after such rates as her Majesty shall appoint not exceeding 9d by the pound weight Troy of all the silver money & 3s 2d by the pound weight Troy of all the gold moneys which shall be coyn by them. And her Majesty doth hereby appoints & ordeins that the said moneyers so to be imployed shall enjoy the same privileges & be subject to all the same rules orders & penalties as the Moneyers in her Majestys Mint in the Tower of London respectively.
<203r>And her Majesties further ordeins that whenever the right honourable the Lords commissioners of her Majesties Treasury or Lord high Treasurer for the time being shall give a direction for the carrying on the coynage in the said Mint by moneyers the said John Montgomery shall provide two or more persons skilled in the art of coinage to be imployed as moneyers for performing the Coinage in the said Mint at Edinburgh & to take apprentices & be under all the same rules & directions in the said Mint at Edinburgh as the moneyers in her Majesties mint in the Tower are subject unto, & that the said John Montgomery out of the allowance made to him by her Majesty for coinage shall pay unto the said Moneyers for coynage such price by the pound weight as her Majesty shall appoint.
<203v>A Schedule or Table of the Fees 7amp; Salaries of the Officers of her Majesties Mint at Edinburgh.