In view of the non-acceptability of Mint receipts post-14 May for the public loan [see MINT00548 (Mint 19/2/543)], what provision is to be made for the vendors?
To the Rt Honble the Earl of Oxford & Earl Mortimer Lord High Treasurer of great Britain
May it please yor Lordp
In the new Act for raising a fund of two Millions, after a recital of the resolutions of the House of Commons for encouraging the bringing plate to the Mint & adressing her Maty to direct the officers of the Mint to receive the same & of her Majts directions thereupon |& of the further Resolution of the Commons that the Receipts thereof should be accepted upon any Loans||or contributions upon any funds to be demanded this last sessions| & of the receipt of plate at the Mint to be {M}{the} melting|ed| down essayed & coined\in pursuance thereof her Mats Warrant/: it is enacted that all the Receipts {of} given for Plate before the 15 brought into the Mint before the in pursuance of her Majts said Warrant before the 15th day of May be accepted {by} upon the said fund \of two millions/ {o}|b|y the Receivers of thereof\if tendred before ye 25th day of Iune/; but nothing is enacted concerning the Receipt acceptance of the Receipts given for Plate imported afterwards. What is to be Your\Whereupon I humbly {illeg}/ |yor| Lordps direction about this matter And what is to be done thereupon is most humbly submitted to yor Lordps great Wisdome
Is. Newton
<552v>Importers of the said Plate to pay to them respectively – – – – th{en} the same shall be repaid to him or them Out of her Majesties Civil list; money in December or Ianuary\{be} of {half}/ next, if the or so much thereof as shall enable \him or/ them to balance their accts\make eaven/ his {ac} their accounts if the Parliament shall not have provided for the same before Xmas next.
Coincident Received ounces sta. of {illeg} Silver melted out of of oz of played of ye old standard & making in new moneys
Paid into ye Excheqr by vertue of } her Majts warrant of May 10 Paid to the Importers of \the/ plate the produce of the {new} moneys coined out of their Plate imported before after
The Plate {was} There were ounces of Plate of ye old standard ounces of Plate of ye new standard & & ounces of plate of uncertain stađ imported between the 1{5}|4|th of May & 20th of Iun{i}{c}e \inclusively/ all wch made ounces standar & being coined into new moneys produced li s d. And the Receipts given out for the same after at the rates voted by the Hosue of Commons amounted unto & the difference between this summ {{illeg}|&|} the moneys produced being was paid to the Importers by the Master & Wr of the Mint, \partly/ out of the moneys reserved in his hands by Act of Parliamt for defraying the charges of melting refining & coining the plate imported on the 11 12 & 14th of May, & partly out of other moneys advanced by him.