Regarding recent legislation making certain foreign coins current in Ireland, a new proclamation with provision for worn coins is requested, the original proclamation having been destroyed in a fire at the Council chambers
Councill Chamber in Dublin
Castle 7th. Iune 1712.
My Lord
Her Mats: Order in Councill directing severall Foreigne gold Coynes to be made Current in this Kingdome, having bin transmitted to Vs, Wee did, in Order to put her Mats: Commands in Execution, consider the Proclamation Issued in Iune 1701. for making Forreigne Coyne Current in this Kingdome, which directed allowances to be made for any deficiency in any piece of gold or silver Coyne then made Current: But taking notice that in her Mats. Said Order there are not any directions for making such allowances, Wee would not take upon Vs to make any addition to the directions given by her Matie: without the signification of her Pleasure therein, and therefore Wee have thought fit to transmit to your Grace her Mats. Said Order, as alsoe the said late Proclamation, that you may please to lay the same before her Maty: for her further consideration.
Wee take this opportunity of acquainting Your Grace that in the late Fire which happen'd at the Councill Chamber, the Originall [1] Proclamation which passed under the Great Seale for making Forreigne Coynes that passed in payment here Current, was destroyed, soe that the Clerke of the Councill cannot Certifie that the printed Proclamation agrees verbatim with the Originall under the Great Seal, as the late Act of Parliamt. which passed in 1709. requires, for the conviction of persons who shall counterfeit, the Coyne made Current by Proclamation, And \therefore/ it being necessary to renew the said former Proclamation, Wee humbly pray your Grace to lay this whole matter before her Maty: that Wee may have her Mats: Orders (if she shall be soe graciously pleased) to insert all {illeg}|i|n one new Proclamation, with directions to make the proper allowances for deficiency in weig{illeg}|h|t as in the said former Proclamation is mentioned, which We Neverthelesse most humbly submit to your Graces Consideration and Remaine
My Lord
Your Graces most humble
Con Shipps Canc | |||
Io Tu{illeg}|a|m | |||
Abercorn | W Kildare | Tho: Killatoe | |
Cha: Feilding | P Savage | Rich Cox | Ros: Buckford |
Pierce Butler | |||
Sam: Dopping: | Tho: Keightley | ||
Cha: Derring |
[1] Duke of Ormond