Another clerical copy of MINT00543 (Mint 19/2/508)
Anne R.
Whereas Whereas Our Commons in Parliament assembled did on the First Instant Resolve that for encourageing the bringing wrought Plate into Our Mint to \be/ coined there should be allowed to such Persons as should so bring the same after the rate of Five Shillings and five pence ꝑ ounce for the Old Standard, and Five Shillings and Eight Pence ꝑ Ounce for the New Standard for all Plate on which the Mark of the Goldsmiths Company of London or any other City is set and for uncertain Plate not so marked (being reduced to Standard) after the rate of Five Shillings and Six pence ꝑ Ounce. And Whereas our said Commons by their Address of the fifth Instant have besought Vs to give direction to the Officers of our Mint to receive in all such wrought Plate as should be so brought to them and to give Receip{ts} to such Persons as should bring the same for the amount thereof at the several rates and Prices aforesaid, and that the same may be immediately Coined into Shillings & Six Pences Our Will & Pleasure is and Wee do hereby Authorize and Command That You the Warden Master & Worker and Comptroller of Our Mint in the Tower of London Do take and receive from all Persons & Bodies Politick or Corporate all such Wrought Plate as they or any of them shall bring to our said Mint of the Kinds & Standards above mentioned And that you do give such Receipts for the same respectively as are desired by the said Address of our Commons and forthwith cause the same to be melted down and Essayed And That you the Master & Worker of our said Mint do immediately Coine the same into Shillings and Six pences and pay the Monys produced into the Receipt of Our Exchequer and take Tallys for your Discharge And for so doing this shall be \to/ you and all others herein concerned a sufficient Warrant Given at our Court at St. Iames's this tenth day of May 1711 In the Tenth Year of our Reign
To the Warden Master & Worker
and Comptroller of Our Mint now
& for the Time being
By her Majts. Command
I Pagett
T. Mansell