In view of the non-acceptability of Mint receipts post-14 May for the public loan [see MINT00548 (Mint 19/2/543)], what provision is to be made for the vendors?
To the Right Honourable the Earl of Oxford & Earl Mortimer Lord High Treasurer of great Britain
May it please your Lordship
In the new Act for raising a fund of two Millions, after a recital of the resolutions of the House of Commons for encouraging the bringing plate to the Mint & adressing her Majesty to direct the officers of the Mint to receive the same & of her Majestys directions thereupon & of the further Resolution of the Commons that the Receipts thereof should be accepted upon any Loansor contributions upon any funds to be demanded this last sessions & of the receipt of plate at the Mint to be melted down essayed & coinedin pursuance of her Majestys Warrant: it is enacted that all the Receipts given for Plate brought into the Mint in pursuance of her Majestys said Warrant before the 15th day of May be accepted upon the said fund of two millions by the Receivers thereofif tendred before the 25th day of Iune; but nothing is enacted concerning the acceptance of the Receipts given for Plate imported afterwards. And what is to be done thereupon is most humbly submitted to your Lordships great Wisdome
Is. Newton
<552v>Importers of the said Plate to pay to them respectively – – – – the same shall be repaid to him or them Out of her Majesties Civil list; money next, or so much thereof as shall enable him or them to make eaven their accounts if the Parliament shall not have provided for the same before Xmas next.
Received ounces standard of Silver melted out of oz of played of the old standard & making in new moneys
Paid into the Exchequer by vertue of } her Majestys warrant Paid to the Importers of the plate the produce of the moneys coined out of their Plate imported after
Received ounces of silver Plate which made ounces of standard silver & being coined produced in new moneys The Receipts give out at the rates voted by Parliament amounted unto The excess is |
} | li | s | d |
There were ounces of Plate of the old standard ounces of Plate of the new standard & ounces of plate of uncertain stadard imported between the 14th of May & 20th of Iun{i}{c}e inclusively all which made ounces standar & being coined into new moneys produced li s d. And the Receipts given out for the same at the rates voted by the Hosue of Commons amounted unto & the difference between this summ {&} the moneys produced being was paid to the Importers by the Master & Worker of the Mint, partly out of the moneys reserved in his hands by Act of Parliament for defraying the charges of melting refining & coining the plate imported on the 11 12 & 14th of May, & partly out of moneys advanced by him.