'Particular of the charges of repairing and fitting up the Irish Mint for a coynage of Copper'
Particular of the charges of repairing and fitting up the Irish Mint for a coynage of Copper.
The charges of making the furnaces are to be computed by the founder himself who carryes these papers.
NB. our carpenter has made a Mould and screws for a pattern, which is very neat, and better then any we had before, and demands for is 15{s} a pie{illeg}|c|e.
There will be mason's work requisite in the melting house{s} when the pipes are laid, and for paving part {by}|of| the said melting house which I compute at about . . . . . . . . . . . . . £7. –. –
The Moneys {illeg}|h|ave formerly given you an Account of Tools and Engins necessary, as mills, cutters, rowlers, cul{illeg}|a|nders, flatting tools, & presses.