
Particular of the charges of repairing and fitting up the Irish Mint for a coynage of Copper.

The Carpenters Estimate for work to be done about the
over the Blanching rooms or nealing furnace. £ 21.8
Ditto for work to be done in the inside of said rooms } 19.17.
Ditto for worke to be done about the roof of the stables } 19.10.
The Bricklayer;s Estimate for Tyling over the Blanching rooms & nealing furnaces } 34.– –
Ditto for work over the stables 16.– –
Glasing work 20. – –
Plasterer about 5. – –
Mason's Work in the Blanching rooms & furnaces. 10.– –

The charges of making the furnaces are to be computed by the founder himself who carryes these papers.

NB. our carpenter has made a Mould and screws for a pattern, which is very neat, and better then any we had before, and demands for is 15{s} a piece.

There will be mason's work requisite in the melting house when the pipes are laid, and for paving part of the said melting house which I compute at about £7. –. –

The Moneys have formerly given you an Account of Tools and Engins necessary, as mills, cutters, rowlers, culanders, flatting tools, & presses.

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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